Friday, September 28, 2012

September Update on Real Estate | Sam's Real Estate Club

Not only are the hedge funds buying CA real estate, but also the foreign investors, particularly, the Chinese, are gobbling up all the SRFs they can get their hands on. Money is no object and neither is the negative cash flow. It appears they know something we don't or is it possible they are making a mistake? Or, could this be another scheme to make billions of dollars at the expense of the middle class by manipulating the market, much like what happened in 2008?


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How "Sleepwalk With Me" used social media, public radio to become an Indie hit

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How to Deal with Anxiety as a Senior - Assisted Living Today

Although some cases of anxiety are classified as abnormal regardless of age, much of the anxiety that seniors commonly feel is a natural response to life transitions and stems from legitimate concerns. In a personal interview, retired psychologist Dr. Ron Masa, now a senior himself, offered his views on common causes of anxiety in seniors and ways to deal with them based on his own experience and his decades of working with clients. Some anxieties, says Dr. Masa, can serve an adaptive function by promoting constructive action. This article examines three common sources of anxiety among seniors and offers suggestions for addressing these concerns.

Changes in Physical Functioning

Seniors often experience anxiety due to physical changes such as reduced strength and mobility. They may worry about losing their independence and becoming a burden to others. Fortunately, modern technology provides numerous mobility aids that allow seniors to empower themselves physically regardless of budget. These tools include implements for reaching and grabbing as well as graspable handles that attach to car doors, bathtubs and showers. Seniors can also find raised toilet seats and a variety of canes, crutches, walkers and mobility scooters.

In addition, physical exercise boosts physical and mental health at any age. Nowadays many physical-exercise options exist for all fitness and mobility levels. Several fitness companies produce chair-exercise and even bed-exercise videos that seniors can use at home. Many communities also provide gentle senior yoga classes. Some physical-therapy establishments even offer sessions on anti-gravity treadmills that allow people whose legs cannot usually support them to walk normally and regain muscular strength.

Questions Regarding Life Purpose

After they retire or their children leave home, seniors often find it stressful to readapt after many years of focusing primarily on caring and providing for others. Sometimes they experience loneliness and struggle to find a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. Later life, says Dr. Masa, is an ideal phase for contemplating life?s big spiritual and philosophical questions. This phase can also be a joyous period of liberation and fulfillment in which people finally have the time to explore their own interests, dreams or hobbies. The Internet abounds with social hubs and online forums where people can gather to discuss shared interests and experience a sense of community.

Seniors who wish to continue working can volunteer for causes they care about or start their own online businesses to earn extra money. Even for non-entrepreneurial seniors, many legitimate online work-from-home job opportunities exist. For example, author Connie Brentford, who has been making a living working online from home for a decade, has written a series of books that provide details on a large, diverse list of work-from-home possibilities.

Facing Death

Death constitutes one of humankind?s biggest fears. While younger people may find it easier to ignore death, seniors must eventually face their own mortality and that of peers and loved ones. Seniors often experience anxiety as they first witness their parents and those they look up to passing on, followed eventually by friends and family in their own age group. Fear of death stems largely from fear of the unknown, says Dr. Masa. Rather than treating death as a taboo subject, seniors can reduce their anxiety by exploring the question of what happens after death.

Regardless of one?s spiritual beliefs, numerous traditional and contemporary resources, from the Bible and other ancient spiritual texts to new-age media, address the subject of death. Dr. Masa recommends ?Journey of Souls? by Dr. Michael Newton and the ?Conscious Aging? audio program by Ram Dass, a former Harvard professor turned spiritual teacher. Seniors who borrowed this recording from his office over the years found it very helpful and comforting, says Dr. Masa.


In conclusion, much of the anxiety seniors experience is natural when facing many later-life transitions. Rather than letting anxiety negatively impact their lives, seniors can benefit from channeling these feelings into constructive exploration. Seniors can also empower themselves by taking advantage of modern technology to address their changing physical needs. In addition, seniors can embrace the opportunity to focus on their own interests and make peace with life?s biggest questions.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Affordable Care Act May Help Consumers Fight Their Medical Debt ...

The Affordable Care Act contains little-known provisions that may help working families tackle overwhelming medical debts, according to a recent report from the Chicago Tribune.

The relief is certainly needed, as sources indicate that unpaid medical bills account for roughly half of all debts reported to credit agencies.

But most people, and even many medical provides, are unaware of the provision of the new health care law that expressly prohibits certain kinds of collection actions.

Health Care Law Takes Aim at Aggressive Debt Collectors

According to sources, the health care law directed the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to punish hospitals that fail to meet certain care requirements. If hospitals break these new rules, they may lose their federal tax exemptions.

Under the new rules, hospitals must provide written forms that explain their financial assistance policies, including who is eligible for free or reduced cost medical care.

In the past, such information was not widely publicized, and patients who were eligible for discounted care were often completely unaware of their potential cost savings.

In addition, hospitals must refrain from ?extraordinary collections actions? against patients before determining whether those patients are eligible for financial aid.

This phrase, ?extraordinary collections actions? has not yet been defined, but sources suggest that the language was used in order to protect low-income patients from endless harassment by collection agencies.

Unfortunately, many hospitals have not started to honor these new rules, with some hospitals going so far as to demand payments in their waiting rooms, so patients must learn their rights so they can defend themselves when it comes time to pay their medical bills.

Tips for Consumers Looking to Reduce Their Medical Bills

If you have recently received medical care, and are concerned about having a medical bill reported to a collection agency, contact your hospital?s billing department and request information about receiving financial assistance.

In addition, you are also entitled to ask whether the hospital provides counseling for patients with large medical costs. If the hospital?s employees refuse to answer these questions over the phone, send a letter to the hospital?s senior management.

And if these methods fail to solve your debt woes, remember that filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy may be a promising alternative source of medical debt relief.

In Chapter 7, consumers may be able to discharge some or all of their unsecured debts, including their medical bills, provided that they meet certain filing requirements.


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Texans take over top spot in AP's power rankings

NEW YORK (AP) ? The top of the AP Pro32 power rankings is a tough spot to hold.

The Houston Texans became the fourth team in as many weeks to sit first overall in the rankings. Fresh off an impressive victory at Denver to go 3-0 for the first time, Houston replaced San Francisco as the No. 1 team in voting Tuesday by 12 media members who regularly cover the NFL. Houston earned nine first-place votes and 380 points.

"Decisive win in Denver and big-time performance from Matt Schaub, losing part of his ear in the process," 2002 NFL MVP Rich Gannon of CBS Sports and Sirius XM radio said.

Schaub lost a small portion of his left ear lobe when his helmet cut it on a hard hit.

"I don't think we'll be hearing any more questions about Matt Schaub's toughness after the quarterback played with a severed ear lobe ..." added Alex Marvez of

San Francisco dropped to a tie for fourth with the New York Giants. Previously, Green Bay and New England also held the top spot, then lost.

The other unbeaten teams, Atlanta and Arizona, were second and sixth, respectively. The Falcons got two first-place votes and 371 points, while the Cardinals had one and 335 points.

"The Falcons are hot, in all three phases," noted former All-Pro safety John Lynch of Fox Sports. "Is anyone playing the QB position better than Matt Ryan? I don't think so."

Dan Pompei of the Chicago Tribune gave the Cardinals the nod.

"It's hard to believe they are the best in football, but they have beaten more good teams and answered more challenges than any other team," Pompei said.

Rounding out the top 10 were third-place Baltimore, seventh-ranked Green Bay, No. 8 New England, No. 9 Seattle and No. 10 Chicago.

Last for the second straight week was Cleveland, which lost at home to Buffalo and is 0-3.

"Hope they're not expecting Ray Lewis to hold a pity party for them Thursday night," quipped Ira Kaufman of the Tampa Tribune.

Of course, the Browns have a bit of an excuse, as Rick Gosselin of the Dallas Morning News pointed out:

"The Browns have the youngest starting lineup in the NFL at an average age of 24.86 years," he said.

The league's other winless team, New Orleans, fell to 27th. The Saints were ranked ninth in the preseason, but have lost twice at home after sweeping their home games last year.

"Now we know the value of a head coach and a quality defense," said Pat Kirwan of and Sirius XM. "This is starting to look like a lost season at 0-3."

Not to everyone. Bob Glauber of Newsday had the Saints 22nd.

"Season's slipping away already," Glauber said. "Not what Drew Brees had in mind as his response to Bountygate fiasco. Still enough talent to get back into it, but time might be running out."


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Monday, September 24, 2012

'Watch,' 'House,' 'Curve' land in photo finish

This film image released by Open Road Films shows Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyllenhaal in a scene from "End of Watch." (AP Photo/Open Road Films, Scott Garfield)

This film image released by Open Road Films shows Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyllenhaal in a scene from "End of Watch." (AP Photo/Open Road Films, Scott Garfield)

(AP) ? Hollywood is in photo-finish mode with three new movies bunched up tightly for the No. 1 spot during a sleepy weekend at the box office.

Studio estimates Sunday put two movies in a tie for first-place with $13 million each: Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena's police story "End of Watch" and Jennifer Lawrence's horror flick "House at the End of the Street."

And right in the same ballpark was Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams' baseball tale "Trouble with the Curve," which opened with $12.7 million.

Actual rankings will be determined Monday as studios release final numbers for the weekend.

No matter which movie comes out on top, it was another slow weekend for Hollywood, whose business has been sluggish throughout late summer. Revenues were down for the fourth-straight weekend, with all three of the top new movies opening to modest crowds.

"This was a clash of the non-titans," said Paul Dergarabedian, analyst for box-office tracker "When three films are duking it out for the top spot with only around $13 million, that doesn't represent a very strong period at the box office."

Overall domestic revenues totaled $88 million, down 25 percent from the same weekend last year, when a 3-D re-release of "The Lion King" led with $21.9 million, according to

The weekend's other new wide release, Lionsgate's sci-fi action tale "Dredd," opened well down in the rankings at No. 6 with $6.3 million. The movie features "Star Trek" co-star Karl Urban as a law enforcer and executioner in a crime-laden city of the future.

Open Road Films' "End of Watch" stars Gyllenhaal and Pena as partners patrolling the mean streets of LA. Relativity Media's "House at the End of the Street" casts "The Hunger Games" star Lawrence as a youth who moves with her mom next door to a house where bloody misdeeds took place years earlier. "Trouble with the Curve," released by Warner Bros., stars Eastwood as an aging baseball scout whose daughter (Adams) accompanies him on his latest road trip.

Studios determine weekend estimates by counting Friday and Saturday ticket sales then projecting Sunday revenues based on how similar movies have played out in the past. On rare occasions when the top movies are this close, the rankings sometimes change when Monday's final numbers are released.

That has led to grousing among competitors that some studios might be inflating their Sunday estimates to gain No. 1 bragging rights, even if only for a day.

"I took the high road myself and put down the $12.7 million we reported," said Dan Fellman, head of distribution at Warner Bros., where Eastwood has been based for decades. "I've got a major actor with a solid group of people in this movie, and I don't want to eat crow on Monday."

Other studios were tracking "End of Watch" and "House at the End of the Street" at a bit less than $13 million for the weekend, and some had "Trouble with the Curve" at No. 1 by a fraction.

"It's unbelievably close. I honestly don't remember ever seeing it this close, but we're happy that we're in the race," said Kyle Davies, head of distribution for Relativity. "We think our estimate is on target."

"We'll see tomorrow. I think today everybody projected honorably and honestly," said Tom Ortenberg, chief executive officer for Open Road Films. "I think it's fair to say that nobody's sure who's going to be No. 1."

While audiences were not too excited about the new wide releases, Lionsgate's Summit Entertainment banner had big crowds in limited release for its teen drama "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."

The film took in $244,000 in four locations for a strong average of $61,000 a theater. That compares to meager averages ranging from $3,960 to $4,762 a theater for "Trouble with the Curve," ''House at the End of the Street" and "End of Watch," which all played in about 3,000 cinemas.

"Perks" features "Harry Potter" co-star Emma Watson alongside Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller in the story of a troubled high school freshman taken in by a clique of senior misfits.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1 (tie). "End of Watch," $13 million.

1 (tie). "House at the End of the Street," $13 million ($1.5 million international).

3. "Trouble with the Curve," $12.7 million.

4. "Finding Nemo," $9.4 million ($1.3 million international).

5. "Resident Evil: Retribution," $6.7 million ($30.5 million international).

6. "Dredd," $6.3 million ($2.2 million international).

7. "The Master," $5 million.

8. "The Possession," $2.6 million ($1.5 million international).

9. "Lawless," $2.32 million ($1.5 million international).

10. "ParaNorman," $2.3 million ($3 million international).


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. "Resident Evil: Retribution," $30.5 million.

2. "Ted," $9.3 million.

3. "Masquerade," $9 million.

4. "The Bourne Legacy," $8.8 million.

5. "Brave," $5.7 million.

6. "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted," $4.6 million.

7. "Prometheus," $4.1 million.

8. "The Expendables 2," $4 million.

9. "The Dark Knight Rises," $3.8 million.

10. "ParaNorman," $3 million.




Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.

Associated Press


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iOS 6 Upgrades Versus Android - Business Insider

Google's "Jelly Bean" mascot.

Apple's iPhone 5 opening weekend sales weren't as good as analysts expected, but the stat that really stuck out to me was 100 million people upgraded their iPhones and iPads to iOS 6, the new mobile operating system that launched less than a week ago.

That means 100 million people immediately had access to Apple's latest and greatest operating system.

Now, let's compare that to Android.

According to Google's own stats, 57% of Android users are still running a version called Gingerbread, which is approaching?two years old. It was released in December 2010. Next to that, 21% of Android devices are running Ice Cream Sandwich, which was released in November 2011.

A pitiful 1.2% of Android devices are running Jelly Bean, Google's latest version of Android that was released in July.

Android continues to get better and better, but manufacturers are still plagued by upgrade delays. Part of that is because manufacturers like to customize Android, which takes time. But the biggest offenders are the carriers, which force manufacturers to put their software through a lot of testing before it approves the upgrade. That takes a lot more time.

But the cause doesn't matter. In the end, Apple is able to deliver its latest and greatest operating systems to all users on day one. Android users don't get that advantage.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Xbox 720 ? A Major Breakthrough In The Field Of Gaming Consoles -

Monday, September 24th, 2012 at 1:31 am ?

Xbox 720 is Microsoft?s latest advancement venture inside the video clip game console arena. It may get to be the successor to the latest Xbox 360. Rumors about are whirling that the Xbox 720 could possibly be officially launched on the coming E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo conference taking place on June 5, 2012. The Xbox console give off date might be published around 2013.

Microsoft?s Xbox 720 will be competing neck to neck in opposition to Nintendo plus Sony?s following age group video gaming consoles, mainly Nintendo?s Wii U as well as Sony?s Playstation 4. Nintendo recently introduced its Wii U (Wii2) back in E3 2011 for a release date in between April and also December 2012, whilst Sonys Playstation 4 will probably follow with regards to their news at E3 2012 joining Microsofts Xbox 720.

Rumours around the Xbox 720 graphics and also pics include possible built-in Natal technological innovation including complete HD stereoscopic 3D visuals. A chance incorporates incorporation using the 3D television, with 3D technology like the 3D visuals inside a 3D movie theatre. Chipmakers AMD and ATI have currently produced a GPU offer with Microsofts newest Xbox 720 advancement. The latest Xbox 360 Xeon GPU shows its match ups with older gaming applications.

Intel Larrabee or the AMD Chipset?

Supposition from your Inquirer journal in late 2008 announced that Intel is seeking to get its most current top quality GPU Larrabee chipset in to the newest next-generation Xbox 720. Solutions from Inquirer expresses that Intel has made available Microsoft a deal in substitution for getting rid of the utilization of AMD chip in its most up-to-date next-gen system. Intel will give Microsoft featuring its personal most recent top notch processor chip including styling its thermals and also enhancing the Larrabee chipset, allowing Microsoft to subcontract as it desires. Larabee Two, the latest GPU style and design will possibly generate a massive effect in the choosing issue for Microsoft.

The existing Xbox 360 is based on a PowerPC-based CPU created from IBM which has a GPU made by ATI. A attainable Intel deal would transform the landscape, with feasible hardware backwards compatibility removed as a result. Nevertheless, the best things about a Larrabee chipset regarding its CPU function provide an innovating toward throughput computing and are focused by its energy-efficient functionality abilities. Its GPU part has been evolving towards a general-purpose computing and is dedicated by better quality visuals along with data-parallel programming.

The newest Xbox 360 Slim new console currently functions a Vejle CPU/GPU combo processor. It is attainable that the brand new Xbox 720 employs a AMD Fusion chip, perhaps assessing the DX11-capable Krishna APU owing to be issued this year 2012. With AMDs revolutionary technological innovation, we could find Avatar-level pictures that involved top level CGI along with 3D Capturing costing $1 million per every second of footage. Along with possible Avatar-level graphics, it can also flaunt boosted AI and also physics functions. An in-character game might handle its own individual AI individuality.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

The New CTU Contract vs. The Old UFT Non-Contract ...


Norm at Ed Notes has a thorough treatment of what might be in the new Chicago Teachers? Union contract. Michael Fiorillo expresses gratitude to the CTU:

Can?t we at least take satisfaction and feel some gratitude in the CTU wiping some of the smugness and arrogance off the faces of these bastards, and showing that the destruction of the public schools will not be passively allowed to happen?

This was an epochal strike, one that will be seen as the opening round in the battle to reclaim public education. After decades of being slandered and knocked back on our heels, the CTU has shown that we can fight back and begin to reclaim the territory that is rightfully ours. They deserve our thanks and support.

Those of us in NYC especially need to thank the CTU. As Michael suggested, they have shown us that fighting back against the education reform juggernaut is possible. We have had the reformer boot on our necks for a decade here in the nation?s largest public school system. The Chicago strike was a gunshot in the darkness, a potential awakening to the fact that the boot is on our necks only because we have allowed it.

And ?we? means our union. As was pointed out in Norm?s post, there will surely be spin by UFT leadership as to why the strike was unnecessary, about how we have all of the things the CTU has without striking and how our salvation lies in backroom negotiations with reformer types.

So, let us put that to the test by comparing what the CTU might have gotten to what we have. Bullet points about the CTU contract all come from Norm?s link included at the start of this post.

1. They have a contract.

The first response to any Unity supporter who tries to downplay the Chicago strike is that they have a contract and we do not. They were willing to strike for their right to a contract, while the UFT has done?. what exactly?

2. *Provide A Better School Day:* The Board will hire 512 additional ?special? teachers in art, music, physical education, world languages and other classes to ensure students receive a better school day, a demand thousands of parents have called for since last year.

While in NYC, each school has either one art or one music teacher, but not both. Foreign languages are dying and hundreds of Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese and Latin teachers around the city have been excessed over the past 3-5 years. The state is working on? getting rid of the Global History regents, which will surely mean teachers of that subject will face layoffs and excessing in the near future.

3. *Ensures Job Security:*Creates a ?CPS Hiring Pool,? which demands that one-half of all of CPS hires must be displaced (laid-off) members.

A good provision that not only protects jobs, but ensures children will have more experienced teachers rather than TFA mercenaries. Meanwhile, in NYC, we have an untold number of ATRs, perfectly good teachers who are demeaned every day by making copies, locking bathrooms and doing cafeteria duty. That is not to say these jobs are demeaning, that is to say that our ATRs should be teaching. Of course, the Unity response to this is ?at least they still have jobs?. Protecting jobs is the least a union can do for its members. It makes no sense to give the UFT credit for doing the least with our union dues. They should be fighting for our conditions, quality and professionalism. The CTU restored some of that with this provision.

4. *Adds An Anti-Bullying Provision: *No more bullying by principals and managerial personnel. The new language will curtail some of the abusive practices that have run rampant in many neighborhood schools.

This is one of the biggest problems in NYC, a problem that has been allowed to persist because of a lack of a new contract. The contract by which we are forced to abide has so much grey area, grey area that has allowed principals to get away with murder, that the bullying of teachers is epidemic throughout the system. The fact that we cannot grieve letters to the file anymore, the fact that it is nearly impossible to win the grievances we do bring forward, the fact that teachers pretty much have to sue in court to overturn ?U? ratings because of the biased appeals process, the fact that Walcott has supported principals who sexually harass their staff, the fact that SCI and OSI essentially now try to substantiate every frivolous charge and the fact that the new generation of arbitrators hired for 3020a hearings were brought in to fire teachers has led to a system that bullies teachers as a matter of policy. We do not know exactly what kind of anti-bullying provisions were won by the CTU, but we do know that we have no anti-bullying provisions in NYC. When we finally do negotiate a new contract, something substantial has to be done about bullying or nothing else we get in the contract will matter.

5. *Racial Diversity:*The CTU continues to fight the District on its lay-off policies that has led to a record number of African American educators being laid off and eventually terminated by the District. The new contract will ensure that CPS recruits a racially diverse teaching force.

A high percentage of laid-off Chicago teachers have been black. This is an Arne Duncan legacy and has continued in Chicago until this day. To replace them, we get the Ivy League suburban TFA alum with no ability to communicate with inner-city students and no intention to continue to teach. That means they are not motivated to learn how to communicate with inner-city students, making them mostly crappy teachers. The same thing is happening in NYC. The black educator has been disappearing. This is not so much a race issue as it is an issue of community-building. Too many new teachers are from the suburbs and have no idea what the students in their classes face. There is an alienation between student and teacher. The CTU is trying to overcome this. The UFT, historically, has driven wedges between teachers and the communities they serve. The 1968 strike comes to mind. It is unlikely the UFT will change their tune in this regard or call for hiring practices that will bring in people from the community. It is a shortcoming woven into the fabric of the Unity caucus.

6. *Fairer Evaluation Procedures:* The new contract will limit CPS to 70% ?teacher practice,? 30% ?student growth? (or test scores)?which is the minimum by state law. It also secures in the first year of implementation of the new evaluation procedures there will be ?no harmful consequences? for tenured teachers. It also secures a new right?the right to appeal a Neutral rating.

Teacher evaluations based 30% on student test scores is the most the CTU could have gotten thanks to Illinois law. In New York, we have at least 20% and most likely it will go up to 40%. It is the only 40% that matters since we are rated ?inefficient? overall if we fail that 40%. This is what our union negotiated for us and told us it was such a great thing. Not only did they not resist any parts of these provisions, but defended them to us. The fact that two inefficient ratings in a row leads to 3020s hearings effectively ends tenure for NY teachers. In Chicago, they have at least secured some sort of guarantee for tenured teachers., as well as a right to appeal that seems more fair than in NY. Remember, in NYC, only 13% of teachers will have the right to appeal a bad rating. The UFT tells us this is preferable to what goes on now where no teachers ever gets a ?U? overturned. Unfortunately, it was the UFT who allowed it to get that way in the first place.

7. *Reimbursement for School Supplies:*The contract will require the District to reimburse educators for the purchase of school supplies up to $250.

Hmmmm, I am no mathematician, but $250 seems more than the NOTHING NYC teachers get now.

8. *Reduced Paperwork:*The new contract ensures the new paperwork requirements are balanced against reduction of previous requirements.

Paperwork sorely cuts into teacher time. We know that the vast majority of paperwork we get is useless. While this is a problem in all schools, the fact that the CTU tackled this issue at all is a small victory for our professionalism and respect for our important duties. By the way NYC teachers, have you filled out your Circular 6 assignments yet?

Notice that most of the things in the new CTU contract have to do with learning and teaching conditions. This should put to rest all of the dumb talk about going on strike for ?more money? and ?limousine benefits?. Much of what is listed above goes to the heart of what it means to be a teacher in the age of education reform,

As for our union in NYC, they cannot pretend that the contract we currently do not have is better than what the CTU received after a strike. While this is not a perfect contact (none of them are), its provisions certainly beat most of the contract we are forced to work under. Is the corporate unionism of the UFT better for students and teachers than the social justice unionism of the CTU? Look at the contracts and decide for yourself.



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T-Shirts for Dogs Showcase Your Pet's Personality | Kissed By Dogs ...

Article by Chris Robertson

T-Shirts for Dogs Showcase Your Pet?s Personality ? Family ? Pets

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Fido and Rover move over ? make way for Max and Rocky, which topped the list as the most popular dog names chosen by dog owners in New York City. According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Health, Princess, Lucky, Lady, Buddy, Daisy, Ginger, Buster, and Sandy rounded out the top-ten list. It?s certain that Max, Ginger, and their pals will be well taken care of and pampered. Americans spend $ 34 billion each year on their pets, and the pet business is seeing an annual growth rate of six percent a year. Increasingly, pet owners are indulging their dogs as they would their children. From doggy day care to birthday ?pawtys,? from fancy dog collars to T-shirts for dogs, man?s (and woman?s) best friend is reaping the rewards of his or her loyalty and unconditional love. This season, bling is the thing for uptown dogs. Crystal dog accessories, such as hair clips, dog necklaces, fancy dog collars and leashes, come in a variety of colors and styles. And anything pink gets a bark of approval from the top dog in the house. Pink dog clothes, pink dog accessories, pink bedding, pink fancy dog collars, and pink T-shirts for dogs keep puppies panting with enthusiasm.While dog clothes and dog sweaters are still popular, T-shirts for dogs are all the rage. Not only do dog T-shirts keep pooches comfortable in a wide range of temperatures, but T-shirts for dogs make a fashion statement for both the pet and his or her owner. Dogs whose tastes run to designer duds can sport T-shirts for dogs that say, ?Canine Kline,? ?Tommy Dog,? and ?Liz Claibone.? Urban dogs may go for dog T-shirts that proclaim, ?Badda-Bing,? while preppie dogs stick with the classic polo, of course! T-shirts for dogs that want to show off their sporty side include those that say, ?Air Dog,? and have that telltale (or ?tell-tail?) swoosh, ?Mighty Dog Gym,? and ?Bark Beach.?Dog T-shirts and dog sweaters can help keep a pet warm during the cool fall and cold winter weather. But dressing a dog warmly is only one element to keeping this member of the family safe. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offers these tips for cold weather:* Make sure to keep a dog leashed when in snow or ice, as he can lose his scent and become lost. * Wipe down a dog?s paws, legs, and torso after coming in from the snow. Otherwise, he can lick himself and ingest salt or antifreeze. * Keep a dog?s coat long during winter months.* If a dog is a shorthaired breed, have him wear a dog sweater when going for a walk.* If a dog is particularly active during the winter, feed him extra protein to keep his energy up.* Be sure to provide a dog with a warm bed and blanket, and keep him away from drafts.

About the Author

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.Visit this Pets and Supplies Website and Majon?s Pets and Supplies directory.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Chris Robertson

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

WSJ gets early, slightly uncomfortable look at Google's Project Glass

WSJ gets early, slightly uncomfortable look at Google's Project Glass

It's about time someone got the chance to test-drive Google's $1,500 smart-glasses independently, without any rose-colored lenses getting in the way. The Wall Street Journal's Spencer E. Ante just became that lucky person -- he played with prototype specs for 10 minutes and described them as a "wearable smartphone" that weighs just "a few ounces" and is smoothly controlled by voice commands. Saying "OK, Glass" brought up a menu in front of his right eye that made it "easy" to record stills or video, although unfortunately the device wasn't quite ready to show off any phone, messaging or navigation functions.

Overall, Ante acknowledged the "long-term potential" of Project Glass, but in its current form he found the HUD to be "disorienting" and "uncomfortable" -- partly because he instinctively kept closing his left eye to make it all work. Clearly Google still has some work to do if the device is to make a better first impression, but no doubt there's also room for acclimatization on the wearer's part. If the military can get along with this type of eyewear, then hopefully so can everyone else.

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WSJ gets early, slightly uncomfortable look at Google's Project Glass originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 03:55:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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cheap electricity in Queensland - How to Acquire Cheap Electricity ...

cheap electricity in Queensland - How to Acquire Cheap Electricity in Queensland
by Ramon Allen
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Different countries around the world are experiencing economic crisis. This results to prices in different fields from telephone, food, services, electricity, and water to increase dramatically. If you are smart, then you need to address this issue with great care. You need to make critical planning and thinking if you want to keep your lifestyle as it is. With regard to this, there are things that you can do to save money in energy bills. One thing that you need to do is to find products and services available around your residence. You can start by trading your old appliances for a better energy saving device. You might also want to make use of an energy filtration device called the Savaplug which helps to cut down electrical bills by making refrigerators run smoothly and effectively. You might even consider making use of a solar powered charging device for your phones. This might cost a lot but purchasing these helpful devices now can help you save money in the long run. If you have done anything and everything to lessen your energy consumption but it still doesn't seem to have an effect, then maybe the problem isn't with you or how you use your electricity. You need to check your energy supplier if they are experiencing system malfunction that could be the cause of your bills getting so high. If not, then you need to find a better provider unless you want to keep on paying for those preposterously high bills. Acquire cheap electricity in Queensland by finding the right provider.

There are numerous providers in the area that you can go to. Don't get too excited in signing up with the first provider you encounter. Some companies would lure you into signing up with them by showing you all the incentives but none of the drawbacks. You need to be keen when choosing your supplier if you don't want to experience the same fate as before. Before you make a decision, you need to do some research on the company you want to sign up with. It's better to be safe than sorry so make sure that you pick the right one.

In order to get cheaper electricity in Queensland, one thing that you need to do is to find products and services that can help lower down your expenses. Find power saving devices for your house. It might seem costly at first but it can certainly help you save tons of cash in the long run. Choosing the right provider can also help.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

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Mine Safety Accident Reduction Program/Post Accident Remedies

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Natural Cancer Cures

Dennis Chapman has put together a report full of information for anyone facing the terrifying diagnosis of breast cancer. There are successful alternatives to the ?traditional? medical remedies. Not everyone needs to have surgery or chemo therapy or radiation therapy. In his educated opinion, Dennis Chapman says ?no one needs to feel hopeless or helpless when faced with a cancer diagnosis.?
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Submitted By: denniskyote
Tags: Non-toxic Healing Of Cancer Natural Cancer-Free Remedies Natural Cancer Treatments The Truth About Cancer Alternative Cancer Treatment Proven Natural Cancer Therapies Cancer Breakthrough USA Turn Around Even Hopeless Cancer Holistic Cancer Solutions Cance
Categories: People & Stories Science & Tech


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Mars rover snaps high-resolution photos of itself

In a test of the powerful camera mounted at the end of its robotic arm, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover snapped some photos of its own wheels and underbelly.

By Tariq Malik,? / September 10, 2012

This view of the three left wheels of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines two images that were taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the 34th Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity's work on Mars (Sept. 9, 2012). In the distance is the lower slope of Mount Sharp.

CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems

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NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is doing a bit of mechanical navel-gazing on the Red Planet, snapping ultra-clear pictures of itself while testing a powerful camera at the tip of its robotic arm.

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The stunning new Mars photos by Curiosity show detailed views of its wheels and underbelly, a self-portrait of the robot's head-like camera mast and even a snapshot of an odd bit of Americana ? a 1909 Lincoln penny used for calibration ? that hitched a ride to the Red Planet with the rover.

The Curiosity rover took the photos over the weekend using its Mars Hand Lens Imager, or MAHLI, which is a focusable color camera attached to an instrument turret at the end of Curiosity's 7-foot (2.1?meter) robotic arm. MAHLI snapped its first photo of the Martian surface without a protective dust cover on Saturday (Sept. 8), and then began taking clear pictures of Curiosity itself a day later.

In one photo, the camera takes a clear look at Curiosity's three left wheels in a view that is framed by the rover's belly above. Curiosity's ultimate destination, the 3-mile-high (5-kilometer) Mount Sharp that rises from the center of the rover's Gale Crater landing site, can be seen in the distance. [11 Amazing Things Curiosity Can Do]

Another snapshot, taken on Friday (Sept. 7), captures a dusty view of Curiosity's camera mast. The photo appears hazy not because of a dust storm, but because the dust cover on MAHLI was closed at the time.

The MAHLI device is designed to serve as a microscope-like magnifying camera for close-up studies of rock targets, and it has a resolution of about one 1,000th of an inch (14 microns) when held within an inch of its target. By changing the MAHLI camera's focus and its position (by moving Curiosity's arm), rover mission scientists expect to be able to take time-lapse views of Mars and examine rover hardware while on the Martian surface.

"The main purpose of Curiosity's MAHLI camera is to acquire close-up, high-resolution views of rocks and soil at the rover's Gale Crater field site," NASA officials wrote in one image description. "The camera is capable of focusing on any target at distances of about 0.8 inch (2.1 centimeters) to infinity, providing versatility for other uses, such as views of the rover itself from different angles."

Veteran space camera builder Malin Space Science Systems of San Diego, Calif., built the MAHLI camera on Curiosity for NASA. The camera snaps photos using a red-blue-green filter, much like commercial digital cameras on Earth, and stores them in an 8-gigabyte flash memory for transmission to Earth. The camera relies on a charged-coupled device (CCD) image detector that uses a 1,600 by 1,200 array of active pixels, according to a NASA description.

The MAHLI camera is one of 17 imagers on the Mars rover Curiosity designed to study the Red Planet in unprecedented detail, as well as provide vital views for navigation and hazard avoidance. The MAHLI camera and other instruments at the end of Curiosity's robotic arm are currently being put through a series of tests to make sure they are ready to begin up-close studies of Mars, mission managers have said.

The $2.5 billion Curiosity rover landed on Mars on Aug. 5 and is expected to spend the next two years exploring Gale Crater to determine if the region could have once supported microbial life.

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter?@tariqjmalik?and? on Twitter?@Spacedotcom. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.?

Copyright 2012, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, September 10, 2012

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