Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Facebook shares fall as lock-up period expires

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Recipe | Pumpkin Spice Pancakes + ... - Our Family Tree Blog

Wow, the pictures from my iphone don?t do these pancakes justice! Ever since working towards non-processed foods in this house ? I began tackling breakfast first. In our house, we are often out of here by 7:45am so we need something that is quick and easy (hello, if that doesn?t say highly processed right there). I experimented over the summer with various waffle, pancake, granola recipes. I stumbled on a favorite filling pancake perfect for the fall season. (It will likely last way into Spring as well). On the weekends I will usually whip up a double batch, flash freeze on parchment paper for about 30 min and stack in a glass freezer safe container with some wax paper in between each pancake.

Recipe for Joy The Baker?s Pumpkin Spice Pancakes Here. I omitted the ginger and cloves. To the final mix I added about 1/4-1/3 cup dark chocolate chunks (found at Whole Foods). These do get very thick as you can see by the picture. So a lot goes a long way on the plate. One can of pumpkin equals about 2 cups so I pack the rest of the can by 1/2 cup and freeze.

Homemade whipped cream:
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 tsp vanilla
2 tsp confectioners sugar
whip on med-high until done.


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Long-oppressed Kurds get taste of freedom

Danny Gold

A new member of the Kurds' Popular Protection Units (YPG) stands in front of a crowd waving Kurdish flags in Qamishli, Syria. The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a homeland, totaling more than 30 million people.

By Danny Gold

DERIK, Syria -- From the roof of the new home he is building on the outskirts of the Kurdish controlled city of Derik in northeast Syria, Bashir Said Mohammad can count a dozen or so other structures in different stages of completion. "All this building has happened after the revolution," he says. "Before we were not able to build. You would go to the regime and they would say no, because we are in the Kurdish areas."

In the Kurdish areas of Syria, known as Rojava, people have wasted little time seizing on the opportunities a tentative retreat by President Bashar Assad's government forces three months ago has afforded them. But while a burgeoning civil society independent of Assad's regime continues to grow, the Kurds are desperately trying to avoid the devastating violence that has battered cities like Aleppo and Homs.

The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a homeland, totaling more than 30 million people. Spread out between parts of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey, they have been subjected to decades of oppression aimed at erasing their cultural identity in all four regions. Kurds make up around 10 percent of the population in Syria, totaling about 2 million, but have been treated as second-class citizens for generations.

In July, Assad forces made a hasty retreat from a number of Kurdish cities and towns in northeastern Syria. Despite a few skirmishes, the situation has remained relatively peaceful.

Though prices have risen, Derik's cafes are still full and people linger in the streets with little fear. Kurdish flags now fly from shops and houses, Kurdish police forces known as Asayish patrol the streets and community organizations known as People's Houses, "mala gels" in Kurdish, have been set up to solve disputes and act as de facto government institutions.

The Kurdish language, which as little as two years ago was forbidden, is now taught in state schools. Delkesh Resol, a 22-year-old former door-to-door salesman, was preparing one recent Sunday morning to teach a Kurdish language lesson to high school students despite a warning from the regime that language classes were to have stopped the previous Thursday.

'Studying in secret'
His act of defiance, which prior to the revolution would have led to a prison sentence and possible torture, did not concern him. "I'm not worried, there is no fear when you're doing something from your heart," Resol said. "Before this we knew there would come a day when we could do this (teach Kurdish in the schools), so we were studying in secret. If we need to teach Kurdish in the streets, we will."

Danny Gold

High school students in a classroom in Derik, Syria, listen to a teacher giving Kurdish lessons. Teaching the Kurdish language was previously forbidden.

The mala gel in Derik is made up of 40 members, and resolves disputes on everything from agriculture to the distribution of donations received from Kurds in Iraq. There is even a member who specializes in divorces. Additional "houses," such as the Women's House and the Youth House, handle more specialized disputes.

Despite Resol's confidence, it is still necessary to be wary of Assad Mukhabarat, or secret police, in Derik. Though the city is described as liberated, plainclothes intelligence officers still lurk the streets. Just exactly who is in power, and how much power they have, is vague.

The lack of heavy conflict and continued presence of Assad men in some of the cities have led to accusations that the Kurdish leadership arranged a secret deal with the regime, where they were allowed to take over certain areas in exchange for not forcing a third front. Others have argued that the Kurds are simply acting practically.

"The regime has not subjected the Kurdish regions to the same level of violence that it has directed against other parts of Syria,"?said Thomas McGee, a researcher on Syrian Kurds at Britain's University of Exeter, who spent two years living in the region and was there for the first eight months of the revolution.?"Kurds have not gone out of their way to bring this upon themselves, learning from the regime's brutal reaction to the 2004 Kurdish uprising." ?In 2004, Kurdish protests that began at a soccer game led to an assault by regime forces that ended with over 30 Kurdish citizens killed.

"The fact that neither the regime nor Kurds en masse have actively declared war on the other need not mean that there is collusion. Each side has their interests and is pursuing this," McGee added. "Kurds, for their part seek stability and wish to avoid escalation."

NBC News

People resisting the army of President Bashar al-Assad in northern Syria cope with loss and prepare for fighting.

Both sides in the Kurdish areas walk a tenuous line, in some areas existing side-by-side while trying to avoid direct conflict that seems inevitable. Regime buildings are still occupied by officials, but the people inside are said to be powerless. In Derik -- which is 90 percent Kurdish -- the mala gel is housed in a building formerly used by a youth committee of Assad's ruling Baath party. It is now adorned with photos of Syrian Kurdish martyrs and Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) who is jailed in Turkey. According to the State Department, "PKK terrorist activity has been responsible for the deaths of more than 30,000 Turkish citizens."

It is also next door to a local headquarters for the Baath party, where spray-painted photos of Assad family members dot the perimeter walls. In other parts of the city, these images have been defaced, as have representations of the Syrian flag.

The small city of Girke Lege, another liberated Kurdish area, lies adjacent to the oil city of Rmeilan, which is heavily fortified with Assad troops. A large Kurdish flag welcomes visitors to the city, but after a ten-minute drive down the road, an Assad flag waves above a fortress-like encampment.

'It feels like a new place'
Kana Berakat, 43, a member of the People's House in Girke Lege, recalls the two times he was imprisoned for Kurdish rights activism. At Aleppo University in 1990, he tried to organize a Newroz celebration and spent 70 days in jail. In 2009, he spent a week in jail after attending a Kurdish rights demonstration. That time, Berakat was arrested because he did not have identification papers. Berakat is one of hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria who had their citizenship removed in 1962 and are currently stateless.

"It feels like a new place. Before when I went shopping to get tomatoes, I was very afraid," he said. "I thought the regime would take me. Now I walk around not worried, like I am a free man, but I am worried for the future."

One street in Aleppo: Life goes on as death lurks around every corner

Berakat, though enjoying his newfound freedom, is concerned that as the regime continues to falter, it may one day grow desperate and unleash the troops next door. By then, though, he hopes the Kurdish militia will be strong enough to defend the Kurdish people.

Danny Gold

Bashir Said Mohammad surveys construction on a new home he began building in Derik, Syria, after the revolution started. He had been previously been denied permission because he is a Kurd.

The Kurds' Popular Protection Units (YPG)?patrol the borders and act as a deterrent to both Assad forces and the rebel Free Syrian Army. Established by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the most powerful Syrian Kurdish political group, the YPG is now distancing itself and trying to be seen as the universal defenders of the Syrian Kurds instead of the party's military wing.

Videos of YPG forces training have shown a noticeable lack of heavily artillery, but the troop numbers are said to be growing every day. The formation of a fourth brigade was just announced.

More Syria coverage from NBC News

The YPG has not hesitated to attack the regime if provoked, and has sought to prevent both the FSA and the regime from entering Kurdish neighborhoods in more contested areas like Kobane and Efrin. After a Kurdish neighborhood in Aleppo was bombed in late July resulting in the death of 21 civilians, YPG forces killed three regime soldiers and captured a number of others.

Machine guns operated by motorcycle brakes? Get a glimpse at the rebels fighting against Assad's forces in Syria's mountainous Jabal al-Zawiya area.

Last week, Assad's forces bombed a Kurdish area in Aleppo. The FSA and the YPG also clashed, reportedly leaving about 20 fighters dead.

At a recent demonstration in the city of Qamishli, 50 or so new recruits lined up for military exercises. They stood silently, faces covered in scarves as to obscure their identities and surrounded by a crowd of thousands chanting slogans of support. Old women clad in hijabs and young girls in Western-style clothing waved flags, singing and dancing to songs of Kurdish freedom.

The demonstration came a few days after a car bomb exploded outside an Assad base in the city, killing four soldiers. The bombing was later claimed by Jabhat Al-Nusra, a shadowy jihadist organization with ties to al-Qaida that is fighting against the regime. The night before had seen a gunbattle at the airport between the FSA and the regime. These incidents heightened fears that the war was encroaching into Kurdish territory.


A look back at the violence that has overtaken the country

Some Kurds believe the FSA means to lure the Kurds further into the conflict, forcing Assad to open up another front and possibly using the Kurdish issue to persuade Turkey to further involve itself. Others think that the regime will grow weary of the Kurdish push for more rights and eventual autonomy, and look to reassert control.

Turkey has leveled accusations that the PYD is simply a front for the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK), which has been engaged in a guerrilla war against the Turkish government for 30 years. Turkey has threatened to invade the Kurdish areas to root them out. PYD categorically denies that it is simply a front for the PKK, saying that they share ideology but do not take orders.

NYT: Syria rivals in deadly game of cat-and-mouse

Saleh Muslim Mohammed, the leader of the PYD,?also expressed fear of the Islamist brigades and extremists said to be fighting alongside the FSA.

For now, the Kurds appear intent on staving off escalating conflict while attempting to build up enough strength to protect their newfound rights and eventually obtain a level of freedom that has eluded them in Syria.

"Violence is the last choice, but if anything happens here the YPG will answer," said Mohammed Saeed, a PYD official in Derik. "Every family here has weapons. All the Kurdish, not only the YPG, will defend themselves. Without Kurdish rights, there will be no stability."

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Police: Gene Hackman slaps homeless man in NM

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) ? Police in New Mexico say Gene Hackman was acting in self-defense when he slapped a homeless man who had become aggressive toward the Oscar-winning actor and his wife.

The Albuquerque Journal ( ) reports that the incident occurred Tuesday afternoon in downtown Santa Fe.

Police didn't immediately provide any additional details. A message seeking comment was left for Hackman's publicists at Guttman Associates in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Hackman and his wife have a home in Santa Fe.

The 82-year-old actor has won two Academy Awards and been nominated for three others over a career that has spanned five decades.

Hackman took the Best Actor trophy for his portrayal of Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle in "The French Connection" in 1971, and the Best Supporting Actor award for "Unforgiven" in 1992.


Information from: Albuquerque Journal,


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Snoring Remedies |

Today Snoring is a common problem of the western countries. Due to this disease people are feeling shame in presence of others. You can Snurken stoppen with the help of easy exercise.
After the working period of whole day a man wants restful peace at night but if he suffers from snoring than his night also become heavy. Generally many people of western countries are suffering from it due excess drinking of alcohol and smoking. It is a common problem of many people so there is need of remedies to be secure from snoring. There are different snoring remedies such as don?t use any drug if you are going to sleep. You can take good sleep only of you are Snurken stoppen otherwise such drugs or alcohol will make you more tired and restless. So always try to avoid such things for the sake of your health because good health is the first cause of happiness .All other things are secondary but good health is primary. It is very foolish if someone to destroy help of ourselves for pleasure of a moment. In snoring you cannot take a restful sleep so its remedies are very helpful for you. There are many reasons are possible for snoring.
If you will develop a natural sleep pattern than you can remain free from it because every night you sleeps for more than 4-5 hours so if you will sleep in an uncomfortable way than it can grow the habit of snoring in you should always try to sleep in a good way. If you will quit smoking than you can feel more better in case of snoring problem because smoking put a very bad effect on throat. Anyone can quit smoking, it is very easy to quit smoking because once you understood that it harms you than you will quit it .How can a live in a way which harms himself , so it is Possible to quit such bad habits and to be free from snoring also.
A good Health has its own taste which is very much depends on a good sleep. A god sleep makes you free from it because sometime lack of good sleep results snore. Overweight is a major cause of snoring and other disease .If you will take part in some physical activities like walking, swimming, etc it will help you in weight loss and snoring simultaneously. Today?s dairy products are also very harmful in snoring and if you want to be free from snoring you should not eat them especially before your bed time. provides you such helpful remedies.

You can Snurken stoppen and want to be safe from it than don?t wait for a single moment and check it out here snoring remedies that how you will be remain free from snoring. Here you will get everything which will sure your health benefit. Snoring remedies is very necessary in today?s fast running world.


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Vegan MoFo 5.1: Tips for Spending More Time with Your Guests

We still have a few days of Vegan MoFo left, so I thought I?d finish out my month of recipes and tips for throwing the ultimate vegan party with some tips for making your holiday gatherings run as smoothly as possible.

Throwing the Ultimate Vegan Party

If you?ve ever hosted a party, you know that things can get hectic pretty quickly and before you know it the evening is over and you?ve barely spent any time socializing with your guests. I know that I?ve found myself in this situation ? either cooking and cleaning in the kitchen or mixing cocktails as guests arrive throughout the night, and barely having any time to talk with my friends and family.

Here are a few tips that I?ve picked up along the way that will help you spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your guests during your holiday parties.

Tip #1 ? Serve drinks that can be made in large quantities ahead of time. Things such as punches, bloody Mary?s, mimosas, and my whiskey spiked cider can be made in punch bowls or pitchers before your guests arrive and you can simply put them on ice or in a warmer and guests can refill their own cups all night long so you don?t get stuck playing bartender.

Whiskey Cider in Pumpkin

Tip #2 - Put together edible parting gifts. Before the party starts, create a party favor for your guests that doubles as a late-night snack. By putting this together beforehand you can avoid the late-night munchies requests from your guests, thus keeping you out of the kitchen at the end of the evening. These wrapped cookies are an adorable, functional, and easily customized option for any occasion.

Tip #3 - Use your slow cooker. Slow cookers are perfect for party food prep because not only are they one-pot meals with very little cleanup, but you can get the main course started well before your guests arrive and you won?t be stuck in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner just before serving time. Slow cookers are also handy when you go to a potluck or someone else?s holiday party ? this way you have less prep time and you can put everything together when it?s convenient for you. My vegetable soup is perfect for serving out of the slow cooker and you can tons more ideas from The Vegan Slow Cooker cookbook.

Slow Cooker Vegetable Soup

Tip #4 - Label everything. By adding cute labels to all of your dishes and drinks you?ll avoid having to spend time walking your guests through their dining options. You can either do this by labeling each dish individually with some sort of flag along with the ingredients list (for those with food allergens or preferences) or you can create a larger menu that you display next to the dining area. I love this DIY idea from The Kitchn.

Tip #5 - Have enough seating available. Ok ? so this one isn?t food or drink related, but you?d be surprised how much time party hosts can spend trying to find enough seating for their guests. If you have enough seating planned for ahead of time, you?ll ensure more time spent mingling and less time scrambling. Once you have your guest list confirmed, figure out how many people you?ll have in the house. Even if not everyone will be sitting at the same time, be sure to have a seat available for everyone plus a few extra in case of crashers. If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor holiday party, this hay bale seating is decorative, cost-effective, and easy.


I hope you find these tips useful and that you manage to find more time to spend with your guests at your next holiday party! I?ll be back tomorrow with some more tips and tricks!



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13 Easy Slow Cooker Oatmeals ? Happy Almost Halloween ...

This entry was posted in Breakfast, VeganMo 2012 and tagged almond milk, Breakfast, brunch, coconut milk, crockpot, dairy-free, Gluten-free, Gluten-free diet, heart healthy, Love Your Oatmeal Celebration, oatmeal, potato, recipe, slow cooker, So Delicious Coconut Milk, soy free, steel cut oats, stevia, sweet potato, The Vegan Slow Cooker, Turtle Mountain (company), Vegan, Veganism, Vegetarian by Kathy Hester. Bookmark the permalink.


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Filipino Corporations Play Larong Pinoy For Team-Building ...

The Traditional Filipino Street Games finds its home once again back into the hearts of Filipinos, as adults re-discovered the fun of playing Larong Pinoy during Company Sports Fests; bonding with fellow-employees, and building??relationships like real ?kababata?s?, with breathing??energy.?It is a game everybody knows.??It is a game that anyone can play with a youthful spirit.?

Since the 1980?s there have been many new sports and innovative games ? Triathlon, Xtreme Sports, Cross Games, Fun Runs, etc.??In Y2008, many companies have opted to launch sports fest using the Traditional Filipino Street Games as platform form team-building sports fests.?With Larong Pinoy, employees THINK FILIPINO.


There?s more than one way to improve the level of employee engagement in a company. Using Larong Pinoy is a unique platform to engage employees, creating youthful energy and fun community atmosphere at the workplace. It triggers sharing of personal experiences and insights that leads to intimate bonding.

The selection of Larong Pinoy as a Sports Fest Activity is intended to involve employees into doing an alternative event instead of the usual western sports, to make the company affair fun and truly Filipino.

It is a fact that only a few employees get to play in the usual sports like basketball, volleyball, or other western sports; with Larong Pinoy everybody can play ? from executives, to staff, to clerks, to general service employees.

It?s a game everybody knows.? It?s a game everyone can enjoy ? even the non-sporty type.? Larong Pinoy challenges employees & staff to re-learn the Filipino Street Games blended with team building values and youthful camaraderie in the office.? With Larong Pinoy as sports fest platform, the team bonding goals will flow naturally among employees and staff, internally at the office even before the day of the event.

What Happens When Companies Decide To Use Larong Pinoy As Sportsfest Platform?

Internally at the Office

The Larong Pinoy sports fest impart a youthful and unforgettable experience among employees.?The youthful atmosphere that it creates will make them feel as if they all grew up together.??Aside from CommuniTeam Building, it builds employee relationships .

It is a game everybody knows.??It is a game that anyone can play with a youthful spirit ? from management to staff to line employees ? young and old!

And even after the event, the Larong Pinoy experience reverberates within the organization weeks after the event ?- making each and everyone feel as if they ?grew up and played with each other when they were young?.

This is the spirit that games of our heritage bring into an organization.??And a well-organized event even makes it more memorable.

Magna Kultura Foundation, an NGO for arts and culture, organizes Larong Pinoy sports fests for companies with a Mini-Olympics format, making it truly fun and challenging for young and old employees.

Magna Kultura organizes traditional Filipinos street games like patintero, tumbang preso, piko, sipa, luksong tinik,, siyato, holen, trumpo, and other street games like an Olympic competition.?Magna Kultura conceptualizes, organize and implement team building programs, workshops and corporate events, giving you more than what you expect, with the best value for your company.

Over 100 companies will tell you that Magna Kultura?s corporate team-building events makes are one-of-kind activities that leave lasting impression on employees and bring out the best in a company.

MAKE LARONG PINOY YOU NEXT COMPANY SPORTS FEST EVENT, AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.?Magna Kultura will organize the event hassel-free for HRD staff and the sports committee, so they they too can play with all the rest.


Dickie Aguado, Executive Director ? Magna Kultura Foundation

Direct Line: Tel No. (632) 514-5868

CP Nos.: +63 917 8990025 (Globe) or +63 922 8990026 (Sun)

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Dickie Aguado is the Executive Director of Magna Kultura Foundation, an education-for-development NGO that promotes arts & culture in the Philippines. Dickie Aguado is a Social & Cultural Entrepreneur who implements community engagement programs at the grassroots of Society. His work encompasses sectors: from organization of arts and cultural programs; community development & capacity building; NGO studies, education and training --- linking micro-macro issues in development and social change. Dickie Aguado is a consultant to private & government corporations in the Philippines. Dickie Aguado develops marketing communications strategy, corporate social responsibility programs, social marketing campaigns, social mobilization and community engagement efforts at the grassroots of society. Dickie Aguado establishes grassroots organizations for city-districts using trade promotions management techniques in delivering integrated marketing solutions. Dickie Aguado implements community engagement programs at the grassroots of Society. His work encompasses sectors: from implementation of Consumer Marketing Programs, to Organization of Arts and Cultural Events. ________________________________________________________________________ Magna Kultura Foundation is an arts and cultural organization NGO implementing educational, cultural, and socio-civic programs nationwide. The foundation was established by Dickie Aguado on June 2, 2003. Magna Kultura specializes in developing grassroots community engagement campaigns that connects companies with with various sector organizations, like village-community associations, school and universities, transport organizations, and civic organizations. To date, Magna Kultura Foundation has AN ACTIVE DATA-BASE OF 80,000 SARI-SARI STORES in Greater Manila, supporting small-medium enterprises. Magna Kultura conducts Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns for private corporations as entrepreneurial approach to raise funds for the foundation and sustain relationship with the community-sectors. The synergy between private corporations and community-based organizations, helps the economy at the grassroots and fosters social enterprises in communities; at same time delivering delivering day-after business results for corporate partners. Concurrent to his stint as Executive Director at Magna Kultura Foundation, Dickie Aguado is a consultant to private and government corporations: implementing integrated public relations programs and conducting trade marketing promotions in district-territories in the Philippine region.


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Sandy disrupts presidential campaign 8 days out

President Barack Obama pauses in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, on Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, where he spoke after returning to the White House from a campaign stop in Florida to monitor Hurricane Sandy. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

President Barack Obama pauses in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, on Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, where he spoke after returning to the White House from a campaign stop in Florida to monitor Hurricane Sandy. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters as he campaigns at Avon Lake High School in Avon Lake, Ohio, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama speaks in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, after returning to the White House from a campaign stop in Florida to monitor Hurricane Sandy. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Avon Lake High School in Avon Lake, Ohio, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney waves to supporters as he takes the stage at a campaign stop at Avon Lake High School in Avon Lake, Ohio, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Hurricane Sandy overran White House politicking Monday, with President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney calling off campaign rallies as the strengthening storm bore down on the East Coast.

With eight days to go before Election Day, Nov. 6, neither candidate could afford to totally shut down operations. The political barbs continued in campaign ads and between aides trying to show the upper hand in a race as tight as ever.

Obama, trying to show effective leadership in a time of impending crisis across some of the country's biggest population centers, met with federal officials monitoring the storm from a video hook-up and then addressed the country from the White House. He repeated that his administration is ready to help respond to and warned that the consequences could be deadly if people don't follow instructions. "The great thing about America is that when we go through tough times like this, we all pull together," Obama said in a six-minute appearance.

The president turned aside a shouted question about the storm's impact on the campaign, saying safety was his top priority.

"The election will take care of itself next week," he said, pivoting back to the microphone to answer after having turned to leave. "Right now, our number one priority is to make sure we are saving lives, that our search and rescue teams are going to be in place, that people are going to get the food, the water, the shelter they need in case of emergency and that we respond as quickly as possible to get the economy back on track."

Romney didn't have official duties to allow him to play a commanding role, and his Boston-based campaign staff debated whether to keep him on the trail away from the storm's path. But they were mindful of the optics of politicking while millions of people faced grave hardships and canceled events Romney and running mate Paul Ryan had scheduled for Monday night and Tuesday.

"Sandy is another devastating hurricane by all accounts, and a lot of people are going to be facing some real tough times as a result of Sandy's fury," Romney said at a stop in Ohio. He also planned to stop in swing state Iowa before standing down as the storm was predicted to make landfall Monday night.

Romney's campaign considered a plan to send him to New Jersey later this week, where he could meet with victims and gauge damage with political ally Gov. Chris Christie. The move would follow the path Romney took after Hurricane Irene following the Republican National Convention, when he toured storm damage in Louisiana with Gov. Bobby Jindal, also a supporter.

Romney urged the Ohio crowd to make a contribution to the Red Cross or other relief agency "in any way you can imagine to help those in harm's way." Then he turned to politics.

"I know the people of the Atlantic Coast are counting on Ohio and the rest of our states," Romney said. "But also I think the people of the entire nation are counting on Ohio because my guess is that if Ohio votes me in as president, I'll be the next president of the United States."

Romney's Ohio director, Scott Jennings, issued a public memo arguing that the candidate was surging there.

"The daydream Chicago was having a few weeks ago about Ohio coming off the board has been replaced by their nightmare of Romney momentum fueled by our ticket's performance, our goal-shattering ground game and an unmistakable feeling among independent voters that Barack Obama has no plan for the next four years," Jennings wrote.

Obama's plans to campaign Wednesday in Ohio were still on, though campaign officials said they were evaluating travel plans on an almost hourly basis. The president rushed out of battleground Florida on Monday morning before a planned rally that went on with former President Bill Clinton as his stand-in. Obama also called off Tuesday's trip to Wisconsin.

Four critical election states are affected by the storm ? North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire.

Polls suggest Obama has an advantage in reaching the required 270 Electoral College votes. But Romney's campaign is projecting momentum and considering trying to expand the playing field beyond the nine states that have garnered the bulk of the candidates' attention.

Republicans concede that the storm essentially pushes a pause button on his efforts. They insist they are in strong positions in battlegrounds like Ohio, Florida, Colorado and Iowa, but acknowledge that Virginia could be a problem. Romney was forced to cancel three rallies planned for the state on Sunday and it's unclear when he'll be able to return.

Obama advisers said they said they were confident in their ground game even if Obama has to curtail his campaigning.

"We're obviously going to lose a bunch of campaign time," senior campaign adviser David Axelrod told reporters in a conference call. "We'll try to make it up on the back end."

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina told reporters on the same call that they would start running ads in Pennsylvania to counter a pro-Romney effort in the state. Restore Our Future, a super PAC founded by former Romney aides, planned to spend $2.1 million on television ads criticizing Obama's economic record to put the state in play. But Messina insisted the state is safely in the president's column.

"The Romney campaign wants you to think they are expanding the map, but it's not," Messina said.

Clinton appeared before voters in Orlando, Fla., in Obama's absence and did not shy away from hot-button campaign issues, including the economy, education and energy policy, in making a case for the president's re-election.

Later Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden were appearing together in Youngstown, Ohio. Then Clinton planned a tireless swing to help fill Obama's void this week in Minnesota, Iowa, Colorado, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire and Wisconsin.

Both campaigns used social media to urge supporters to donate to the Red Cross and said they would stop sending fundraising emails on Monday to people living in areas in the storm zone.

Romney staffers in North Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia were collecting storm-relief supplies at campaign offices to be delivered via one of Romney's campaign buses. In an email, Romney encouraged supporters in the storm's path to help neighbors get ready.

"For safety's sake, as you and your family prepare for the storm, please be sure to bring any yard signs inside," the email read. "In high winds they can be dangerous, and cause damage to homes and property."


Associated Press reporters Steve Peoples in Avon Lake, Ohio, Brian Bakst in St. Paul, Minn., Kyle Hightower in Orlando, Fla., and Ken Thomas and Jim Kuhnhenn in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Invisible's 'The New Obsolete' showcases self-constructed instruments, touts a typewriter-driven piano (video)

Invisible's 'The New Obsolete' showcases selfconstructed instruments, touts a typewriterdriven piano

If you're hip to repurposing old tech for new inventions, Invisible is right up your alley. The Greensboro-based unit calls themselves a "mechanical music museum" and "a reverse engineered folk science daydream" when describing their elaborate set of sound-making contraptions and recycled video equipment. The outfit's effort The New Obsolete was part of the Moogfest happenings this weekend, and our curiosity was immediately piqued. This particular performance is labeled as "an exploded view of the strange romance between humans and technology."

Among all of the self-constructed instruments is the Selectric Piano: a typewriter that uses both computer and piano parts to control a keyboard. Each keystroke by the typist corresponds to a note added to collective soundscape and a mounted video camera allows the audience to keep tabs on the textual component. The project also showcases an object known as Elsewhere's Roof. The device controls a set of drum and percussion tools with water dropping into a few rather hi-tech Mason jars. In addition to arsenal of noise makers, multi-channel video and library of collected audio (via tape decks and turntables, of course) rounds out the lot. We were able to catch one of the stellar showings, so hit the gallery below for a look at the wares while a snippet of the action awaits beyond the break.

Continue reading Invisible's 'The New Obsolete' showcases self-constructed instruments, touts a typewriter-driven piano (video)

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Invisible's 'The New Obsolete' showcases self-constructed instruments, touts a typewriter-driven piano (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Five Nights Straight

No, I haven?t changed orientation, not to worry, or speculate ? in fact, you?ll see that at the end of this post. Originally much of this last week looked devoted to Google. Yes, Google. They were having some sort of international team-building event hosted here in BA for their engineers, apparently an annual happening. Upfront, they contacted us about doing a series of dinners for their attendees, ten at a time. Then it whittled down to two nights, and finally to one. So we opened up the schedule for a trio of public nights, filled quickly, and then got a request for another private event and we filled in another night. The two private events had some restrictions that didn?t fit the now planned public menu, so, it all got a bit fun.

Vegan cocoa mousse tartlet

The Google evening came off, more or less, without a hitch. Perhaps a hiccup ? in that two of the attendees were basically vegan (one vegan although he eats honey, and then when he was at the dinner said that actually ?regular vegetarian? would have been just fine, another vegetarian who doesn?t eat eggs, and a third, as it turned out, who preferred vegan even though he hadn?t let the coordinator know about that). So, we planned a vegan menu with the exception of the main course, for which we had a vegan substitution for the two we knew about. That wasn?t the hiccup, which was that the other attendees hadn?t been told it was going to be a vegan evening other than the one course. But they took it in stride and had a great time.

As all the dishes are ones from our past repertoire I?m not going to post all the photos, etc. ? we started off with the mushroom mini-pizza that we?d done the previous week, just leaving out the little bit of butter in the mushroom filling and making the almond crust without the egg. Then on to a broccoli lemon soup with coins of caramelized broccoli stems, and sans the yogurt; heart of palm fritter using flaxseed egg replacer to hold it together, which is actually the original way I?d created the recipe for one of our vegan classes ? served over an avocado puree; for the main course a moqueca of fish and small shrimp ? the two vegans got a moqueca of eggplant; and, finally, a cocoa mousse tartlet.

Ratatouille Galette
Pappardelle with frying peppers, favas and walnuts

The next night, a group of six friends for a private dinner, the only restriction that one person requested a pescetarian option. We started off with our ratatouille galette; then on to a caldillo de congrio; then fresh semolina pappardelle with a saute of frying peppers, fava beans, walnuts, lemon zest, garlic and rosemary; for the main course our spicy green olive chicken, though with cauliflower mash instead of potato; and, finished up the evening with a bittersweet chocolate ganache tartlet.

Cauliflower gazpacho

On to the main public events of the week, a trio of nights in which the only restrictions were several requests for no seafood ? one whom let us know that her dining companion couldn?t actually be in the same room as seafood without an allergic reaction ? thankfully not scheduled on the same night as either of the two pescetarian requests or we would have had to pick and choose. We started off with a chilled cauliflower soup flavored with mint, garlic and onion and drizzled with sesame and cilantro oils, and garnished with some chopped, toasted cashews.

Heart of Palm Fritter

On to our heart of palm fritter, this time the non-vegan version, so the fritter contains egg and the dressing contains some mayo in place of the tofu.

Spring vegetable risotto

A spring vegetable ? fresh peas, leeks and mushrooms sauteed with smoked paprika ? risotto flavored with roasted garlic and a touch of goat cheese inside, and some shaved sheep?s milk manchego on top.

Glazed chicken with fondant potato and carrot hummus

Chicken thighs glazed in a reduction of fresh orange juice, smoked balsamic vinegar and rosemary. Served with a fondant potato (cooked in veg stock for our pescetarian folk rather than the usual chicken stock), and a spicy hummus sauce with the addition of pureed carrot to the mix. For the pescetarians we did the same with ?steaks? of salm?n blanco.

White Chocolate and Pear Cheesecake

The finishing touch, a white chocolate and pear cheesecake topped a Torront?s caramel and a puree of blackberries with Chinese five-spice and port.

And that was the fun-filled week!

Now, off to the Registro Civil ? Henry and I are making it official this afternoon (not that it wasn?t in our eyes anyway, but after nearly eight years this makes it all legal in the eyes of Argentina). Keeping it completely casual, just a couple of friends as testigos, and then Henry?s off to the university for the afternoon. Not, perhaps, the way I?d always envisioned things, but so be it. We?ll have a party soon.


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Markets drop as New York battens down the hatches

Multiple agencies work in preparation for Hurricane Sandy at the Virginia Emergency Operations Center in Chesterfield County Va., Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Mark Gormus)

Multiple agencies work in preparation for Hurricane Sandy at the Virginia Emergency Operations Center in Chesterfield County Va., Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Mark Gormus)

LONDON (AP) ? Markets started the week on a downbeat note as investors fretted over the cost of a mammoth storm that was heading towards the eastern U.S. and prompted the closure of Wall Street on Monday.

Much of the East Coast, including New York and Washington D.C., were coming to a standstill as millions of people prepared for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, which is due to make landfall later in the day and converge with two other weather systems.

Authorities on Wall Street confirmed Sunday there would be no trading, in person or electronically, on Monday. Wall Street is expected to remain closed on Tuesday, while many companies that were due to report their corporate earnings will likely delay their publication.

"The economic impact cannot be underestimated," said Elsa Lignos, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets.

Insurers such as Munich Re, Hannover Re and Zurich Insurance underperformed other stocks as investors worried about the potential cost of the storm's damage.

They weighed on indexes across Europe. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares dropped 0.2 percent to close at 5,795.10 while Germany's DAX fell 0.4 percent to 7,203.16. The CAC-40 in France ended 0.8 percent lower at 3,408.89.

The uncertainty generated by the "superstorm" comes at the start of a big week in the United States. This is the last full week before next Tuesday's presidential election and culminates Friday with the release of monthly jobs data, which many analysts think could have an impact on the vote.

"A significant swing in either direction is likely to be heavily reported in the media, potentially swinging the undecided voter," said James Hughes, chief market analyst at Alpari, of the jobs figures.

Despite the storm clouds over the U.S., the dollar has remained firm, partly because it often garners support at times of investor unease. The euro was 0.4 percent lower at $1.2892, for example.

Earlier, Asian markets shed early gains and closed mostly lower. Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell marginally to 8,929.34 a day before the Bank of Japan's monetary policy committee was to meet, to grapple yet again with the country's longstanding economic doldrums. South Korea's Kospi ended barely changed at 1,891.52 while Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.2 percent to 21,511.05.

Oil prices were on the retreat alongside equities, with the benchmark oil contract for December delivery down $1.24 to $85.04 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Associated Press


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Yeast model offers clues to possible drug targets for Lou Gehrig's disease, study shows

ScienceDaily (Oct. 28, 2012) ? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a devastatingly cruel neurodegenerative disorder that robs sufferers of the ability to move, speak and, finally, breathe. Now researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and San Francisco's Gladstone Institutes have used baker's yeast -- a tiny, one-celled organism -- to identify a chink in the armor of the currently incurable disease that may eventually lead to new therapies for human patients.

"Even though yeast and humans are separated by a billion years of evolution, we were able to use the power of yeast genetics to identify an unexpected potential drug target for ALS," said Aaron Gitler, PhD, an associate professor of genetics at Stanford. "Many neurodegenerative disorders such as ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's exhibit protein clumping or misfolding within the neurons that is thought to either cause or contribute to the conditions. We are trying to figure out why these proteins aggregate in neurons in the brain and spinal cord, and what happens when they do."

In 2008, Gitler received a New Innovator award from the National Institutes of Health to use yeast as a model for understanding human neurodegenerative diseases and as a way to identify new targets for drug development.

Gitler is the co-senior author of the research, published online Oct. 28 in Nature Genetics. Robert Farese, Jr., MD, a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes, is the other co-senior author. Stanford graduate student Maria Armakola shares co-first authorship with Matthew Higgins, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar at Gladstone.

Most cases of ALS have no clear-cut cause. However, it has recently been shown that an RNA-binding protein called TDP-43 accumulates in clumps in the cytoplasm of spinal cord neurons in many people with the condition, and mutations in this protein have been found in some people with the ALS. Researchers like Gitler and Farese have been able to mimic the disease in yeast by expressing TDP-43 at higher-than-normal levels, which causes the protein to form lethal clumps in the cells' cytoplasm.

"In humans, the progression of the disease can take years before symptoms arise," said Gitler. "But in yeast, we see protein clumping in the cytoplasm within two days and the cells rapidly begin to die." With their model system in place, Gitler and Farese set out to see whether it was possible to protect yeast cells from this effect by tinkering with the function of other proteins in the cell.

In this study, the researchers discovered that blocking the production of a protein called Dbr1 in a yeast model stops the TDP-43 clumping and allows the cells to live normally. The researchers confirmed the results in human nerve cells grown in the laboratory and in rat neurons overexpressing TDP-43.

"In this study we made no assumptions as to how TDP-43 injures cells," said Farese, "but instead screened the whole yeast genome to find genes that might prevent the toxicity. Independently, both our lab and the Gitler lab found that loss of Dbr1, an enzyme involved in RNA processing, could do this."

Dbr1 serves as part of the cellular clean-up crew that mops up the bits of unwanted RNA generated as part of the protein production line. In our DNA, most genes consist of coding regions, called exons, broken up into several segments by non-coding regions, called introns. Cells can make many different, related proteins from the same stretch of DNA by mixing and matching different exons in a process called splicing.

When the DNA is first copied, or transcribed, into RNA, the introns as well as the exons are included. But the cell quickly splices out the introns, which are released into the cytoplasm as little loops, or lariats. Dbr1, in turn, clips the loops to open them and make them accessible to the cell's disposal system.

Blocking the production of Dbr1 causes the RNA lariats to build up in the cytoplasm. The researchers showed -- by creating lariats with a binding site for a fluorescent tracking protein -- that the mutant TDP-43 binds to these excess lariats rather than clumping. The effect is like using a paper towel to mop up a spill on your computer keyboard: binding to the lariats appears to keep TDP-43 from causing havoc elsewhere.

"Normally, TDP-43 is found in the nucleus," said first author Armakola. "But in the diseased cells, it aggregates in the cytoplasm and forms clumps. We developed a novel way to track where these lariats go in living cells, and we saw that when Dbr1 is missing, the lariats act as a sink to sequester TDP-43."

The researchers note that it's still not entirely clear whether the cells die because the mutant TDP-43 is drawing essential RNA transcripts or regulatory molecules away from the nucleus and into the cytoplasm, or because it's not performing its normal RNA-binding function in the nucleus. Both could contribute to the progression of the disease.

The results in the yeast, rodent and human cells, however, suggest that therapeutic approaches aimed at blocking Dbr1 function, or even creating artificial lariat-like formations to draw away the mutant molecule, should be explored.

"Next, we'd like to explore blocking Dbr1 function in animals such as flies, worms and rodents," said Armakola. "We're also interested in identifying small molecule inhibitors of Dbr1."

Other Stanford co-authors include graduate student Matthew Figley. The research was supported by the NIH, the Ellison Medical Foundation, the Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins, the Consortium for Frontotemporal Research, the ALS Association, the Taube-Koret Center, the Hellman Family Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Rita Allen Foundation, the Searle Scholars Program, the Keck Foundation and the National Center for Research Resources.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University Medical Center. The original article was written by Krista Conger.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Maria Armakola, Matthew J Higgins, Matthew D Figley, Sami J Barmada, Emily A Scarborough, Zamia Diaz, Xiaodong Fang, James Shorter, Nevan J Krogan, Steven Finkbeiner, Robert V Farese Jr & Aaron D Gitler. Inhibition of RNA lariat debranching enzyme suppresses TDP-43 toxicity in ALS disease models. Nature Genetics, 28 October 2012 DOI: 10.1038/ng.2434

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