Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Samsung announces Galaxy Note S Pen App Challenge - $205,000 in prize packages to be won

Android Central

While we all have our own opinions of the Samsung Galaxy Note S Pen, and why exactly Samsung thinks a "stylus" needs to come back, this challenege is one that can easily make you put your thoughts aside. Samsung has announced their new contest, which starts today, that makes it rather enticing for developers to put some time and effort into making a S Pen integrated application. Developers will have until April 2, 2012 to submit their applications, and judgement will take place the following week by the public.

“The Galaxy Note enables new and creative ways to interact with your phone through the advanced S Pen technology,” said Dale Sohn, president of Samsung Mobile. “We are excited to see how developers use the S Pen SDK to come up with new ways to integrate the S Pen into applications."

?The first place winner will take home $100,000 in cash, second place $50,000 and plenty of other prizes as well to be won. Samsung has placed all the information in one easy to manage location, and you can find complete details about the contest here. So, will you be entering? Be sure to let us know, and keep us informed of the progress in the forums!

Source: GalaxyNoteSPenChallenge


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UNICEF: Millions of kids live in urban squalor (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - A UNICEF report says that millions of children around the world are growing up in squalid urban areas and denied basic services despite living close to them.


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Fox and Warner Bros form new high-def DRM content group (Digital Trends)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Digital Trends - Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox have announced they are teaming with storage vendors SanDisk and Western Digital to form the Secure Content Storage Association, a new coalition that aims to offer consumers easier ways to store and move their high-definition digital video content???meaning, movies and TV shows???from device to device as well as access it from cloud services in up to full 1080p resolution. With the working title of ???Project Phenix,??? the technology aims to make the home sharing and accessing of digital content completely straightforward to consumers???while at the same time protecting high-def content end-to-end with DRM technologies to reduce piracy.


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Unplugged Parenting & Technology Obsession - Family Counseling ...

I am going to take a risk and assume that I am not the only parent that struggles with this.

Yes, I have a relationship with my iPhone. I sometimes experience separation anxiety while away from my computer and occasionally it gets in the way of being the kind of parent that I want to be. Attentive, not distracted. Caring, not dismissive. Valuing family time, not only my personal interests. You get the idea.

It?s not technology addiction, but you could probably call it tech obsession. For many parents, it?s not about the technology itself, but rather the social connection or the relaxation that comes from playing mindless games. Our modern lives are busy, fast and demanding. Parenting is hard work. Sometimes, you need a break to unwind and get some time to yourself. I would say that this is vitally important to maintain sanity and be an effective parent.

However, sometimes it is a problem. It can get out of hand and take too much of your time and attention away from your kids.

What can you do? (Note: I am writing this to myself, but feel free to listen in)

Set some ground rules

No phones or computers at the dinner table. This particular one has been helpful for me. It makes it much easier to focus on conversation and just enjoy a meal together. Maybe you wait until the kids are in bed or off in their rooms doing homework. Whatever the rules may be, the idea is to guard your family time and be available for your kids when they need you. Are you listening Uriah? Yes. :)

Ask your partner to remind you

If I am being honest, my wife and I have to remind each other to put down our phones. Ok, if I am being really honest she reminds me more often! This is about making sure that our priorities as parents are in the right order. Often depression and anxiety can be a result of making consistent choices that don?t line up with what you really value. To put it in simple terms, I don?t feel good about myself when I ignore my kids and spend too much time on Facebook.

If you are a single parent, you can come up with creative ways to remind yourself to unplug and refocus. Maybe you set a reminder on your phone or computer to let you know it is time to take a break. You could ask your kids to help keep you accountable. Whatever works for you.

Step away from the iPhone

This is what we therapists would call a behavioral intervention. Basically, it means making a decision to change your behavior and do something different. Leave all the tech at home and go on a walk to the park. Turn off the computer and play a game with your kids. I know that for me, if my phone is in my pocket I will be tempted to check my email and take a look at Facebook. It is simple, but effective to put some distance between you and your particular area of weakness.

Ok, now that this post is finished I am going to close my computer and go play some soccer with my kids!

What are your ideas for helping tech-obsessed parents like me to unplug? I would love to hear what you think in the comments.

PS. Do you think I should get an iPad?


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Video: Santorum on the attack on eve of Mich. primary (cbsnews)

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Attorney General Gansler Challenges Google on New Privacy Policy Comprehensive integration of consumer data may compromise privacy



Baltimore, MD (February 22, 2012) - Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler today sent a letter to Google Chief Executive Officer Larry Page outlining multiple concerns regarding Google's recently announced changes to its privacy policy and requesting a meeting with Mr. Page as soon as possible. 35 other states and territories joined in the letter. Google has been given a week to reply to the request.

The policy changes, scheduled to automatically take effect for all users of Google products and services on March 1, 2012, invade consumers' privacy by unilaterally allowing Google to raid information it collects when a consumer uses one Google product and share it with all other service and products offered by Google. Individuals who allow Google access to certain information as part of using one service will now, whether they want to or not, be giving Google authority to use that information for all its services and products. Users who would like to use one Google product without allowing Google to access the information provided when they use another Google service will generally not be able to do so. The new policy also potentially heightens the risk of identity theft and fraud, since Google will now be storing far more comprehensive, consolidated personal information profiles.

"I am deeply concerned about Google's effort to push a major privacy change on consumers without giving them the choice to opt in, or at a minimum the opportunity to opt out," said Attorney General Gansler. "After years of touting its commitment to meaningful privacy choices for its users, Google should abide by its claimed privacy principles and let consumers decide whether to say 'No thanks' to a new policy."

Under the new privacy policy, Google gives itself the freedom to combine users' personal information from services like Web History and YouTube with all other Google products, and precludes existing users from fully opting out of this policy change unless they cease using the Google ecosystem entirely. Given Google's robust Internet market share across platforms, Internet users must acquiesce to diminished privacy or be cut off from a vast portion of their existing Internet experience.

For millions of consumers who use Android-powered smartphones, currently estimated to be 50 percent of the national smartphone market, ramifications of the new privacy policy will be virtually impossible to avoid Users of these smartphones must log in to Google to activate much of the functionality of their devices. They would now have to choose between either frequently logging in and out to avoid Google's consolidation of their data, thus greatly reducing the efficiency of their smartphones, or replacing their smartphones at great personal expense.

Threats to consumers' privacy go beyond the consolidation and use of personal data. Consolidated personal data profiles offer a tantalizing target for hackers and privacy thieves. As stated in the letter to Google authored by Attorney General Gansler on behalf of his Office and the other 35 signatories:

"Those consumers who remain in the Google ecosystem may be making more of their personal information vulnerable to attack from hackers and identity thieves. Our offices litigate cases of identity fraud with regularity and it seems plain to us that Google's privacy policy changes, which suggest your company's intent to create richer personal data profiles, pose the risk of much more damaging cases of identity theft and fraud when that data is compromised, a risk that will grow as instances of computer hacking grow. With this newly consolidated bank of personal data, we foresee potentially more severe problems arising from any data breach."

The Attorneys General recognize there may be consumers who welcome the consolidation and indiscriminate sharing of their personal information and data across multiple platforms. Unfortunately, many more consumers will either dislike the consolidation or not realize the potential harm that comes from it. Consumers deserve a full accounting of how this new privacy policy may impact them, and a meaningful opportunity to avoid being subjected to it.

Given the serious concerns expressed on behalf of those consumers, the Attorneys General have requested a meeting with Google Inc. CEO Larry Page as soon as possible. Mr. Page has been asked to reply no later than Wednesday, Feb. 29. This quick response is needed in order to enable the Attorneys General to review Google's accounting before the new privacy policy goes into effect.

The states and territories signing on to this letter include: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, N. Mariana Islands, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, the Virgin Islands, and Washington.

The complete text of the State Attorneys General letter to Google Inc. can be found by visiting:


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PARKER: Obama and Santorum want the same thing in GOP primary

Let me be blunt: If Republicans nominate Rick Santorum, they will lose.

The prospect of four more years of Barack Obama holds some appeal for many Americans, but probably not for most Republicans. It may give doubters among them some comfort, however, to know that Obama and Santorum share the same prayer: that Santorum be the Republican nominee.

It gives me no pleasure to rap Santorum, a man I know and respect even if I disagree with him on some issues. Not that he minds. He?s a scrapper who loves a fight ? and he forgives. Bottom line: Santorum is a good man. He?s just a good man in the wrong century.

This doesn?t necessarily mean he?s wrong about everything, but he?s so far out of step with the majority of Americans that he can?t hope to win the votes of moderates and independents so crucial to victory in November. The Republican Party?s insistence on conservative purity, meanwhile, will result in the cold comfort of defeat with honor and, in the longer term, potential extinction.

Increasingly, the party is growing grayer and whiter. Nine out of 10 Republicans are non-Hispanic white and more than half are highly religious, according to Gallup. This isn?t news, but when this demographic is suddenly associated with renewed debate about whether women should have access to contraception ? never mind abortion ? suddenly they begin to look like the Republican Brotherhood.

Add to that perception the abhorrent, pre-abortion ultrasound legislation proposed in Virginia, and you can kiss the pope?s ring and voters? retreating backsides.

The proposed law, temporarily tabled, called for women seeking an abortion to be forced to submit to a vaginal ultrasound. Aldous Huxley?s ?The Devils of Loudon? comes to mind, but he was writing about exorcisms in a convent of 17th-century France. When did Republicans, who supposedly believe in less government intervention, begin thinking that invading a person?s body against her will was remotely acceptable?

Saner minds have prevailed, at least for now, but the fact that the bill was ever conceived and taken seriously by at least some number of legislators gives freedom-loving voters every reason to run the other way.

Informed consent is, in my view, a reasonable goal. Surely removal of a human fetus deserves the same level of awareness we would insist upon in removing, say, a gall bladder. If some women change their minds after viewing the contents of their womb, then they obviously needed more information than they had going in. Still, any procedure should be voluntary, and inserting a probe into a woman against her will is rape by any other name.

Obviously, this is no place for the state.

The Virginia bill and the broader (bogus) message often repeated on left-leaning talk shows that Republicans are campaigning against birth control have created a perfect storm for defeat. The math is clear: Sixty-seven percent of women are either Democrats (41 percent) or independents (26 percent); more women than men vote; 55 percent of women ages 18-22 voted in the 2008 presidential election.

Republicans are caught in a nearly impossible situation, none more than the more temperate-minded Mitt Romney. It is important to remember, however, why contraception came up in the first place. Republicans were forced to man their battlements by the Obama administration?s new health care rule mandating that Catholic organizations pay for contraception in violation of conscience. From there, things spiraled out of the realm of religious liberty, where this debate belongs, and into the fray of moral differences.

Santorum?s original surge was based not on social issues but on his authenticity and his ability to identify with middle-class struggles. He was the un-Romney. But now this appealing profile has been occluded by social positions that make him an outlier to mainstream Americans.

Republicans may sleep better if they nominate The Most Conservative Person In The World, but they won?t be seeing the executive branch anytime soon. It?s too bad this election season got lost in the weeds of religious conviction. It wouldn?t have happened if the Obama administration had simply taken one of several other routes available for providing birth control to women who want it. Instead, Obama aimed right at the heart of the Republican Party and, one can only assume, got exactly what he wanted: a culture war in which Rick Santorum would be the natural point man and, in the broader public?s perception, the voice of the GOP.
Kathleen Parker?s email address is


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

[OOC] My Only Love

Forum rules
This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?My Only Love?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "My Only Love"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

Life is like a rose, the more it opens, the more you become beautiful XD

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Would it be possible reserving the Girl for couple two? :]

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Could I reserve Male 2? This rp sounds pretty interesting.

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Since the characters are complete, just submit your CS and if you have questions, just ask me!

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RolePlayGateway is a site built by a couple roleplayers who wanted to give a little something back to the roleplay community. The site has no intention of earning any profit, and is paid for out of their own pockets.

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Simplifying No-Fuss Advice In Commercial Real Estate-- Crafters ...

When you engage in a commercial real estate venture, you need to be armed with knowledge and keep a level head. Whether you are considering selling or excited about buying, the pointers in this article will help guide you on your way to a successful transaction.

Finding a mentor to assist you with your commercial real estate ventures is the best thing you can do for yourself. They can keep you from making huge mistakes, put you in touch with resources you may not know otherwise and work with you to make your ventures successful. They have experience and know how, you can learn from them.

Do not focus on just apartment complexes when it comes to investing in commercial real estate. This shows an attachment to residential type properties and excludes other types of properties such as industrial, office buildings, and land. Try looking into options with all different properties, and see what you can find.

When making the final decision on purchasing a commercial property, consider any environmental problems you may encounter. Hazardous waste problems can be a cause of concern. If you are the owner of the property, you have the responsibility for any problems that arise, even if they are not your fault. Environmental cleanup and disposal costs are extremely expensive. Keep this in mind. Consider the facts on Blank Envelopes for quality tips.

Remember that relationships are vital to your success in commercial real estate. It is important to have solid relationships with lenders and investors, as you need to earn their trust, so that they will put up enough money to enable you to buy properties with the best potential. Additionally, many commercial properties are sold, without ever being listed, so having good connections to alert you of any properties due to enter the market, can be very beneficial.

If you?re selling a commercial property, emphasize how your building can be used for different purposes. Even though it may be used for one purpose, make sure that prospective buyers see how easily it can be converted into a different use. This way you get a wider range of people who are interested in your property; if they can see themselves in it, they are more likely to buy.

Commercial real estate is a big investment. Will you being utilizing the property or will you be leasing the property? Be sure to consult with your financial advisors on loan options, leasing requirements if necessary and payments and taxes. It seems like a lot but you need to be smart with your investment.

Markets within a market are something you have to understand fully in any type of business, whether you?re speaking about affiliate marketing or commercial real estate. Knowledge is the key to making sure that you?re always acting with confidence and always going in the right direction. After completing this article you should now have an understanding with regard to approaching commercial property transactions.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

[OOC] The Rise Of Necromancers - S.P Based - OPEN

Forum rules
This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the OOC topic for the roleplay "The Rise Of Necromancers - S.P Based - OPEN"

Elementals, Mages, Vampires, Zombies.....

This is a brand new RPG loosely based on the Skulduggery Pleasant books. I'm not sure if this has been done before but I am very keen to get involved in one. I would prefer is you have read the books but if not that is okay also.
Okay here is some basic background info:

Mages can have two main abilities:

They control the 4 Elements; wind,water,fire and earth. Depending on the age and ability of the mage they may have different abilities, such as flight or advanced manipulation of any elements.


Adept mages have dedicated their life and magical potential to a single set of powers, although the scope of these powers might vary. They can vary anywhere from teleportation to Necromancy. It can be really anything, but must have a downside if its an amazing power
i.e self healing, can only heal if.... BUT don't worry about that just give me your adept power and I'll tell you if its okay.
More info on adept powers here:

More info later on......

Character sheet:

Name: [names should be out there as mages change their name so it can't be used against them... i.e skulduggery pleasant]
Age(you look as mages age extremely slowly): [15 up...]
Actual Age: [15-300]
Race: [Vampire/Mage]
Type of magic: [Adept what kind?/Elemental]
Alliance: [Necromancers...Neutral....etc....]
Description of personality:
Physical Description:

Any questions please post here. Thank you so much.

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RolePlayGateway is a site built by a couple roleplayers who wanted to give a little something back to the roleplay community. The site has no intention of earning any profit, and is paid for out of their own pockets.

If you appreciate what they do, feel free to donate your spare change to help feed them on the weekends. After selecting the amount you want to donate from the menu, you can continue by clicking on PayPal logo.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Badminton Set: Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton ...

21 Feb

Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton Set Overview The Franklin Sports Recreation Badminton set includes 4 tempered steel ?Tightstring? racquets, 61? assembled height poles with net, 2 shuttlecocks and a carry bag. This set is perfect for beginner players. Great backyard fun! Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton Set Features

  • Includes 4 tempered steel ?Tightstring? rackets strung with Hy-sheep racquet string, includes 2 yellow shuttlecocks
  • Net is 20? X 1.5? X 1.5?, also includes 4 net-saver net clips
  • Poles are .75? diameter octagon, virgin PVC with 61? assembled height
  • Also includes 6 yellow styrene ground stakes, 2 top and 2 middle guy ropes and 3 sided tape construction
  • Includes carry bag


Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 20, 2012 07:25:10

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ICNL wins $1 million MacArthur Award to promote freedom of assembly around the world

The ICNL(International Center for Not-for-Profit Law) received $1 million from the MacArthur Foundation to advance its mission of creating a legal framework for the right of assembly and association in countries around the world.

What the work boils down to is this: promoting freedom of association and assembly. How it's done: by helping groups design laws that protect these freedoms.

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"In too many countries we find that the legal framework actually restricts the ability of individuals to gather together to try to improve their societies," says Douglas Rutzen, president of The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) in Washington D.C. "We see in country after country the rights that we might take for granted in the United States are restricted."

The ICNL now works in more than 100 countries helping to establish the legal framework for enhancing individual rights. Last week the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation named the ICNL as one of 15 organizations in six countries that are receiving the MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. The ICNL will be awarded $1 million. (A list of all the winners is here.)

Among the ICNL's accomplishments:

? Helping to organize a coalition of more than 7,000 organizations in Iraq to pass a law that supports freedom of association and assembly.

? Creating the idea for and helping to establish the first United Nations Special Rapporteur on the freedoms of assembly and association. A UN resolution was adopted in September 2010 and the UN Special Rapporteur now works to defend freedom of association and assembly around the world.

? Maintaining a database of 2,300 laws from more than 160 countries in 37 languages that can be used as source material to create new laws regarding civil freedoms.

The ICNL is currently working in Libya, in concert with the UN and other partners to expand the rights of citizens there. "In Qaddafi's Libya the death penalty could be imposed for someone who sought to set up an independent human rights group," Mr. Rutzen says.

In Mexico, the ICNL is helping local partners work to allow human rights organizations to receive tax deductible donations. In China, it's partnering with the Chinese government to create a legal framework for disaster response and clarify the role charities play in it.

"The magic of INCL is that we're really international," Rutzen says. "About 70 percent of our staff comes from the countries and regions in which they work. [For example] when you look at our Russian office, everybody is Russian."

The center is also active in Egypt, where nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are under intense scrutiny from the new government. "It's really about Egyptian groups and their rights to receive foreign funding," he says.

But the situation in Egypt has broader implications, Rutzen adds.

"Our concern is that this is just the beginning of what may be a prelude to a broader crackdown on Egyptian civil society organizations," he says. "We've also noticed the contagion effect ? that when one country does this and gets away with it other countries become emboldened and start to pass restrictive laws as well.

"Just within the last couple of weeks we're seen crackdowns in places like Zimbabwe. There's a draft law in Bangladesh that just emerged. There's been a media campaign against civil society organizations in Venezuela. And the list goes on and on.

"So we think that there is now a broad movement among a number of countries to restrict civic space."

That "civic space" represents a whole host of associations that are not family or business relationships but are based on common interests ? from a soccer club to a parent-teacher organization to human rights groups.

"It's that whole collection of nonprofit organizations that enrich our lives," he says.

? For more information about the work of the ICNL, including a video, click here.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mel Miskimen: I'm Changing My Underpants and the Economy

I need new underpants -- and yes, I prefer to call them underpants, not panties.

Sure, I could trudge off to the mall and get a replacement package of three, comfort waist, no-roll, full cut briefs, made in El Salvador or Honduras, but... I can't. Not after President Obama's visit to my hometown, Milwaukee, last week, touting all things insourced: "We need an economy that's built to last -- an economy based on American manufacturing, American-made energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of the values that made this country great: Hard work. Fair play. Shared responsibility," he said.

See what I mean? It was my patriotic duty to replace my past-their-prime, made in Costa Rica Jockeys with something home sewn and possibly grown, and it felt so right.

I went online, typed, women's underwear made in USA, and up popped a plethora of websites with clever names like, or -- listings of companies that make things I might be interested in the future -- outerwear, shoes, t-shirts, socks and fire retardant clothing.

Where were the underpants? Oh, sure there were boxers and briefs for men, loungewear, active wear, other kinds of clothing for women, but underpants? Tough to find. I know all about American Apparel, and I gave them a look, but couldn't get past the photos of scantily clad young things in thongs. At this stage in my life, I need more yardage and less pout.

After hours of scrolling and clicking, I hit on and purchased a three pairs of white, cotton briefs for $7 a pair, only because they were phasing out their women's underwear section, which sucked. In a few months, when it was time for me to restock, I'd have to shell out a tad more money, but, it's all good, right? I mean, if it means keeping someone's job here? I could see paying $15, maybe $20 but, uh, $25 for one pair, when I was used to getting 3 pair for $12, maybe $8 on sale?

Let's face it. I was spoiled. I had become lazy. Think of it, which is what I don't do when I waltz through Kohl's to pick up a couple packages of multicolored briefs because I have a coupon or they are having a sale. But, now? I do think about it. What about organic cotton? Could that be an option? Would I feel that much better sitting in a pair of underpants that had not caused any undue stress to Mother Earth? At $42 a pair, I would be the one who was feeling the stress.

What about buying underpants that were imported, made in India, but were from a co-op, owned by local women, who benefited from each sale? Wouldn't that do as much good as a pair that may have been made here, but from cotton imported from God-knows-where, picked by tiny children? Why did this have to be so hard? Kind of makes me shudder at my next task: Bras.

Underpants are only a start. I plan on slowly replacing all my clothing with stuff made here. When I went through my closet and checked all the labels on my shirts, dresses, skirts, looked in my shoes, boots, I was embarrassed. A few sweaters, one dress, two pair of socks were all I had that were made in America. If only I had been to all the places that my clothes had been manufactured in, I would be a lot more worldly.

My made-in-USA items should be arriving in a week. I hope they fit. I hope they're comfortable. I hope that when I wear my insourced-maybe-not-organic-cotton underpants, I will stand a little taller, walk a little prouder, in, and think of the person whose job I just might have saved. Change has come to my closet. I'm saving the economy one pair of underpants at a time. Hopefully I won't become frustrated, give up and throw in the made-in-Guatemala towel.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EU ministers work through night on Greece bailout (AP)

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Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, left, shakes hands with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble during a round table meeting of eurozone finance ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Feb. 20, 2012. Eurozone governments will likely approve on Monday a long-elusive rescue package for Greece, saving it from a potentially calamitous bankruptcy next month, senior officials said. But finance ministers meeting in Brussels will have a few last issues to wrangle over, such as tighter controls over Greece's spending and further cuts to the country's debt load. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe)AP - Eurozone governments worked into the night on Monday, hoping to agree on a long-awaited rescue package for Greece that would save it from a potentially calamitous bankruptcy next month, but several key points of division remained, senior officials said.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children"... | Gather

"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children"

by Ransom Riggs

Published by Quirk Books (2011)

352 pages


Okay before we start on this book I have to share some info that took place in the reading of this book. ?While reading this fascinating young adult fiction, I opened up a store with a friend of mine. ?While opening the store I started reading this book in hardcover format, that's important and will be explained later. ?The store we have opened is True Hideaway Family & Gaming ( ?or find us on face book) The central focus of the store is for gamers especially those that play "Magic; the Trading Card Game," we have friday night tournaments and are looking at maybe doing tournaments other nights since we've become popular.


We affectionately refer to our store as a "nerd store," because it is home to all things nerdy. ?My part of the store is comic books and collectibles, the other aspect is we sell books (manga, reprinted pulp-fiction books, sci-fi / fantasy novels and graphic novels) ?as well as all the gaming materials. ?We even have regular "old-fashioned" board games and anyone can come in anytime and play a game. Role playing games seem to be highly popular and we have folks come in and play their campaigns. ?I am liquidating my old comic book collection of around 2,000 or so comics and when I sold an old "Kiss" comic from the mid-70s for $70, I decided to reward myself by finally buying a kindle.


With my rewarded kindle in hand, I loaded up some books that are on my to-read list and took off. ?The first book I loaded was this book, I was halfway through the hardcover, but I thought what better way to launch than to get this "peculiar" book rolling. ?I am now in love with my kindle, but every so often I know I'm going to go back to a regular tree killing book, but for now, I'm a kindler.


Okay let's move on to this book, "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children." ?When I first picked up this book I wasn't aware that it was a Young Adult fiction, I knew it was fiction, but the goal is for ages 13 and up. ?The and up is very true, this book is very well written, with a fascinating story and some great adventures thrown in that make this book perfect for all ages.


The book was originally intended to be a picture book with the photographs that were collected by various people from bins of lost photgraphs found at flea markets and such. ?But thanks to a genius editor at Quirk Books, Riggs wrote a story based on the photographs. ?The photos are all peculiar in and of themselves and putting them together to form a story the author shows not only genius himself but a storytelling ability that would put any comic book writer to shame.


The bulk of the pictures feature various weirdness of subjects; a man posing with a rock in the background looking as though he's lifting the boulder, a young boy's head on a dog's body, a young girl looking as though she's holding a flaming orb. ?Many of the pictures are a bit creepy and sometimes when the story behind them created by Riggs is told they can seem extremely normal or even creepier.


The story revolves around Jacob whose grandfather had escaped Nazi invasion by fleeing to a children's home on an island off the coast of Wales. ?The children are all "peculiar," at least according to the stories from Jacob's grandfather. ?There is the invisible boy, a teacher that is a bird, a strong man, a girl that floats, one that controls the growth of plants. ?So at times this school seems to have come out of an issue of X-men comics. ?But the story goes even further when Jacob witnesses the death of his grandfather at the hands of a shadowy figure. ?Jacob tells his story and immediately branded as suffering a mental breakdown due to the loss of his grandfather. ?His grandfather's last words were to follow the loop to September 30, 1940 and find the bird. ?Cryptic yes, but after exploring his grandfather's possessions he finds that the school his grandfather survived the war in exists.


When Jacob and his father make a trip to Wales, the dark secret behind "Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children" is revealed and soon Jacob must save the children and possibly the world.


Superb creativity that will capture the attention of anyone of all ages.






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Selecting The Best Real Estate Attorney ? Elisa Massoth ? Example ...

A genuine estate attorney can be a legal professional who handles matters concerning obtaining, selling and every other legal processes throughout property management. This professional will involve himself in encouraging clients in lawful representation in home transfer and disputes as a result of property ownership. Their clientele normally include landlords, tenants, contractors, property developers, institutions that present finance for property developments like banks and another entity that needs his services as well as afford them. Generally, there are two types of real estate law firms, litigators and transactional lawyers. While litigators manage lawsuits, the transactional legal professionals handle matters regarding contracts. However, there are several who can deal with both types.

Elisa Massoth

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Elisa G. Massoth

Another good supply of finding a property lawyer would be the Internet. Go online and look for lawyers in your current locality. Include the name of your respective locality in the actual keyword for specific result. When you will buy or sell real estate you should keep every one of the options open. The more references you will get the healthier.

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For more details please visit

? N Example Articles

Author: sarahwilson

This author has published 322 articles so far. More info about the author is coming soon.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

HK leader-in-waiting hit by basement controversy (AP)

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Members of the media take pictures and videos of the home of former Hong Kong Chief Secretary Henry Tang, one of the potential candidates in the upcoming Chief Executive election in Hong Kong Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012. Tang has dismissed a local newspaper report alleging that there is an extravagant private club house built illegally under his Kowloon Tong house.  (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)AP - The man widely seen as Hong Kong's next leader is mired in a controversy over a luxurious but illegal basement extension that's eating away at his already-low popularity rating and raising concern among his backers in Beijing.


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Friday, February 17, 2012

"I will wait to have sex until the man who will be my husband makes ...

Our latest First Person comes from Belle who is looking forward to enjoying sex, but only with the person she?ll marry. If you want to tell your story, go to our submission form. We?d love to run it in this blog!

Tell us about yourself:

I am 22 and ready to be married. Not to ?get? married?to be married and to be a partner in that marriage. I am also well educated, ambitiously furthering my education and career, and thus spend a great deal of time living in remote rural areas in a developing country. Given my personality, background, and beliefs, I am certain marriage is the best path for my life and I am ready to begin this journey with someone. I am struggling with the frustration that my lifestyle, while a product of my interests, abilities, and desires, does not allow me to cultivate a serious relationship?and I will not settle for anything less than I know I need.

How do you define virginity?

I believe in the sacredness of the privacy between a couple. To me, virginity is not something that is taken or lost?it is something added to the relationship between two people who care about each other and are aware of the emotionally components of sex.

Tell us your story

I am a virgin and believe I will wait to have sex until the man who will be my husband makes his intentions clear. While religiously contemplative, my feelings stem from my relationship experience, too complex to recount here. I am looking forward to sex and took joy in sharing my sexuality?though not sex?with an ex-boyfriend, who also viewed sex as a commitment and bond to be shared with the person he would marry. For me, being a virgin is not the product of lack of sex life. It is the result of the relationships I have chosen and expectations within those relationships. I am seeking a relationship characterized by faithfulness, courage, constancy, respect, love, loyalty, and joy. If I accept anything less, including a casual approach to sex, it would be with the self-knowledge that I know what I need and want and settled for something much less, and I can think of no worse way for me to inflict emotional self-harm. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel?sorrow: I am ready to begin a life I cannot choose and that may not be in my future.

Any thoughts on virginity in our society?

I think our society has taken the joy out of sex by seeking to erase the privacy, intimacy, and bond of sex and relationships. It seems to me there is such a fuss over virginity because the expectation is that everyone should want to know as much about sex as possible, preferably through experience with different partners; virgins, for various reasons, resist this discourse. For someone desiring to share sexual awakening with someone, to learn and respond only to that partner?s needs and desires, and to place this within the context of a healthy relationship?I don?t know if we have a place in society.

Want to tell your story? Go to our submission page.

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