Friday, February 3, 2012

3 Convincing Reasons Why You Need To Drink Green Tea ...

Researchers are fascinated with green tea because it seems everytime they study it, something new is discovered. Even though tea has been a popular drink for so many years, the exciting part about green tea is that it?s a great tasting tea that can do so much for your health. But of course the only way you can benefit from it is tea drink it, or take capsules of it, each day. There are so many benefits found in green tea, and we?ll only talk about a few because we don?t have space to talk about all of them ? so enjoy!

As you know, we?re sure, cholesterol plays a huge role in our health and lives, and green tea can also provide some support in this critical area. What you can do with regular use of green tea is work to keep your overall cholesterol down while actually boosting your HDL levels ? the good guy cholesterol. Of course you can and should do your own verification, but these cholesterol studies have been demonstrated in animal and human research. Consistent and positive results for health and improvement requires the intake of green tea on a daily basis and in sufficient amounts.

If you have arthritis, or related disorders, then you should take a look at green tea because it can offer support and even preventative action. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and many important antioxidants, which are beneficial to the whole body, including the bones. Drinking green tea, or taking in capsule, over time will certainly provide some measure of relief or support for those with pain associated with joint inflammation, etc.

Anything that can contribute to reducing the overall symptons, as well as offering other healthy benefits, should be seriously considered.

Green tea is also a great choice for gentle detoxification, and that of course will improve the health of your liver. What is more, there are other antioxidants within green tea called, catechins, and those babies support your immune system. These powerful antioxidants help the liver perform its natural function of cleaning out toxins that might otherwise get stuck in your body and cause problems. To get the most protection from green tea, you would ideally consume three to four cups every day, or the equivalent of this in supplement form. As you can see, a lot has already been discovered about the amazing health benefits of green tea. What is great about this food is you can consume it in different ways. If taking a capsule works better for you than making and drinking tea, then you can do that quite easily with green tea. Do you need to take humongous quantities just to get some health benefits? A lot of people drink several cups of green tea a day, but it?s best for you to experiment and see what you like. Drinking green tea each day in a meaningful amount will be great for you for so many reasons.

The benefits of green tea are enormous and powerful, and who knows what else will become known about it. This food is flexible because you can take it as capsule, other food alternatives, and of course drink the tea. If you take it regularly, you will enjoy more of the benefits.

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