Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little royal riding hood: Queen Elizabeth goes for a spin

By Rina Raphael


Photos showing Queen Elizabeth wearing her hoodie while driving her Range Rover are going viral, and even though she barely clears the steering wheel, she looks pretty tough. TODAY's Natalie Morales reports.

Is it a hoodie? (Unlikely.) A pinned-back scarf? Maybe a Jedi cloak?

Never underestimate the fashion skills of Queen Elizabeth, who was spotted in a still-unidentified hair covering while taking a Range Rover for a spin at her Balmoral estate in England. Chauffeur? Not for this royal grandma, who barely reached the steering wheel as she channeled a Grace Kelly look. All together now: awww.


Fashion-forward monarch: Queen Elizabeth II is seen wearing a chic head-covering while driving a Range Rover at Balmoral Castle, England.

While we likely won't see Her Majesty taking as many fashion risks as the bikini-clad Duchess of Alba, 86, we still appreciate the queen?s bold style. Take a look at a few favorites:

Getty Images

From unique prints to fabulous hats, the British monarch's fashion choices often show a sense of fun. Take a look through Queen Elizabeth II's signature looks over the years.

Rina Raphael is a editor who is still waiting for the queen to go ombre.

More from TODAY Style:
Beauty secrets from an 80-year-old ?goddess? of style
Happy 65th birthday, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall!
Two hats rented by Duchess Kate sell for a whopping $10,836



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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cyborg tissue is half living cells, half electronics

They beat like real heart cells, but the rat cardiomyocytes in a dish at Harvard University are different in one crucial way. Snaking through them are wires and transistors that spy on each cell's electrical impulses. In future, the wires might control their behaviour too.

Versions of this souped-up, "cyborg" tissue have been created for neurons, muscle and blood vessels. They could be used to test drugsMovie Camera or as the basis for biological versions of existing implants such as pacemakers. If signals can also be sent to the cells, cyborg tissue could be used in prosthetics or to create tiny robots.

"It allows one to effectively blur the boundary between electronic, inorganic systems and organic, biological ones," says Charles Lieber, who leads the team behind the cyborg tissue.

Artificial tissue can already be grown on three-dimensional scaffolds made of biological materials that are not electrically active. And electrical components have been added to cultured tissue before, but not integrated into its structure, so they were only able to glean information from the surface.

Electrically inflamed

Lieber's team combined these strands of work to create electrically active scaffolds. They created 3D networks of conductive nanowires studded with silicon sensors. Crucially, the wires had to be flexible and extremely small, to avoid impeding the growth of tissue. The scaffold also contained traditional biological materials such as collagen.

The researchers were able to grow rat neurons, heart cells and muscle in these hybrid meshes. In the case of the heart cells, they started to contract just like normal cells, and the researchers used the network to read out the rate of the beats.

When they added a drug that stimulates heart cell contraction, they detected an increase in the rate, indicating the tissue was behaving like normal and that the network could sense such changes.

Lieber's team also managed to grow an entire blood vessel about 1.5 centimetres long from human cells, with wires snaking through it. By recording electrical signals from inside and outside the vessel? something that was never possible before? the team was able to detect electrical patterns that they say could give clues to inflammation, whether tissue has undergone changes that make it prone to tumour formation or suggest impending heart disease.

Commanding cells

"You could use these things to directly measure the effects of drugs in synthetically grown human tissue without ever having to test them in an actual human being," says Lieber's colleague Daniel Kohane. He also envisions tissue patches that could be added to the surface of a heart, say, to monitor for problems.

Vladimir Parpura, a neurobiologist at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, who was not involved in the study, suggests using the tissue to build tiny, biomimetic robots or implants that repair damaged tissue via electronic pulses.

So far, though, the researchers have only used the electrical scaffolds to record signals? they have yet to feed commands to cells. So Lieber's next step is to add components to the nanoscaffold that could "talk" to neurons. He says the goal is to "wire up tissue and communicate with it in the same way a biological system does".

Journal reference: Nature Materials, DOI: 10.1038/nmat3404

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Compound discovered that boosts effect of vaccines against HIV and flu

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oxford University scientists have discovered a compound that greatly boosts the effect of vaccines against viruses like flu, HIV and herpes in mice.

An 'adjuvant' is a substance added to a vaccine to enhance the immune response and offer better protection against infection.

The Oxford University team, along with Swedish and US colleagues, have shown that a type of polymer called polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a potent adjuvant for test vaccines against HIV, flu and herpes when given in mice.

The researchers were part-funded by the UK Medical Research Council and report their findings in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

Mice given a single dose of a flu vaccine including PEI via a nasal droplet were completely protected against a lethal dose of flu. This was a marked improvement over mice given the flu vaccine without an adjuvant or in formulations with other adjuvants.

The Oxford researchers now intend to test the PEI adjuvant in ferrets, a better animal model for studying flu. They also want to understand how long the protection lasts for. It is likely to be a couple of years before a flu vaccine using the adjuvant could be tested in clinical trials in humans, the researchers say.

'Gaining complete protection against flu from just one immunisation is pretty unheard of, even in a study in mice,' says Professor Quentin Sattentau of the Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford University, who led the work. 'This gives us confidence that PEI has the potential to be a potent adjuvant for vaccines against viruses like flu or HIV, though there are many steps ahead if it is ever to be used in humans.'

HIV, flu and herpes are some of the most difficult targets to develop vaccines against. HIV and flu viruses are able to change and evolve to escape immune responses stimulated by vaccines. There aren't any effective vaccines against HIV and herpes as yet, and the flu vaccine needs reformulating each year and doesn't offer complete protection to everyone who receives it. Finding better adjuvants could help in developing more effective vaccines against these diseases.

Most vaccines include an adjuvant. The main ingredient of the vaccine ? whether it is a dead or disabled pathogen, or just a part of the virus or bacteria causing the disease ? primes the body's immune system so it knows what to attack in case of infection. But the adjuvant is needed as well to stimulate this process.

While the need for adjuvants in vaccines has been recognised for nearly 100 years, the way adjuvants work has only recently been understood. The result has been that only a small set of adjuvants is used in current vaccines, often for historical reasons.

The most common adjuvant by far is alum, an aluminium-containing compound that has been given in many different vaccines worldwide for decades. However, alum is not the most potent adjuvant for many vaccine designs.

'There is a need to develop new adjuvants to get the most appropriate immune response from vaccines,' says Professor Sattentau, who is also a James Martin Senior Fellow at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford.

The Oxford University team found that PEI, a standard polymer often used in genetic and cell biology, has strong adjuvant activity.

When included in a vaccine with a protein from HIV, flu or herpes virus, mice subsequently mounted a strong immune response against that virus. The immune response was stronger than with other adjuvants that are currently being investigated.

The team also showed that PEI is a potent adjuvant in rabbits, showing the effect is not just specific to mice and could be general.

Another potential advantage of PEI is that it works well as an adjuvant for 'mucosal vaccines'. These vaccines are taken up the nose or in the mouth and absorbed through the mucus-lined tissues there, getting rid of any pain and anxiety from a needle. Mucosal vaccines may also be better in some ways as mucosal tissues are the sites of infection for these diseases (airways for respiratory diseases, genital mucosa for HIV and herpes).

Professor Sattentau suggests that: 'In the best of all possible worlds, you could imagine people would have one dose of flu vaccine that they'd just sniff up their nose or put under their tongue. And that would be it: no injections and they'd be protected from flu for a number of years.

'It's just a vision for the future at the moment, but this promising adjuvant suggests it is a vision that is at least possible.'


University of Oxford:

Thanks to University of Oxford for this article.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Indonesia's e-commerce market only 0.7% (USD 0.9B) of total retail ...

A new report by DailySocial Research on the e-commerce market in Indonesia has revealed, among other things, that the country?s e-commerce market is a drop in the ocean compared to total retail sales, at only 0.7% (USD0.9 billion) out of USD134 billion.

The research project is a collaboration with Veritrans, an online payment processor for the Indonesian market. The team collected data through first-hand interviews, existing information on the Internet, and transaction information from e-commerce companies in Indonesia, which includes Kaskus, the country?s leading online classified ads site. Online shoppers. 584 of them, were surveyed as well.

The report is available as a free download on the DailySocial website.

For this project, DailySocial has defined e-commerce as ?the sales of goods and services where an order is placed by the buyer or price and terms of sale are negotiated over the Internet.?

The report adds that ?payment does not necessarily need to be made online,? and can include classified ads sites. Online travel services, financial brokers and dealers, and ticket sales agencies do not count, however.

More findings from the report:

  • Average annual e-commerce spend per e-commerce user is USD 256, lower than Brazil (USD 824), China (USD 799), and United States (USD 1,111).
  • Percentage of e-commerce users out of the internet population is 6.5%, again lower than Brazil (17%), China (28%), and US (71%).
  • More than 2/3 of e-commerce users access the Internet via desktops or laptops at home.
  • More than a quarter of users spend over 30 hours per week online.
  • Search and social networking are the most popular applications of the Internet for e-commerce users, with many Indonesian businesses engaging potential customers through these channels.
  • Fashion items are the most popular goods bought online, followed by travel bookings and music/video/games. More popular categories in developed markets, like grocery shopping, are non-existent.
  • Half of online shoppers use Kaskus or Facebook to shop.
  • Bank transfer remains the most popular mode of e-commerce payment, despite the fact that they require double the number of steps compared to credit card payment. Online payment solutions are still fragmented and not widely used.
  • Majority of online shoppers spend up to USD 55 per online transaction.
  • The e-commerce market could grow ten-fold to USD10 billion by 2015, driven by strong economic growth and rising purchasing power.
  • Slow internet and unreliable delivery time, poor product quality and customer service, as well as the lack of online transaction facilities are key obstacles to explosive growth in e-commerce.

About The Author

Terence LEE
Terence LEE - Assistant Editor

Terence is an online media nut that is obsessed with writing and publishing for the Internet. Recently, he took up photography to expand his repertoire, and hopes to learn videography soon. He has worked in both online and print publications such as The Straits Times, Today, Mind Your Body, The Online Citizen, and Funkygrad. In 2010, he co-founded New Nation, a current affairs online magazine for young adults with a couple of like-minded folks. Terence can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Read other posts by Terence LEE here.



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Losing A Friend ? madeinaccra

August 27, 2012 ?

I lost my best friend in Ghana this past week. It?s really humbling and jarring to find you?ll no longer have this person in your life again. I have yet to experience what it?s like to lose a loved one (in death) so close to you, so forgive me for even the mere consideration, but I wonder if losing a friend and knowing he/she is alive and well but completely inaccessible forever is worse than the reality about a dearly departed. I?m a bit numb about it all. I keep looking down at the keyboard because I can?t feel the keystrokes. This is a lil? departure from what I usually pontificate about my life in Ghana, but sitting in bed starring out into the darkness of the room with an endless stream of disjointed thoughts none of which explains my reality isn?t any helpful, so it?s back to the safety of my diary.

I made a terrible and very regrettable mistake. It won?t help making this a heaping confession for your eyes or to feed our natural penchant for the juicy details about the dark and normally inaccessible crevasses of other people?s lives, so I won?t go there. But I did lose a great friend, a new friendship, and a relationship I always imagined will meld so well with the long-standing ones of best friends and immediate family. I know I?m being vague, but this is as much as I can muster for even a diary (and one that?s not so private), so bear with me.

What I?m struggling with? or at least one of the things I?m struggling with is how we can so easily lose our way even when our intuition and every single cell of our being rings warning bells. I?ve always prided myself in being level-headed, having what I imagined as a fairly resolute moral compass (which sometimes doubled as a platform from which to judge those flaw and corrupted), and being very considerate about others? feelings often to points where I?m left vulnerable and open to being hurt. But today, somehow a few innocuous words and very regrettable missteps ended a friendship. I know?vague, but plug in your own variables in your own imaginative way (but don?t be so quick to render judgment) and apply whatever scenarios you come up with to fit my misery.

Two weeks ago, I was confronted with what initially seemed an innocent problem; a cute and yet embarrassing confessional by my friend at the end of a drunken stupor. As flattering as this confession was, it seemed completely out of character for this person, something neither of us ever expected to hear, and one I was quick to passively dismiss as yet another reason people shouldn?t drink. That was the end of that from my perspective that night. Yet, it really wasn?t, and instead of confronting it head-on and giving it a quiet end, I consciously acknowledged its flattery while subconsciously dismissing its potential ramifications. Along a rather short way, something that was supposed to be silly turned from something like a paper cut, to a sore which festered, metastasized into an incurable cancer in our relationship, and has now concluded in something akin to a lethal injection.

So? why or how do we lose our way when our able bodies and intelligent minds should easily discern what should be the right (and only) way to go when we?re confronted with simple moral and ethical problems. Why didn?t I coldly and nicely reject a flattering comment from the wrong person? Why did Bill allow the Monica saga to even begin when he of all people knew the ramifications of every misstep from that first smile from her to the bad thoughts of its potential from him? Why do we make comments or take actions we should know before hand that we cannot take back? No one with a sound mind makes a conscious decision to maim himself so why do we do so when it comes to those emotional, or morally and ethically-based situations? Is it the sense that the physical self isn?t injured that we allow things like the potential of losing best friends to happen? We?re the only animals that go where we know there?s potential danger. Is this human condition what separates us from other animals?that we?re of bountiful intelligence to do stupid things? I hope someday I can atone for my inability to protect a friendship from its doom and the pain that we?re all suffering.

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What to do if you do not comprise tempo for homework ? Bellamy ...

Each person goes throughout several stages in their lives. Bordering on all children repair to alma mater, and who can not erupt to state school, is engaged in home schooling. In any casing, the immediate procedure of drilling requires students to ensure that they do homework, because it helps a child's intelligence to remember the proper information in directive to get what he had well-informed, remained in his talent long. To do this, you miss a quantity of frustrating, because you should not consign to oblivion the fact that family on is checked to protect that the fellow can assess how the disciple call to mind the dope that he gave him. If the pupil is comfortably remembered and analyzed information from the preceding hour, he make be talented to do their occupation darned well, but if the follower is not opposite could remember or learn the physical, most of all, he turned discernible poorly do their job. It so happens that some students unprejudiced do not suffer with spell to do their creation at haven and then it turns minus that he may be suffering with problems at school. In such situations it is necessary to become in view in rule so you do not possess to trade into the open their bad grades.

Multifarious students asked themselves the same topic, which asked whether it is accomplishable to exhort my homework algebra 2 answers done on someone else, or it could take an already finished. Previously, it was inconceivable, but up to date, this employment is present to each student. At a particular interval, in conduct to confirm students can say that some of them are mere active and fair-minded physically they go to the wall to bear all the material, so they demand to book somewhere homework answers, so that the erudition operation was much faster than usual. This can in numerous subjects, where there are tasks that extremity to be addressed. Exchange for archetype, you have a refractory to be solved, but you can not, then you just look an eye to remedy from homework answers to see how to do it correctly. It turns out that you fundamental try to adopt it on their own, and then, if you can not, you nothing but see the answers in up to understand where you're wrong. Therefore is it that you remember more advisedly, because you get to do a sensible non-functioning to correctly rebutter all questions. It turns inoperative that the answers to the homework is not so poor, and in some cases, very much well.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Green chile cookbook helps cancer fight

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) - How's this for fine dining; a menu consisting of Mini Green Chile Stew Spring Rolls; Green Chile Bacon Corn Chowder Goodness; Green Chili and Cheese Fritatta or maybe Chile Relleno Meatballs; and a dessert of Hatch Green Chile Mexican Chocolate Mousse.

Those are among the top recipes that are included in the first-ever "Biad Chili Tough Book of Green Chile Recipes," which was released Monday by representatives of Biad Chili Co. of Las Cruces, and the NMSU Aggies Are Tough Enough To Wear Pink campaign.

Regardless if you're a green chile fan, this is one cookbook that very likely could make your mouth water. If nothing else, it could make native New Mexicans who have moved away long for home again.

"I like this cookbook because it has a lot of different variations from things my family and I have tried for years when cooking with chile," said Desiree Chavez, a Las Cruces homemaker who said her family eats chile at least twice a week. "I think I'm going to get a copy just so we can have a few new ideas. For sure, it's going to a worthy cause."

Chris Biad and Anna Emerick Biad, owners of Biad Chili Co., said Monday that all proceeds from the 1,000 cookbooks that have been printed will be donated to the NMSU Aggies Are Tough Enough To Wear Pink campaign. Cookbooks are available for $15 a copy at the Biad Chili Store, 6060 S. Main St., in Mesilla Park, and online at .

"Cancer has touched all of our lives in one way or another," Anna Emerick Biad said. "For us at Biad Chili, cancer has affected our family members and employees. We want this cookbook to help raise awareness and funds to fight cancer."

Between January and June, more than 800 recipes were submitted through the company's Facebook page. NMSU executive chef Maurice Zeck narrowed the list of recipes to 75 and those were published in the cookbook.

"This Biad cookbook is another wonderful example of how the Las Cruces business community embraces the work the NMSU Aggies are Tough Enough to Wear Pink volunteers are doing" said TETWP co-chair Pat Sisbarro. "We are so excited and grateful, and the recipes are great addition to every Las Cruces kitchen."

NMSU Aggies Are Tough Enough to Wear Pink is a volunteer group who has worked to raise breast cancer awareness in southern New Mexico while raising funds for Cowboys for Cancer Research. Since 2007, the group has generated more than $2 million in cash and in-kind contributions and is recognized as the top grossing "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" event in the world.

"We've set a goal of trying to raise $1 million this year in cash and in-kind gifts and services," said Geraldine Calhoun, who with her husband, Denny Calhoun, have helped spearhead Cowboys For Cancer Research fundraising efforts for years. "Last year, Cowboys For Cancer Research and Tough Enough To Wear Pink worked together here to raise $956,000 in cash and in-kind gifts and services. So, after that, we jumped out and said let's try to go for $1 million this year."


Information from: Las Cruces Sun-News


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Top Schools For Phlebotomy ?

If you decide that this is the skill you are searching for, research the schools in your area. You want to make sure that they offer a program that provides accreditation and one that you can get your certification or degree in the time limit you have set.

In addition to expanding career opportunities, phlebotomy offers an excellent opportunity to earn a livable wage. According to the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), phlebotomy technicians in the United States earned an average annual salary of $24,350. According to the BLS, median annual earnings for medical and clinical laboratory technicians were $34,270 in May of 2007.

With the introduction of internet, every part is out there on-line or we should always say every thing is feasible on the internet. Getting phlebotomy training is no different. phlebotomy schools on the web educate candidates the important data required for earning a diploma or certificates in phlebotomy.

You can either get a certification of phlebotomy by studying in a college or university or in a vocational school. Colleges usually offer more comprehensive courses that take a longer time to finish than phlebotomy courses in vocational technical schools. Phlebotomy courses can be finished in just one semester or up to one year, depending on the program. Choose the kind of program that will work best for your needs. For example, if you do not have enough time and you only need to take the basic courses about phlebotomy, then the one-semester course offered in technical or vocational schools will do.

At the stop of the education method, you will almost certainly get the phlebotomy certification test to show your competence in this discipline. It is critical to notice that in all states, college students are needed to be licensed Phlebotomists. At this time, only the states of California, Louisiana, neglect this sort of a requirement. But receiving the placement of the phlebotomy without a diploma is incredibly not likely. In most situations, candidates ought to generate a certificate for offered work opportunities ? Issuing a fantastic benefit for job seekers.

Once aspiring phlebotomists have completed their certification, they?ll begin working in a lab collecting patients? and clients? blood specimens. To do so, the phlebotomist must collect blood from a vein. But it?s not as easy as just poking someone ? these allied health professionals must apply microcollection techniques, such as using a sterile lancet for piercing.

Tourniquets are used to stop bleeding or control blood flow into the test tube, and holders or adapters connect the sample to the evacuation collection tube. And obviously, a phlebotomist must have gauze, sponges and adhesive bandages on hand to patch up the site where the blood withdrawal was just taken to prevent any further bleeding.

There is a positive aura in the industry, if one feels inclined towards it. If you have a Bachelors or Masters degree in the social work, then you can easily enter any field mentioned above. Government departments and NGOs are the main employers for people with such qualifications. So, if you think you have what it takes to prosper in this growing profession, then try your luck today!

Phlebotomists must be properly trained before they are hired by any hospital. This really is the job with more responsibility.
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Pre-iPhone launch is getting crowded: Motorola/Google, Microsoft and now Amazon are all opening for Apple

August 23, 2012 at 4:36 pm


When word that Apple was planning an iPhone launch in September this year hit, the other big guys in the space all seemed to get?scurrying. Microsoft?s Windows 8/Nokia event was planned for September 5th?in New York City and announced on August 15th.

Google subsidiary Motorola planned an event for that same Day in New York City (easy for the Tech Press!). Invites went out on August 17th. Droid RAZR HD is the likely main event.

Today, Amazon announced that it would be having an event in LA in which it will likely reveal?successors?to the Kindle Fire which may include a 10-inch tablet and perhaps even a phone.

Why are these guys all lining up Apple to be the main event for the holidays? ?Why not wait until after Apple?s event? Google moving Google I/O until after the WWDC event certainly seemed to help the Nexus 7?

It doesn?t matter. ?These three major players will all get their few days of fame and then totally get washed out by the iPhone event on the 12th.

40.714513 -74.005122


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why RedBuilt?? | RedBuilt Blog

By Tom Byron, Technical Sales Representative at RedBuilt?

Tom Byron, Technical Sales Representative at RedBuilt

Why use RedBuilt? products and services? This question is asked everyday by a variety of design professionals, contractors, property owners, and building department officials. This two part series will help explain the benefits of using RedBuilt engineered wood products. Part one is aimed at the design professionals and building departments. These individuals understand that commercial buildings are inherently different from residential buildings and must be designed and built to guarantee public safety. Next week?s part two will focus on how using RedBuilt products benefits contractors and building owners.

The construction business has been going through some major shifts in types of buildings being constructed; an example would be the now popular mixed use buildings. Mixed use buildings require a thorough understanding of building code requirements as a result of the combination of different uses, fire rating requirements, etc.

The turbulent times of the past few years have resulted in many building component manufacturers and construction firms either going out of business or drastically reducing their size. Due to the scarcity of projects in this economy, many contractors and suppliers have started to bid projects outside of their areas of expertise as a means for survival.? Unfortunately, they often times ?win? these projects as a result of their inexperience.

Invariably, this leads to challenges on the jobsite including attempts to mitigate costs by substituting products, changing details during construction, etc.. so how can you ensure a building is built to perform the way it was designed? How do architects, engineers and building departments protect themselves and the general public?

It?s Simple: Specify RedBuilt products and services and hold to your specification.????????????????????????????????????

As the industry leader in the commercial engineered wood products business, RedBuilt has been setting the industry standard since our founders first developed the Red Open-Web trusses, I-joists (Red-I? I-joists), and laminated veneer lumber (RedLam? LVL). Not only do we have the largest selection of engineered wood products to meet the needs of the commercial construction industry, but we also provide more engineering and technical assistance than any other company in the business.

So how does this help the AOR, EOR and Building Departments?

The most important advantage in specifying and insisting on the use of RedBuilt products is safety. RedBuilt is a company built on safety, service, and engineering. We take the word ?engineered? so seriously that we employ over ten professional licensed engineers in varying roles from production engineering, corporate engineering, operations, and marketing. In addition to working to ensure our products are used properly in your buildings, their duties also include product quality assurance at our four manufacturing plants, product testing, code approvals, training, and new product development.

We have five RedBuilt Design Centers (shop drawing department) strategically located at our manufacturing facilities and corporate headquarters.? Each Design Center is directed by a licensed professional engineer.? When required, our engineers review, approve and seal shop drawings as well as RedBuilt product load calculations. ?Since they are employees of RedBuilt, you know they have laser focus and understanding of our products and are incredible resources for solving, and perhaps more importantly, preventing issues on the jobsite.

Engaging our technical representatives during the design phase to optimize systems and requiring shop drawings to be reviewed and sealed by a professional engineer employed by the manufacturer allows AOR and EOR to focus on overall building envelope design and load development. Building Inspectors know that if RedBuilt products are supplied, the actual manufacturer is checking the design to make certain their products are being used in the correct application.

RedBuilt will provide free design assistance by our Technical Sales Representatives. We will visit your office at any time to help with a design or provide a lunch and learn training session to refresh your knowledge of our products. You can also use our on-line design manual and software at speak directly with our engineers.

Technical Representatives are also a resource for jobsite support.? We can stop by each jobsite to answer any questions the contractor may have. During this visit, the RedBuilt representative will walk the jobsite and review the installation of RedBuilt products. You, as a design professional, can have in your specification a requirement for the manufacturer to do this review. This piece-of-mind is a primary reason National Account Chains require RedBuilt to be used on their projects.

So, what do other manufacturers and suppliers do?

Most other manufacturers do not employ licensed professional engineers to review shop drawings, designs, or how a product substitution will perform. Instead, they rely on brokers and lumberyard sales people to redesign your projects. Since these manufacturers have smaller product lines than RedBuilt, and products that, in many cases, do not meet or exceed the specified products, they will need to make substantial changes to find a solution that ?works.? They may substitute lesser products, increase depth or change on center-spacing to get a product that they think will work. They then expect the EOR/AOR to approve their solution with little understanding of why the original solution was used.? This causes delays and additional check time for the AOR/EOR.

If a broker is supplying material, that?s all they?ll do, supply material.? They cut costs by eliminating seals on shop drawings.? Instead, they simply do a layout plan on top of the EOR?s structural drawings and pay to have the calculations stamped, which typically means that the output, based on input by others, is correct?not very reassuring. It doesn?t mean that the data was checked or any of the connection details were checked. In other words the entire burden is on the EOR/AOR.

Lumberyards attempt to convert the specified commercial products to a residential product line they carry. Often, residential products have different chord and web thickness, which raises a few questions: Does your nailing still work? Is the deflection still adequate? Does the end reaction require web stiffeners?

We are now seeing a push by residential manufacturers to get their products specified on commercial projects. When there is a mix of residential and commercial products on a project, sales people feel they have more flexibility to make product substitutions. They try to replace the commercial products so they can sell the whole project. This means no shop drawings, no application validation, and no responsibility for what is being supplied.

There are also many contractors who build custom homes or multifamily projects that think they can just substitute products as they wish. Since each lumberyard sells a different manufacturer?s product line and they have always swapped those out before, why not do the same on a commercial project? If there aren?t any shop drawings required then often the EOR doesn?t even know a project he designed is being built to different standards.

Competitors will also swap out hardware without checking nailing requirements. RedBuilt uses Simpson hardware to ensure the connections work as detailed and we know Simpson keeps all code approvals up to date.

So, what can you do?

Seven Steps Architects, Engineers and Building Departments can take to ensure your intentions and designs are being followed and your buildings are safe.

  1. Require the manufacturer to have a professional engineer seal both the shop ???? drawings and the calculations they submit.
  2. Require jobsite reviews and a verification letter by the product manufacturer.
  3. Require substituted products to be equal to or exceed specified products design ???? properties.
  4. Require only commercial products on commercial buildings.
  5. Require compensation for the design professional for time spent reviewing product ???? substitutions.
  6. Require professional engineer sealed shop drawings and load calculations for the ?as built? drawings to be submitted to building departments.
  7. Specify RedBuilt. The only company manufacturing for over 50 years in the ???? Engineered Wood Business.


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Legal Shield Visits GMW to Discuss Identity Theft

Legal Shield Interview Part 1 of 2

Legal Shield Interview Part 2 of 2

Click the videos above to watch our interviews with Todd Hall from Legal Shield.

Topics discussed include the different types of identity theft, and the impact ID theft can have on victims.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jenne, Inc. Announces LifeSize(R) and Revolabs(R) Bundles for ...

AVON, OH ? (Marketwire) ? 08/21/12 ? Jenne, Inc., a leading value-added distributor of IP telephony, audio and video conferencing, unified communications, data networking and IT security products, announced exclusive bundled video conferencing solutions from two of its key unified communications manufacturer partners, LifeSize? and Revolabs?. LifeSize offers scalable, enterprise-quality client-server solutions that support high-end HD video collaboration, while Revolabs provides a range of wireless audio solutions suitable for unified communications, enterprise collaboration and professional audio applications.

The new bundles, which are available now and are suitable for a wide range of vertical markets, combine LifeSize?s expertise in HD video collaboration and Revolabs? highly successful wireless systems, enabling end-users to experience not only pristine video quality but also high quality, intelligible wireless audio ? no matter how large the installation. Jenne is offering three separate bundles, each optimized for different workplace environments. These include solutions for medium-large conference rooms, small-medium conference rooms and small office/home office environments.

Following is a summary of the new video conferencing bundles being offered by Jenne, including featured product solutions:

  • Medium-Large Conference Room Solution:
    Includes LifeSize? Room 220?, LifeSize? Room 221i? and Revolabs Fusion
  • Small-Medium Conference Room Solution:
    Includes LifeSize? Express 220? and Revolabs HD? Dual
  • Small Office / Home Office Solution:
    Includes LifeSize? Passport? and Revolabs HD? Single

Each of the new bundles offered by Jenne feature ?plug and play? set-up and combine a single/dual channel of Revolabs? wireless audio for a home office solution, to up to 8 channels for an enterprise solution. Bundles include a range of possible LifeSize? HD video solutions, each optimized for the scale of the installation. These include LifeSize? Room 220?, LifeSize? Room 220i?, LifeSize? Express 220? and LifeSize? Passport?.

?Our new video conferencing bundles from LifeSize? and Revolabs? provide an unsurpassed range of price/performance options,? commented Vince Piccolomini, vice president of business development, Jenne. ?By combining best-of-breed solutions from LifeSize? and Revolabs?, we are able to offer turnkey solutions for our resellers that combine HD video and high quality wireless audio ? no matter how small or large the end user?s environment may be.?

Resellers interested in learning more about the new video conferencing bundles from LifeSize? and Revolabs? should contact their sales representative or contact Jenne sales at / 800-422-6191.

About Jenne?
Jenne, Inc., headquartered in Avon, Ohio, is a leading value-added distributor of business telephony, data, audio and video conferencing, and security technology products, including equipment and software for the Enterprise and SMB markets. More than 150 major manufacturers partner with Jenne including Avaya, Aastra, ADTRAN, Bogen, ClearOne, Extreme Networks, GN Netcom, ICC, Lifesize, Panasonic, Plantronics, Valcom, and Verint. Jenne is dedicated to tracking emerging technologies, offering fresh solutions, new equipment and related applications, accredited training and certification to better serve dealers and resellers.

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Jeff Touzeau
Hummingbird Media, Inc.
(914) 602-2913
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Susan Elder
Jenne, Inc.
(440) 471-3434
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How to Remember Everything | Greatist

I?m in the middle of research for this article when I need to get something from another room. By the time I finish my five-second climb up the stairs, I?ve completely forgotten what it was I wanted and freeze until it hits me that I was grabbing my notebook? and some Mentos. I think.

Memory loss is a natural symptom of aging, but it starts way before the grey hair and dentures ? possibly when we?re as young as 20[]. Some researchers blame forgetfulness on our tweeting and Googling, suggesting that multitasking and a constant influx of information may be hurting our memory[][]. Other parts of our lifestyle, like snooze time and working out?also play a key role[][][][]. Fortunately, there are lots of techniques that may help keep our memory sharp ? before we start repeating stories that start with, ?When I was your age??

Forget Me Not ? The Need-to-Know

Remember EverythingWe receive an overwhelming amount of information every day, but the brain filters out most of it. The stuff we do notice heads straight to our short-term memory, which can hold about seven units of information (i.e. a seven-digit phone number) for 20 to 30 seconds. Anything important or impactful (like the way a first love used to laugh) moves to another part of the brain for long-term storage, while the rest gets pushed out to make room for new information coming in. More emotional experiences tend to stick with us, as do activities we repeat often, like dance routines [][]. (Hey, Macarena!)

So why do we always seem to struggle to find those house keys? Aging is a big factor, and some studies suggest that the gradual decline in memory begins as early as age 20. Other research suggests we?re less likely to remember things now that information is easily accessible 24/7 on the Internet []! And studies from the past several years are myth-busting the idea that multitasking is efficient or productive. Some researchers believe multitasking actually impairs our short-term memory and hurts our ability to focus on the most important information in our environment[][].

No matter what the source of those memory problems, the good news is we?ve got you covered. Keep reading for tips on improving memory.

Remember This! ? Your Action Plan

From sleeping more to keeping a calendar, certain lifestyle habits can really boost our ability to remember new information.

Improve General Memory

Get some sleep.?Just one night of sleep deprivation can damage our short- and long-term memory,?and all-nighters may bring down our ability to retain new information by 40 percent[][]! That?s because, during sleep, the brain picks out information worth remembering and strengthens new memories[][][][].?And hey you 20-somethings, check this out: One study found that sleep deprivation has a more negative effect on people in their 20s than on baby boomers[][].?Regardless of age, if those recommended?seven to nine hours?of sleep seem impossible, a 60-minute nap can also improve memory and recall[][].

Move it. As if there aren?t enough reasons to put on those running shoes, here?s another one: Exercise can improve memory and learning ? even if it?s just 30 minutes of daily walking[][]. Scientists think exercise boosts the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes new information and plays a role in long-term memory storage.

Work the mind. Try changing things up by using a non-dominant hand or taking a new route to work. Or start using the mind in the ways you?ve been using the phone, like memorizing phone numbers and addresses or writing directions on paper instead of using a GPS. Need a quick pick-me-up? A good old-fashioned cup of coffee just might boost that memory as well as any brain-training game[].

Study Smarter

Study when it counts. In one study, participants who received training in the afternoon performed better on tests than those who were trained in the morning[]. Reviewing what you?ve learned before bed and right after waking up can also improve retention, but Pythagoras already knew that ages ago.

Space out. Multiple studies have found that a memory technique called ?spaced repetition? can increase retention by up to 50 percent. Basically, spaced repetition involves breaking info into smaller units and reviewing them consistently over the course of a few months[].?It can also help to test yourself on new information instead of just passively reviewing it.

Tell a story. The crazier the story, the more likely we are to remember it! Try this technique with the shopping list: If the first word is ?apples,? picture an apple pie on the table and use other words on the list to tell a tale about what happened on the trip to the grocery store.

Remember Random Things

Know what?s in a name. Keep repeating a new name in your head or use it in conversation as much as you can. (?That?s a great idea, Sam!?) Or tie the person?s name to something unique about them, like ?Dan the Digital Ninja.?

Save the date. Plan ahead with Google Calendar reminders and Post-It notes. Bonus points for memorizing the date without help: Try the mnemonic method and create a story by using the numbers in the date. (For instance, for the date 10/29: Mark was born on a cloudy October day and his mother was in labor for 29 hours.)

Systemize it. Create rituals and develop habits, like leaving keys in the same place every day. Run through a checklist of all essentials before leaving the house. (Phone? Check. Wallet? Keys?)

Have you had trouble keeping track of things lately? What are some techniques that help you remember??


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Discover Alice in Barbershop Land at the Clark Center

The Central Coast Celebration Chorus presents their annual production Alice in Barbershop Land at the Clark Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 2pm & 7pm.
Alice in Barbershop Land combines the award winning sounds of the Celebration Chorus along with humor and entertainment that the whole family can enjoy.?Join Alice and all her friends as she adventures through a whimsical world of wonder.

This literary nonsense sort of story actually occurs in a dream.?But Alice doesn?t know she is dreaming and she desperately wants to find a white rabbit.?Over the hill and under-land, Alice meets strange and wonderful characters, all having enormous influence and most often sending her on her way to more confusing adventures.

Don?t miss this classic tale complete with colorful costumes and musical melodies that you are sure to recognize.? The Queen of Hearts is sure to win your heart even if she is rather?..tyrannical and the Mad Hatter is MAD of course but then so is everyone else in the show. Bring your sugar to tea and join us!

The award winning Central Coast Celebration Chorus is part of an international organization of women singers known as the Sweet Adelines who are dedicated to the joy of performing while fostering an environment of personal growth and musical excellence. They are an extraordinary group of women who gather in celebration of the artform known as barbershop music and its exciting four part harmony.

General admission tickets are $20 both for the matinee at 2 pm or the evening show at 7 pm.? Tickets are on sale now.? Please call: (805) 489- 9444 or come to the Clark Center Box Office at 487 Fair Oaks Avenue in Arroyo Grande.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit the Clark Center website at

For photos or interviews, contact Jamie Maraviglia at 489-4196 or email

The Clark Center for the Performing Arts?Quality Entertainment, Minutes From Home!!!


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Segarini: Seg's Scrapbook ? Snapshots and Stories for Modern Men ...

Well, hello there Dudes and Dudettes. Time for another stroll down memory lane to visit the past so we can embrace the present. Some of you may have seen this before (around 3 years ago) when I first published it in a slightly different version in a long-gone blog called FYIMusic. I?m sure for most of you, this will be something new. If, like Homer, you cringe when Patty and Selma bring over the slides from their vacations, you may be excused, grab a beer, and watch some television. For those of you who like to sit on the couch and look at pictures in a dog-eared scrapbook, pull up a chair and lean in. The stories start now?

Seg?s Scrapbook

Snapshots and Stories for Modern Men and Women

A Few Family Photos?

I was about 3 years old when this was taken. That?s me, my mom, and the family dog, Spotty?a Water Spaniel my dad bought as a hunting dog, but who ended up being my babysitter most of the time. Somewhere, there is an 8 millimeter home movie of him dragging my ass around the backyard at 464 E. Ellis by my diaper, but I have yet to find the box where all those old Kodak movies are tucked away. We were in Long Barn California, a curve in a 2 lane highway in the Sierra Nevada?s on the way to Pinecrest. Sorry for the blurry image, but apparently no one could focus a camera until the late ?80?s?and even then it was a crapshoot. Being an only child (and adopted at that) Spotty was my only and best friend for years

This is my dad (in the middle) my cousin Bob Gray (on the left) and my Uncle Al playing Liar?s Dice on the living room floor at 4 East Monterey in Stockton. This pastime was my father?s favourite second only to blasting the shit out of unarmed deer, pheasant, ducks, and other animals that sat regularly on our dinner table when Pop had a good hunt.

My cousin Bob was a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War and had the enviable job of transporting celebrities and dignitaries to and from various and sundry meetings, USO Shows, and photo ops. Among his prized possessions, a pair of cufflinks presented to him by Bob Hope, dozens and dozens of great stories, and a Vietcong produced American dollar bill with a picture of a woman sucking a dick on it instead of George Washington?s stiffly grimacing face.

One of the great stories I have since heard from other sources was first told to me by my cousin. Bob flew then President Richard Nixon and Louie Armstrong to a destination in Vietnam, and Louie, a proud and veteran user of wacky weed and marching powder had a stash in his trumpet case. Walking to customs, Armstrong asked President Nixon if he wouldn?t mind carrying his trumpet so Louie could manage the rest of his luggage. Nixon reportedly said he?d be honored, and Satchmo?s stash made it to and from Vietnam without incident. Nixon not only opened the door to China and ended the Vietnam War?he made sure Satchmo was comfortably numb for our fighting men and women overseas. Thank you, President Nixon. Thank you.

Speaking of my dad, this is a snapshot that Amy?s mother took the first time my father saw his granddaughter. It was love at first sight for both of them. My dad had a habit of keeping a lot of change in his pocket. He jingled when he walked. When Amy was old enough to walk, she used to follow him around when we?d visit and try to stick her hand in his pocket to get at the coins. My dad would give her a silver dollar or a fifty cent piece for her trouble. She could have gone to college with the amount of money she got out of his pockets when she was a toddler.

Fear of being struck by lightning didn?t keep me from Amy?s baptism. Apparently, the Catholic Church is very forgiving, and I emerged unscathed. The Holy Water did burn a little, however?

This is my then wife, Amy?s mom, Cheryl, and my cousin Eddie, the infamous Steady Eddie from the song of the same name. A free spirit and a lover of life in the extreme, Eddie now divides his time between homes in Squaw Valley and Cobo San Lucas, surfing or skiing with an old friend, John Bossi, and staying out of trouble, or not getting caught, I?m not sure which. Ed is one of my favourite people. So is Cheryl.

?Extended Family Photos?

When I moved to Toronto and started working on what would become an EP for A&M records, this kid was going to Centennial College and wanted to be a journalist. He asked me for an interview and I gave him one. I also took him out to A&M and introduced him around. Over the next several years we became great friends, made the rounds to check out all the local bands at the clubs, listened to and discussed the latest ?New Wave? and Punk records, stayed up many a night laughing and drinking and amusing (and pissing off) either his mom or my wife no end, and even took up golf. He has gone on to become a mainstay in the Canadian Music Industry and a man whose extraordinary taste in music makes him a formidable ally if he and partner Todd Arkell decide to manage your band. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Cam Carpenter.


After the A&M EP, the label dropped me with the explanation, ?We don?t know what to do with you.? These two thought they did, and financed and finished the Gotta Have Pop album. One of them had his own pet project, Battered Wives, while the other championed my band through 3 albums and a couple of years of great times, and would later bring me on board to launch a dot com that was a decade ahead of it?s time, Musicmusicmusic, Wolfgang Spegg. His partner on the left, is Phil Lubman. This picture was taken at Amy?s 2nd Birthday party in 1978.

Also at that same party, Pete Kashur, seen here getting a look of disdain from girlfriend Kerri. I cannot explain the Dunce Cap. Pete?

?Different party, same goofy grins. Hedley, one of the Segarini Band?s trusted and crackerjack road crew, and the future Mrs. Mark Bronson, publicist, promoter, and dear friend, Colleen Irwin. God, there were a lot of parties at the little house on Armadale Avenue?

Some Musical Memories?

Cheryl and I at the Junos in 1979. I was up for producer of the year for Gotta Have Pop and lost to Joe Vanelli for brother Gino?s deserving LP. It was so weird to be there as a participant, and weirder still to hear a bunch of applause and woots when my name was announced. We were the indie underdog, the Bomb Records family and I, and it felt fantastic just being nominated.

Me posing with the incredible Wurlitzer Jukebox that Bomb bought and sent out to tour the front windows of record stores across Canada to promote Gotta Have Pop. Wolfgang promised me the Jukebox when it came back off the road after the tour. Legend has it that Phil Lubman picked it up at the airport in an old VW pickup and accidentally dumped it out onto the 401 swerving to avoid another vehicle. I have always suspected that it was only rented and given back, a lie along the lines of the one my parents told me when Spotty passed away. For years I thought he had been taken to a friend?s farm so he could chase rabbits. The lens flares predate JJ Abram?s Star Trek by decades?

The Segarini Band opening for Teenage Head at the much missed Forum in Toronto. We are on the revolving stage in front of 15,000 people who are waiting to see Frankie and Company. All in all a great gig if you ignore the burning, overturned Police cars and being trapped in the dressing rooms for hours. Nice night for a party, wasn?t it??

I was working at Q107 as The Iceman when I got a call from some old friends who were in town to play a club in Toronto. As always, getting together with Mark and Howard turned into a night of debauchery and laughs. Here we are on stage at Nag?s Head North singing their signature tune, Happy Together. I just love these guys, and try to see them every summer that they come through town.

These are not just some little girls we?ve taken to Canada?s Wonderland to ride the rollercoasters and eat funnel cakes. These are the sisters from The Jets, who should have been the next Jackson Family and whose song, All Over Him, is still one of my favourites. My friend, Don Williams, is lurking in the back. We took Amy there to see the band live and they were amazing. I have a great picture of Ames with the group, but of course, I can?t find it.

This picture of Bruce Allen and I was taken at the after party in the basement of Massey Hall when Bryan Adams shot a couple of videos for his latest album. I have known both Bryan and Bruce for a long time, before either one of their careers exploded. They remain completely unaffected by their success. Both are as nice (and as talented) as they were at the outset, and to this day, both of them always find the time to spend a few minutes when we run into each other.

I was in New York with a group of people for a series of Jays games with the Yankees once, and the organizer of the trip and another friend and I had drinks in a little upscale restaurant/bar behind the Loews Hotel in a laneway off of 57th street the night we got in. The MTV Music Awards were taking place on the same weekend, and the area was crawling with rock stars and fans alike. After running up a sizable bill, Joe, the organizer of the trip, went to pay the tab with a Canadian Traveler?s check and was told by the bartender, ?We only take real money here?. Canadian money just made him laugh and roll his eyes. I looked around to see if I might know anyone (Little Steven and a couple of tall blonde ?fans? were at the table behind us), and when I glanced over at the cash register, I noticed Bruce Allen paying his bill. What are the odds in a city the size of New York? I asked him if he could help us out. Without hesitation, he cashed one of Joe?s traveler?s checks, gave us some backstage passes for Bryan?s show at MadisonSquareGarden the following night, and disappeared into the night after a nice conversation about how great the food was.? At the party this picture was taken at, they ran out of beer. Bryan, not asking a roadie or someone else to do it, went out to one of the tour buses and brought back another case of beer from the onboard stash. How many rock stars would do that?

A great Polaroid test shot for a magazine article about yours truly that I think was taken by legendary rock photographer, John Rowlands. I forget the magazine, but I will never forget that guitar. John, help me out here. Was it you?and whose guitar was that?

And finally?

Every now and then the stars align and a night to remember happens without warning or planning. The Anger Brothers, an underrated and ridiculously fun band that started out as a side project for Greg Godovitz and I, was playing at Jeff Healey?s fine basement dive one night when two old friends showed up with musician friends in tow. One was Warren Cosford, who brought legendary singer/songwriter Jack Scott down to the club, and the other was long time friend Miguel, whose oldest and dearest friend, Jose Feliciano, was in town for a visit. Mutual friend Kim Everest who owns Powerhouse Casting in Toronto was with Miguel and Jose.

It was enough that they were in the house, but having both of them come up onstage and sit in was an honor. We sang backup (along with Warren) on some of Jack?s biggest hits (The Way I Walk, What In the World?s Come Over You) and sang along with Jose on a handful of great classic Beatle tunes and played behind his amazing version of Light My Fire. When it couldn?t have been any better, Jeff Healey joined us onstage and everything went up another notch. Here?s a picture of Jack, Me, Jeff, Jose, Miguel, and Kimmie. Those grins are the honest result of good friends and a great night of music.

May you all have nights like these?


Segarini?s regular column appears here every Monday

Contact us at?

Bob ?The Iceman? Segarini was in the bands The Family Tree, Roxy, The Wackers, The Dudes, and The Segarini Band and nominated for a Juno for production in 1978. He also hosted ?Late Great Movies? on CITY TV, was a producer of Much Music, and an on-air personality on CHUM FM, Q107, SIRIUS Sat/Rad?s Iceberg 95, (now 85), and now publishes, edits, and writes for DBAWIS, continues to write music, make music, and record.



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Tired Of Unsuccessful, Expensive Internet Marketing Strategies? Try ...

Mistakes Are Costing You! Learn To Stop?Making ALL 189 Of Them!

Struggling With WordPress? 100+ Step-By-Step Videos Now Available!

Posted by Administrator on Aug 19, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

Internet marketing is a fascinating aspect of running an online business. The techniques can often be customized to fit the needs of different businesses. Of course, this is a tall order for anyone who has not taken the time to explore the different factors involved in online marketing. The tips you will read here can get you ready for any challenge.

A tip that needs consideration when marketing on the Internet is to try different ideas and strategies constantly. This is important for this type of business because regular income is slow at first and may never be steady until you are well established. So never give up a stable job unless you are certain this new job can be profitable.

If you are interested in having others link to your website, create a link that is readily available to them on your site. Those who enjoy your site can link their site to yours.

TIP! Include a glossary of the words on your site if you want people to think you know what you are talking about. A glossary is beneficial to both potential and current customers and could help to direct new traffic toward your site.

Encouraging your customer to get emotionally invested in your product/service can be a powerful Internet marketing tactic. Give people a reason to want to make a purchase on your site. Try and make the customer feel like that by making a purchase on your site, they will see a significant change in their life.

Expect to have to pay for a high-quality domain name. It is unlikely that you will be able to secure a domain that has your exact company name. An exact domain name can be very expensive, so look for alternatives that can save you a bundle before purchasing an exact domain name.

TIP! Incorporate the word ?fast? into your ad campaigns and language surrounding products and purchases. Time is given a monetary value in the minds of consumer, so fast service may allow you to increase your profits.

Rotate the content and headline keywords to see if there is a difference in traffic to your site or sales numbers. Continue employing the Internet marketing techniques that are successful but keep trying new methods to increase your business. The customer might not always be right; you just need to approach things that way. Listen and react to your customers.

Know what your goal is and always strive to achieve it. Determine the type of articles you wish to write and which directory you will be submitting them to. Make sure this content is adapted to your audience, and encourage people to share these articles with their friends. Bear these requirements in mind as you craft your articles.

Making your site stand out is a great Internet marketing advantage you can use. If your website is distinctive, it is likely to draw plenty of traffic away from more indistinguishable sites. Try spotlighting one of your special services.

TIP! Another option would be combining products into a package deal and selling it for a lower price. That way the customer gets more bang for their buck.

Cross merchandising is a great way to increase revenue by offering similar items to customers who make a purchase. Let?s assume that you run on online bookstore. If a customer purchases a cookbook, display links to other cookbooks you sell. You will get higher sales if you target others.

Be the expert in your field. You will be more credible this way, rather than being dishonest about it.

You should be sure to have a place for customers to comment on your products within your site. Potential customers want to see reviews, because they want to know what they are buying is high quality. It also makes them trust your company and your product more, which leads to them being more likely to make a purchase.

TIP! Use descriptive language so your customers create a mental relationship with the product. This will help you to build up your brand and make it easily recognizable to others.

Make sure to include free samples and coupons with shipping boxes that will relate to whatever product your customer will be receiving in the mail. Many customers will look at the coupon as an added incentive for returning to the website for more purchases.

There are a lot of methods to do Internet marketing. That is a curse, but also can be a gift. Adopt a strategy that is adapted to your audience and to your products, but do not let the amount of possibilities intimidate you. The tips listed here should make it easier for you to choose

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