Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sisters sell scarves to support mom's battle with breast cancer ...

Read?more: Local, Community, Consumer, News, Infinity Scarves, Battle with Breast Cancer, Randy Myers, Britney Simerson, Nicole Harrington, Kaitlin Harrington, AFRNT Brand, AFRNT, Cindy Bell, Haystacks, Breast Cancer Awareness, Breast Cancer Scarves, Fight with Breast Cancer, Irene Jensen, Chelsey Sawallich

Sign in front of scarves that are being sold to support Irene Jensen's fight with breast cancer.

TRAVERSE CITY -- Sisters Nicole and Kaitlin Harrington are selling scarves to help cover the medical costs that are accumulating with their mom's fight with breast cancer.

"She's falling behind in bills and debt and I don't know how she does it as a single parent," Nicole said.?"You look at her and it's like, 'how do you manage your money?', but somehow she does it with four of us kids and we still eat, we still have a place to live."

Nicole?and her friend Chelsey Sawallich are?making infinity scarves to support?Nicole's mom, Irene Jensen,?and they?are being sold at Haystacks in downtown Traverse City for $10 each.

Jensen?was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer before this past Thanksgiving.

When?Jensen told her daughter Nicole she had breast cancer she didn't believe her until she showed?her. ?

"I know when this happened I was kind of like, 'Wait, what?', that's my mom and I guess it just kind of hit me, like my mom's not going to be there forever, so hopefully she's proud," Nicole said.

According to Nicole, doctors are confident her mom will beat the breast cancer because they caught it early.

Nicole said she originally intended?to make the scarves for her friend Randy Myer's clothing brand called AFRNT Brand.

When Myer's learned of Nicole's mother's battle with breast cancer he came up with a different idea. He thought?of "1Purpose 2Inspire 4Her", which is?now the name of the cause.?

Myers said breast cancer has had an impact on his own family.

"My grandma, she passed away from breast cancer about a decade ago," Myers said. "People that are no longer here, they can still inspire you."

Britney Simerson, a model for AFRNT Brand, said her family has also been impacted by breast cancer.

"My mom actually had to go in and get a biopsy, it turned out just to be a cyst, but my grandma has had breast cancer and my other grandma," Simerson said.

In just a few days, Nicole and her sister Kaitlin raised enough money from scarf sales to buy their mom a wig.

"She already picked out which one she liked, because it had all the matching hair, like it had gray in it, and it had blonde in it and then it was a brown wig," Kaitlin said.

Nicole said she has been overwhelmed with the support she has received from those involved with the cause.

"It's just really nice, like I didn't think it would be a big deal and everyone really wants to help," Nicole said.

You can follow Nicole Harrington's story?HERE?and contact?her by email?HERE.

You can purchase the scarves at Haystacks in downtown Traverse City as well as on Chelsey Sawallich's Etsy shop?HERE.


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