Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Introductions are hard. I have learned from experience that I am no good at them. But I am getting better, little by little. Still, I found the best way is to simply jump in and do it. I also like to think of this as the literary equivalent of driving one's car through someone else's living room. Hopefully, as a metaphor, this ends in less bloodshed than actually driving a car into your living room. Or, who knows, maybe it won't. It's a learning experience.

Anyways, where was I? Oh, yes, Introductions. Here goes nothing.

Hello all! My username is SpenserRex. Back when I was in Elementary school (first grade to be exact), I had a lot of trouble opening up so my teacher suggested I write a short poem about myself. What comes next is the result of her advice:

"SpenserRex was Harmless,

Spenser Rex was King.

Spenser Rex was Super,

Spenser Rex could Sing!".

Fast forward nearly 16 years later, I had all but forgotten about that poem, until one day, upon helping my grandmother clean her guest room, I found a copy of my late Grandfathers book that he wrote while sick with cancer. In it he had a introduction page, in which he talked about himself, as well as mentioning many of the people who were important in his life, thanking them and saying how much he appreciated them in this dark time. He also had a page dedicated to me, in which he wrote the SpenserRex poem down word for word, and sited it as inspiration for his book. He also had the original poem printed out and tucked neatly behind the back cover.

Since then, when it comes to usernames, I think of "SpenserRex". For some reason, nothing else seems fitting; plus, Grandpa would probably like to see me role-playing. He was like that.


Ok! now that I have bared my soul to the world wide web, it's time to get down to the "minor" details.

I am 22, and am currently a college student, pursuing a degree in Teaching. I have been in college for nearly 4 years now, an I probably have that much more to go. Not because I chose a hard major, but because I bounced around a lot. (note to those looking at furthering their education: Don't worry about graduating in four years, it never really happens.)

I live in a house I rent with my Girlfriend, our two dogs (Maggie and Ruby) an our x-box, all who I love very much. When not gaming, I write, draw, attempt to grow plants, and generally just exist. I am extremely happy with my life.

When it comes to role-play, I started back in 2009 in World of Warcraft, and quickly learned that I liked it. It added a level of immersion to the came that wasn't there, and for a while it was my whole world. I rp'd day and night, to the point where it began to affect my performance in school. So after a long time of contemplating, I quite WoW, and focused back on my life. Now it is a new year, and I have been wanting to get back into Role Playing for quite some time. After finding this site through Google, I decided to give it a shot and see what there is to see. I enjoy writing, and found that I have a knack for it, both fictional and technical. (Dear jeebus that amount of technical writing one does in college.) I look forward to making new friends, and sharing my ideas with others, as well as experiencing all this site has to offer. I hope to meet as many of you all as I can very soon.


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