Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Insight: South Sudan independence still comes at a price

JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan's citizens who paid in blood for their independence in a long liberation war are being told freedom carries its own price - in hardship.

An oil shutdown from January by the former bush rebels who now run the world's newest nation has strangled the flow of dollars into an economy that produces almost nothing else, and sent the South Sudanese pound tumbling against the greenback.

This has hiked the costs of everything from fuel to cooking oil, rice, charcoal and bananas. It is forcing the government to cut education and health spending in a state whose development indicators were already near the foot of world rankings.

"We don't know what will happen. We only know everything will be very hard. We are going to suffer," said Hamza Salim, 22, at a charcoal stand in Juba's Konyo-Konyo market. Citizens say prices have tripled since the start of the year.

When it became the world's newest nation in July 2011, South Sudan inherited three-quarters of the previously unified Sudan's oil output. Oil is the lifeblood of north and south.

The abrupt oil shutdown - made by the ruling Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) in the heat of a dispute with northern neighbor Sudan over oil export transit fees and border demarcation - closed off 98 percent of South Sudan's revenues, jolted both economies and stunned foreign donors.

It was followed in April by border fighting. The African Union and United Nations scrambled to halt a slide into all-out war.

The oil shutdown is defiantly presented by SPLM leaders as a new phase of their nationalist struggle to wrest complete independence, including economic freedom, from former 'colonizer' Khartoum.

"Today, we, the world's youngest nation, are able to prove we are capable of defending our independence," said SPLM Secretary-General Pagan Amum, who is also South Sudan's chief negotiator with Khartoum. The new government still spends more on defense than on education and health put together.

But with experts warning of state collapse, the message being delivered behind closed doors to South Sudan's leaders by Western donors is that the heroic narrative of survival without oil is a fairy tale and that they must parley with Sudan.

"It's pie in the sky ... Everybody is telling them 'Do the deal' (with Sudan). Plan B? There isn't one. State shutdown," said one foreign development expert, who asked not to be named.

Under pressure too from China, the main oil investor in both states, Sudan and South Sudan have agreed to resume negotiations on Tuesday to try to settle their differences.

With prospects of a lasting accord still very uncertain, President Salva Kiir is asking South Sudanese to tighten their belts and grow food to replace imports as his government looks to leverage subsoil oil reserves to obtain bridging loans.


The SPLM is counting on targeted spending cuts and foreign loans and aid to keep South Sudan on its feet until planned alternatives pipelines can be built in 2-3 years to carry the crude to Kenya or Ethiopia, instead of through Sudan.

Officials call it "economic war". The price for ordinary South Sudanese can be gauged in long lines of vehicles and bikes outside petrol stations seeking scarce fuel and shoppers in markets complaining of rocketing prices for food and essentials.

A bag of charcoal, the basic cooking fuel, has gone from 50 South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) to 75 in a month. A bucket of onions now costs 200 SSP, up from 80 two months ago.

Since the oil shutdown, the pound has slipped to around 5 SSP to the dollar from 3.55, squeezing businesses, supermarket and restaurant owners and even small traders who have to import everything in dollars, trucked in from Uganda and Kenya.

"All the costs are higher. To convert back to dollars, you lose," said Ali Hodroj, a Lebanese businessman who owns the Phenicia supermarket, one of Juba's largest.

"This is war. It's no less war than being bombed from the air," said Professor John Akec, Vice-Chancellor of Northern Bahr El Ghazal University, recalling Sudan's air bombings of the south which were a feature of the civil war and have persisted.

But the prospect of months, even years, of austerity has triggered a fierce debate inside and outside South Sudan between those who say the "baby" nation can survive the financial famine, and others who say it cannot or should not have to.

"Just as people are sitting back and expecting a peace dividend from independence, we are demanding more from them," said South Sudan's Undersecretary for Culture Jok Madut Jok.

He faults the national government for communicating the oil shutdown decision poorly and failing to prepare for it.

"Will we really be able to run our economy for three years without this oil?," asked one anxious caller to the "Wake Up Juba" Radio Show broadcast by private Radio Bakhita.


Some government officials blithely assure reporters that as two-thirds of the population are peasants and cattle-herders, isolated from the urban cash economy, who can survive on little, they will hardly feel the austerity crunch, if at all.

"South Sudan will be able to negotiate and finance the 'gap' that we will have," Amum says, referring to the gaping revenues hole. He says the country has enough foreign exchange reserves to last more than a year and is confident of obtaining loans from friendly states and investors.

"They're buying a month at a time," the foreign development expert said bluntly.

On the surface at least, patriotism is still running high.

"It's OK, we can make it," said student David Kasubi after hearing President Kiir's appeal for more belt-tightening. But the 27-year-old student admits he is struggling to find a job.

"We are proud of our independence. Even though we have hunger we can bear it, because this is our home now," he said.

Not everybody is so sanguine.

Professor Akec compares the Juba-Khartoum standoff to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis between the United States and Soviet Union. He says that now as then each side is waiting for the other to blink first, with potentially disastrous consequences.

He advocates a mutually reasonable deal. "Insecurity as we have it right now is not attractive for investors to come to South Sudan ... capital is cowardly", Akec said.

Government officials take a different line, citing "huge" interest from investors to build new pipelines and refineries to end the south's dependence on the facilities of the north.

But analysts say that with some studies viewing the Sudans' oil production as already peaked, there are serious questions about the commercial feasibility of an alternative pipeline.


Fueling the debate is a leaked March 1 memo citing a top World Bank official warning South Sudan faces a catastrophic collapse in GDP, reserves running out by July, runaway inflation and increased poverty as a direct result of the oil shutdown.

The World Bank has sought to distance itself officially from the leaked memo, which infuriated South Sudan's government.

"The situation is not as desperate as painted by the World Bank," Information Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin said.

But other donors see justified reasons for alarm.

"There are no winners from the oil crisis ... no effort should be spared in attempting to arrive at a negotiated settlement," says a March report on South Sudan's education sector by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Seen by Reuters, it says South Sudan's parents and children are still waiting for the "peace dividend" from independence.

U.N. agencies are preparing to feed 2.7 million South Sudanese as they expect the economic crunch to squeeze tens of thousands of households and push many out of the food market.

"Our top priority during the period of austerity is to help keep the people alive," U.N. humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan Lise Grande said in Juba.

There are questions too about just how evenly the sacrifices will be shared. Austerity is being proclaimed by foreign-educated state officials who enjoy generous state salaries and vehicles and form a small, powerful elite in a mostly poor, uneducated and rural population of 8.6 million.

Inequalities are shockingly visible in Juba. Luxury SUVs, mostly Toyota Land Cruisers but also some Hummers, cluster like fat flies around government offices, foreign-owned restaurants and walled private residences, which exist alongside mud and thatch hovels, open drains, and many unpaved dirt streets.

Juba resembles a permanent building site and the sense is of a nation literally under construction by the hour.

"This is tougher than fighting," acknowledges the government's Deputy Information Minister Atem Yaak Atem.

(Additional reporting by Hereward Holland; editing by Janet McBride)

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Childhood Obesity and HBO's "Weight of the Nation" Series :: EDGE ...

Contributed by Ginny Ehrlich, CEO - Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The timing couldn?t be better for HBO and its partners to shed a much-needed light on the devastating impact that obesity is having on our country. More than 66 percent of Americans are overweight or obese and the mainstream is now looking for solutions. HBO is using its unique storytelling platform coupled with the science, research and data of the Institute of Medicine and others to help the general public learn and understand the brutal facts about the obesity epidemic - particularly, the threat to our children.

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation has been mobilizing schools, private industry and young people over the past seven years and sharing the same mind-blowing fact mentioned in the series - the current generation could become the first in American history to live shorter lives than their parents.

Childhood obesity in the United States is a complex issue and requires the commitment of every American to solve. Since 2005, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, founded by the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, has encouraged every American to get involved in reducing this growing trend.

The Aliance has instituted new health-promoting programs and policies in more than 14,000 schools impacting the lives of more than 9 million students; activated more than 2.5 million teens and tweens to commit to eat better, move more and serve as leaders to their peers; provided 2.4 million children access to healthcare benefits for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity; and facilitated an 88 percent reduction in beverage calories shipped to schools between 2004 and 2009 through a groundbreaking agreement with the beverage industry

The Alliance encourages every American to watch the Weight of the Nation series and get involved. Americans can take action with us at

About the Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to address one of the nation?s leading public health threats - childhood obesity. The goal of the Alliance is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015, and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. Founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foundation, the Alliance works to positively affect the places that can make a difference to a child?s health: homes, schools, doctor?s offices and communities.

Kyle Washburn is the National Health and Fitness Editor at Edge Publications, Inc. He earned a BS in Physiology, M.Ed in Sport Psychology and Counseling and an MBA. He is a certified personal trainer through NASM and ACE and has been training for over ten years. He is an avid triathlete, softball and tennis player, runner, hiker and enjoys the outdoors.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

London's Best Vegetarian Restaurants | Londonist

Mildred's restaurant. From Londonist Flickr Pool

London offers some of the best vegetarian food available. The capital?s veggie restaurants and caf?s?vary from offering light bites and food on the go to fine dining. They take their influences from the UK, the Mediterranean and of course South India amongst many other cuisines.

Many vegetarian places are hugely popular with veggies and non-veggies alike. As we draw to the end of national Vegetarian Week, we choose our own favourite restaurants.

Please leave your comments and let us know your favourites and we?ll add them as we go along.

Mildred?s is one of the busiest and most popular vegetarian restaurants in London. Offering a diverse range of fresh and exiting food from Sri-Lankan to Mediterranean dishes and veggie burgers, it has become one of the most vibrant eateries in Soho, if not London.

Starters come in at around ?6 with mains costing between ?7 and ?11. For the quality of food, this is incredible value. Mildred?s don?t take table bookings, so you have to turn up on spec. This can mean a bit of a wait but with a great selection of drinks available and the promise of some fine food to come, its not too much of a hassle! The one room you can book is the upstairs private dining room, which has a collection of vintage porn on the walls.

Midlred?s is at 45 Lexington Street, London, W1F 9AN. Our review.

Vanilla Black
Vanilla Black takes inventive vegetarian cooking to the highest level. This Michelin recommended restaurant originally opened in York before moving to its current location in the heart of the city. Since then it has delighted restaurant goers with its funky, modern take on vegetarian fine dining.

The mouth watering culinary creations on offer include such delights as ?fried mushroom mousse and pernod pancakes with whipped cider, fennel and butternut squash?.

A great location for a treat or a celebratory meal. The set menus help to provide a more affordable option. Lunch is available at ?18.50 for two course or ?23.50 for three.

Vanilla Black is at 17-18 Tooks Court, London, EC4A 1LB. Our review.

The Gate
Hammersmith?s The Gate?has been a favourite with vegetarians since opening in 1989. Run by the brothers Adrian and Michael Daniel, the food is a fusion of Asian flavours mixed with Mediterranean influences. Starters cost around ?6 with mains varying from ?10 to ?15.

The restaurant also periodically offers cookery workshops and the chefs have published two recipe books. Due to the ongoing success of the place, the brothers are opening a second restaurant in Islington on 1 June.

The Gate Hammersmith is at 51 Queen Caroline Street London, W6 9QL. Our review.

Food for Thought
Covent Garden?s Food for Thought?is a well priced, friendly caf? that is a great option for a quick bite while out shopping. The menu changes regularly but often includes bean stews, quiches, burritos and much more. You can get a fantastic main with a plate stacked full of salads and sides for between ?5 and ?8.

As the caf? is quite small and gets pretty busy. It can be a good idea to go either a bit before or after the lunchtime rush.

Food for Thought is at 31 Neal Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9PR

Serving up a buffet of wholesome salads, bean- and pulse-based concoctions and much else besides, this friendly and inviting vegan caf? has become a favourite among London?s vegetarians, and visitors to Soho alike.

All the food on offer is organic, wholesome and well priced. All you can eat costs between ?6 and ?9 depending on the time of day.

Vitao is at 74 Wardour Street, London, W1F 0TE.

The Bonnington Caf?
The Bonnington Caf??is a community caf? run by a collective of volunteer chefs. The menu rotates with the cooks and there are normally a couple of different options available.

It started life as a squat caf? during the 1980s and has been a fixture of the community ever since. Starters and desserts cost ?3 with mains coming in at ?7. The Bonnington is a quirky, friendly and fun place to have a meal. It?s also good to support a local community enterprise that?s run on a not for profit basis.

The Bonnington Caf? is at 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8 1TD. Our review.

With restaurants in Hammersmith, the West End and Covent Garden, Sagar offers some of the best-value vegetarian Indian food available in London.?The menu is based on dishes from south India and offers incredible value with selection plates and Thalis available at lunchtime for around ?5. They also serve these?preposterously?large crispy roll things.

Sagar Hammersmith is at 157 King Street, London, W6 9JT
Sagar West End is at 17A Percy Street off Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 1DU
Sagar Covent Garden is at 31 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5JS

Primrose Hill?s Manna has been nominated as the best vegetarian restaurant in London during this vegetarian week. Its an accolade that is much deserved.

Manna offers modern, stylish and inventive vegetarian food that takes in a huge range of influences. With dishes varying from organic bangers and mash to burritos, Indian dishes and tofu based concoctions, there is something for everyone here. Starters are approximately ?8 with mains coming in around ?14. Truly exciting veggie food.

Manna is at 4 Erskine Road Primrose Hill, London NW3 3AJ

Situated in Piccadilly, Tibits is one of the capital?s best vegetarian and vegan buffets. Offering eat-in and take-away options, Tibits serves up a diverse selection of enticing fresh flavours with dishes taking in salads, African cuisine, Asian influences and much more.

With all this on offer alongside a well stocked bar, Tibits is a great place to drop into if you?re out in central London.

Tibits is at 12-14 Hendon Street, London, W1B 4DA

Reader suggestions
OK, that?s our recommendations. We?d love to hear your favourites, though, and we?ll add them here.

From Twitter:
@paddy_wagstaff suggests Rasa
@DelveBand says inSpiral Lounge?in Camden has great food and lovely people
@bonny_vivante recommends ?Amico Bio at (ironically) Smithfields for great organic Italian vegetarian dishes. Omnivore friends have been uniformly impressed?

From the comments:
James suggests Woodlands in Panton Street?? looks like they also have branches in Hampstead and Marylebone
Probably Jon says Pogo Cafe in Hackney and?Jai Krishna on Stroud Green Road or Turnpike Lane?
Dave Cross recommends Blah Blah Blah in Shepherd?s Bush

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Video: Fighting to Save 'Face' Book

"I think Facebook is a company that's going to define media over the next five to ten years," says Jon Steinberg, BuzzFeed president, discussing a positive outlook on the stock despite trading glitches on the day it went public.

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Q&A: What are the laws in the US for buying gold with federal reserve

FAQ: What are the laws in the US for buying gold with federal reserve notes?

I want to know the nuts and bolts of investing in gold. I heard that there are laws that make federal reserve notes ?irredeemable? in gold. Do i have to exchange currency and buy gold in say Europe? Is this something any broker can do, or is it better to get with a specific kind of broker?

The money I have to invest is understood to be ?losable?, and I know how volatile gold is, but I want to buy now because I think its going to up quite a bit pretty soon. Im not going to invest anything I cant afford to lose.

Thanks Answer:

There is more than one way to invest in Gold (or any other precious metal).

One method is in the commodities market (also known as the futures market). There is not enough space to get into full details here. However, in simple terms, through a commodities broker, a person would buy/sell a futures contract of gold and then sell/buy that contract before maturity hoping that the price of that contract would move favorably to their position. Look for a book on futures trading at a book seller for more information.

The other method to invest in gold is to actually buy the gold. The most common method is to buy gold bullion in coins and bars that are minted by well-respected minters or governments. For example, the U.S. Mint has the American Eagle series of bullion coins.
They come in various sizes also, from 1/10 of an ounce to 1 ounce coins. The reason you buy bars or coins made by a mint is because those are certified to contain a certain amount of gold or other precious metal. An ingot, may or may not, be certified and then you would have to have it assayed before you sold it and that costs money.

You can buy minted bullion at several places online. One of my favorites is Bullion Direct.
Another place is Kitco.
You can have these places hold your bullion for you or you can have it delivered. I personally like it delivered. There is a small thrill when you hold the gold in your hand. :)

Anyway, that should get you started. A small disclaimer, I buy and sell bullion through Bullion Direct, but I have no other financial interest in the company. I have purchased bullion through Kitco, but I do not have any financial interest in the company.

BTW, Federal Reserve Notes (or dollars) are legal tender. They are not redeemable in gold or silver because the currency is no longer backed by a set amount of gold or silver. Many years ago, you could walk into a bank with a silver certificate (an old form of the dollar) and ask for the silver. That is no longer the case. However, there is no law in the U.S. that prevents you from owning gold and silver at this time.

Good luck,

Edit: The suggestion below, buying the ETF IAU, is also a good way to invest in gold. Less risky than buying commodities and less expensive than buying bullion.

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What Is The Average Fee For Selling A House in Boston -


Q: What is the average Realtor fee for selling a house in greater Boston?
?Anonymous, Lexington, MA

A: As a California agent, I?m not sure what is customary in Boston. However, I have dealt with transactions in many states and have experienced 6% as the typical fee for listing a home for sale. 3% goes to your listing agent and 3% goes to the buyer?s agent.

Having said that, fees are completely negotiable. You can pay more or less and even have structures like 3% to your agent & 3% to the buyer agent for a total of 6% OR 5% to your agent for representing both sides.

I highly recommend not paying a lower commission. If you are set on paying a lower commission, make sure YOUR agent gets the lower commission, not the buyer agent. For example, if you negotiate a 5% commission, make sure your agent gets 2% and the buyer agent gets 3%.

Buyer agents often show homes that pay higher commissions. It is not ethical, but it happens. I?ve seen it happen. Do your best to ensure agents are clamoring to show your home. Some sellers offer 4% to the listing agent to get lots of activity.

I hope this helps.

Denise Shur is a Realtor? with 1:1 Realty in San Jose, CA.

A: It will vary greatly from one brokerage to the next, as policies regarding commissions are set at the brokerage level. ?Typical?, ?average?, that can be very misleading. As always, keep in mind that you get what you pay for ? deciding on who represents you solely based on lower commissions can lead to disappointing results.
Alex Cortez is a Realtor? with Wailea Village Properties LLC dba/Island Sotheby?s in Kihei, HI.

A: Average commission rates is not something that we are allowed to discuss. Your best bet is to call a few different real estate offices and ask them.

Hope this helps.
Jody Lorberbaum Moore is a Realtor? with Lang Realty in Boca Raton, FL.

Are you interested in having a qualified REALTOR answer your questions? Click through to Ask a REALTOR? now.

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Pictures: History of Auto Fuel Efficiency

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Pictures: History of Auto Fuel Efficiency
Today?s global demand for more efficient cars follows two centuries of shifting attitudes toward fuel-guzzling vehicles, from Model T to Rambler, from Hummer to Prius.

Source: National Geographic News
Posted on: Friday, May 25, 2012, 8:53am
Views: 13

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Structured Settlement ? Depend on a Financial Investment

Home ? court ? Structured Settlement ? Depend on a Financial Investment

May 23rd

Structured settlements are investments that you can depend on to stabilize your?financial future. Depending on an investment for your financial future is often a?scary prospect. For many people the reality that they would have a dependable?investment for their financial future is just not a reality. Unfortunately, some of?us will become the recipients of a structured settlement that will give them an?investment that they can depend on.?Sometimes life intervenes and not the best of circumstances befall a person.

They get hurt at work because of faulty equipment. They may have been in a car?accident that was someone else?s fault due to negligence. As a result of these?types of circumstances, individuals are awarded a settlement that one can invest?into a structured settlement.

You have a choice on how you receive your settlement. Most settlements are?awarded in large amounts. You can take the settlement in a lump sum or you can?invest it into a structured settlement.

Should you choose to invest the money into a structured settlement, you still?have choices to make about your structured settlement. You have the choice?about how to receive your payments. You can choose to receive your payments?monthly, biannually or annually. It would depend on your circumstances in which?you would want to receive the payments. Most would prefer to receive the?payments on a monthly basis.

Should at any time after you begin your structured settlement payments your?circumstances change, you can take a lump sum payout for your structured?settlement. You can do this in two ways. You can choose to sell all or part of your?structured settlement. Should you take just part of your structured settlement?the rest will continue to be received as payments at lower installments.

When you are choosing the payment schedule for your structured settlement?payments, you need to consider carefully your wants and needs. You want the?investment of your structured settlement to work for you. If you know that there?are things that you will want to make your life easier then plan for those things.?The structured settlement is an investment that you can make work for you and?to your advantage.

You may think that later on down the line you will not sell all or part of your?structured settlement. Now is the time to be realistic. You did not foresee?anything happening to you that resulted in the award of the structured
settlement. However, life circumstances and events happen that change how?everyone looks at everything.

Should you need to revisit the idea of selling your structured settlement in part?or whole in the future, it can be done. It will be necessary for you to approach?a structured settlement buyer who is willing to purchase your structured?settlement from you.

The structured settlement is an investment that you can make work for you and?depend on for the rest of your life and for your financial security. Before you?make any decisions, carefully weigh the pros and cons on making your investment?changes in your structured settlement.

Written by James

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Top Small Business Retail CX examples from the Purple Goldfish ...

A little extra from your local retailer
In honor of Small Business Week, here are the top retail examples from the Purple Goldfish Project:
Grand Central Racquet (#63 from RD Ferman) ?Allows customers to select from a box of grips, vibration stoppers, etc for purchases over $50.?

Toyzam (#131 and #115 submitted by Michael Edwards) ?I was reading post number #115 which mentioned the free batteries with the purchase of any battery operated toy at ToyZam! You missed one other marketing lagniappe / purple goldfish at ToyZam! This awesome store also gives everyone a free coloring book with their purchase as well! When I thanked the cashier and mentioned that I have 3 children, she smiled and handed me TWO MORE free coloring books! What a great experience during the mad holiday shopping season! This store is bright, cheery, colorful, friendly and INSISTS that you go ahead and play with the toys! Awesome experience! [Good article on Toyzam from CNBC. Multiple purple goldfish . . . I'm seeing that as a theme]

cartridge world

Cartridge World (#249. Submitted by EJ Kritz) ?We offer a free delivery service to our business customers during which time plenty of things can happen opening the door for added value. Many of our franchises keep a ?toner vac? in their delivery vehicle. This vacuum is specially designed to handle the fine particles in toner. It?s a HUGE benefit to our customers (as silly and small as it sounds) to bring in the toner vac for a complimentary cleaning of their laser printer before we put in their new cartridge. This service is the printer equivalent of getting a free car wash each time you get a tank of gas? it doesn?t help your car run better but it sure does make you feel good. The second example is something almost universal regardless of which Cartridge World franchise you visit. It?s quite simple actually. Each and every business delivery comes complete with a Tootsie Pop. You see, purchasing our product is all about saving money. However, typically the person saving the money (the business owner) is not the same person taking the delivery (the office manager). This little token makes everyone smile in the middle of a busy day! In fact, many of our owners could even tell you the favorite flavor of pop for each of their top customers. Simple, and yes, sweet.?
michael lynne's tennis shop

Michael Lynne?s Tennis Shop (#245 submitted by Will Prest)
?When you pick up your professionally strung racquet, you get a new can of Penn balls with the Michael Lynne Tennis logo and Name in big letters on it. It is a nice gesture, plus his balls are left all over the clubs around town. Here is the website address: It got me to visit the site and I read a few of the articles on there?they were a nice surprise.? Here is a great article on Michael Lynne Tennis from Racquet Sports Industry.

Warrug (#204 submitted by Kevin Sudeith) ?I?m in the Persian rug biz and ?throwing something in? at payment is a standard practice. Almost any retail rug seller has stories about this practice. In my case I throw in a book I wrote about the rugs I sell.?

great harvest bread company

Great Harvest Bakery (#383 from Nicolas Nelson) ?The Great Harvest Bakery is a relatively small franchise chain of wonderful American-style bakeries that is growing slowly on purpose?they want to make extra sure that every new Great Harvest Bakery is top notch and fully reflects the ethos of the original one. Lagniappe is what Great Harvest Bakery is all about? it comes across in a dozen ways. But the first one any visitor will notice immediately is the free bread tasting every time you come in the door. Yep, everyone who even stops by gets a free slice of their choice of the day?s fresh-baked bread. A generous free slice. Whether or not you buy something. Whether or not you even stay in the bakery after you take their bread. Whether or not you say thank you. Free bread, every visit! Of course, there?s a catch: the bread is unbelievably good. That free slice of bread will convince you to buy a whole loaf. We do, almost every week. The panini sandwiches are pretty amazing too, by the way (but not free).?
Skooba Design (#389 from an article in BNET) ?All of my employees have a free rein when it comes to helping customers. If they want to give an unhappy customer something for free-a free upgrade to overnight shipping, a complimentary camera strap-I say, do it. It?s not going to put us out of business. If making a person happy is going to cost more than $100, the employee needs to run it by me. But up to that amount, they can do whatever it takes to make the customer happy.?
peter millar

Peter Millar (#446. From Joe Bob Hester of the University of North Carolina, taken from an article by the News Observer) ?They remember the mints. When boxes of golf shirts and shorts and other high-end menswear are shipped from the Peter Millar office and warehouse, the packing list includes mints. When customers unpack their orders, they are struck by three things: The quality of what they?ve ordered; each item comes out of the box in the order it?s listed on the packing sheet; and, mints are included for the pleasure of it. It?s a little thing, but this year when a few boxes arrived short of mints (they ran out briefly), phone calls started coming.?
See?s Candy (#417 from Sydney Reiner) ?See?s candy always gives you a free piece of chocolate when you come into the store.?

Artuso?s Bakery (#529 submitted by Kevin Sheehan) ?Artuso?s Bakery in the Bronx has been on the Purple Goldfish bandwagon for decades. There are many times when you go in and out of the blue, you?ll get a free cookie or pastry or even a whole cake if it?s near the end of the day. The owner, who passed away recently, loved kids and equally loved giving them a little treat from time to time. The best part was, this wasn?t something that happened every time, so it didn?t become just another thing that you expected to get.?

Market Basket Supermarket (#519 from Ann-Marie Lavoie) ?I?d like to add, Market Basket Supermarket to the Purple Goldfish. They always have complimentary coffee, regular and decaf, avalible to customers while they shop. They also have free cookies for the kids at the bakery.

White House Custom Colors (#637) Taken from a tweet by Jinxed Studios @jinxedstudios ?@9INCHmarketing I got a Tootsie Roll Pop with my prints from White House Custom Colors last week- does that count? It made me smile!?


Mitchell?s #805. Taken from a tweet by Annette Franz @annettefranz. Taken from 1to1 media?s post:

When was the last time you personally thanked a customer? Sent a hand-written note? Last year Jack Mitchell wrote 1,793 personal notes to customers of his retail stores. That?s about five notes a day, every day.


Zane?s #849. comes from Chris Zane and his book ?Reinventing the Wheel?
The One Dollar Rule ? Zane?s doesn?t charge for any parts that cost them one dollar or less. Need a master link for your chain, its on the house. In fact they typically will throw in an extra master link for lagniappe. #854. Test Rides ? Want to test a bike at Zane?s? You?re free to take it out for a ride. No credit card or drivers license required. Each year they lose a handful of bikes, but the small cost is insignificant compared to the trust gained and hassle avoided.

Gigi?s Cupcakes #886 was submitted by Hank Blank:

Gigi?s Cupcakes makes some unbelievable cupcakes. Their purple goldfish includes giving you a dozen cupcakes for the price of 11.
And that?s pretty cool. But they recently provided me with a PURPLE WHALE sized goldfish.
I had ordered, and pre-paid, 60 cupcakes for my wife?s birthday party. When I arrived to get them, there were no cupcakes. The order had been misplaced. The clerk quickly got the owner on the phone.
He immediately:
1. Gave me a full refund for the 60 cupcakes (no small expense for a small store).
2. Gave me 60 cupcakes based on what was in stock (some that had been on my list, some that had not).
We were a little disappointed because some of our favorites were not available, but the cupcakes were a big hit at the party.
A prompt, painless resolution to an unfortunate situation. But it doesn?t end there.
Early the next week, I got a call from the owner, checking to see if the cupcakes for the party ended up working out. He then asked for my wife?s name and promptly sent her a gift certificate for a dozen more cupcakes!
I never raised my voice (sometimes its the squeeky wheel that gets the grease), and this small business owner not only did the right thing?he went above and beyond.
I will now (and am doing so here) recommend Gigi?s Cupcakes to anyone and everyone. Give them a shot?they are amazing.

La Senza #898 in the Project is taken from a blog post by Jon Hammond:
In Jon?s words:

In the Gulf Coast area of the United States especially around Louisiana, they have a tradition that has been around for hundreds of years. A ?Lagniappe? is a small unexpected gift added to a purchase in a gracious gesture that creates both warmth and surprise.
I have recently been reading Theo Paphitis?s book, ?Enter the Dragon? where he describes one of the key elements of La Senza?s (a lingerie retailer in the UK) success being down to the way purchases were treated. They didn?t just throw it into a bag. The item would be carefully wrapped in tissue, some beads added, then beautifully boxed and tied with a ribbon.
To me this is an excellent example of ?Lagniappe? in action.
OK, it no doubt costs a little more in packaging and time, but when you think about the benefits of how the customer feels when they walk out with something precious, it makes sound business sense.

reynolds farms

Reynolds Farms #910 Started in 1959, Reynolds Farms Nursery and Country Garden Center is based in Norwalk, CT. At Reynolds you?ll find ideas for every lawn and garden challenge plus d?cor.
I headed to Reynolds after a major #FAIL at Home Depot (it?s fall in Connecticut . . . who doesn?t carry lime for lawns). Separated by less than a mere kilometer, Reynolds is miles apart from the Depot in the realm of customer experience. Before walking into the nursery, me and my two boys (4 and 5) encountered a goldfish pond. One of the associates came out and asked Thomas and James if they?d like to feed the fish. While the boys were feeding the fish the staff helped me locate the appropriate sized bag of lime. Upon checking out I noticed a ?spin to win? wheel. The staff said that every order is entitled to a spin. They were gracious to allow both of the boys to have a spin. 0 for 2 unfortunately, but the staff offered the boys each a lollipop. Strong move.
Green Mountain Shoe Store #987 was submitted by Todd Adams:
With every purchase you get to draw a ticket out of a bowl with a discount between 5%- 50% off! Of course most of them are 5% but it?s a great way to get customers excited and coming back!

summit bicycles burlingame

Summit Bicycles #999. Submitted via e-mail by Bob Thompson:
I just visited Summit Bicycles in Burlingame and chatted with ?Chris? who has been there many years now.
Chris is a good story all by himself. He started as a bicycle mechanic and learned the business from the ground up. Now he spends most of his time out on the floor helping customers. And he?s great. Very knowledgeable about bikes and approachable.
I confirmed they still give that free tune-up with all new bikes. If this service is purchased separately, it would cost $90. And it?s not just one tune-up a year. Bring your bike in as much as you like, there?s no limit!
How do they justify all this free labor? It keeps customers coming back, and provides some differentiation from Internet sellers competing only on price. Also, some tune-up customers end up buying parts if needed for repairs (the tune-up includes just service), or other accessories.
I bought my current bike a few years ago and it?s still in good shape thanks to Summit?s service. Every year in the spring I dust off the cobwebs and take it in for a tune-up. And usually end up buying a few other things too.
Next time I?m in the market for a new bike, I?ll buy it at Summit because they do more than just sell the bike. The free tune-up has both a real value ($90 x several years) to me, and is good business for Summit, too.
Today?s Lagniappe (a little something extra thrown in for good measure) ? A great video by Inc. Magazine on Zane?s Cycles:

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Commercial space race gets crowded behind SpaceX

FILE - In this Tuesday, May 22, 2012 file photo, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from space launch complex 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The privately built space capsule that's zipping its way to the International Space Station has also launched something else: A new for-profit space race. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

FILE - In this Tuesday, May 22, 2012 file photo, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from space launch complex 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The privately built space capsule that's zipping its way to the International Space Station has also launched something else: A new for-profit space race. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A privately built space capsule that's zipping its way to the International Space Station has also launched something else: A new for-profit space race.

The capsule called Dragon was due to arrive near the space station for tests early Thursday and dock on Friday with its load of supplies. Space Exploration Technologies Corp. ? run by PayPal co-founder Elon Musk ? was hired by NASA to deliver cargo and eventually astronauts to the orbital outpost.

And the space agency is hiring others, too.

Several firms think they can make money in space and are close enough to Musk's company to practically surf in his spaceship's rocket-fueled wake. There are now more companies looking to make money in orbit ? at least eight ? than major U.S. airlines still flying.

Private space companies have talked for years about ferrying goods and astronauts for NASA, but this is the first time one is actually in orbit and about to make a delivery for the space agency.

"Dragon is not the only entrant in commercial cargo," said Jeff Greason, president of XCOR Aerospace, which specializes in the also busy suborbital marketplace. "They have competitors nipping at their heels."

Still, Dragon's launch is "the spark that will ignite a flourishing commercial spaceflight marketplace," said Michael Lopez-Alegria, the president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation and a former astronaut.

Hiring Musk's SpaceX and other private companies is a key part of NASA's plan to shift focus. Instead of routine flights to the space station with the now retired space shuttles, NASA is aiming further out to places like asteroids and Mars. After this test flight, SpaceX has a contract with NASA for a dozen delivery runs.

The idea is to "let private industry do what it does best and let NASA tackle the challenging task of pushing the boundary further," NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said last week.

NASA has given seed money and contracts to several companies to push them on their way. But eventually, space missions could launch, dock to a private space station or hotel and return to Earth and not have anything to do with NASA or any other country's space agency.

Earlier this month, the Hawthorne, Calif.-based SpaceX signed an agreement with Bigelow Aerospace of Nevada which is designing inflatable space stations for research and maybe even tourists. SpaceX and other companies will provide the transportation ? like airlines ? and Bigelow the place to stay. There are already eight different licensed spaceports in the U.S. where companies can launch from and most of them have no connection to NASA.

Another space launch-and-tourism company, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is working separately from NASA and the space station.

If NASA isn't involved, there is one federal agency that is. The Federal Aviation Administration has a commercial space office that licenses private space missions and works with NASA to set safety standards.

An update on some of the closest competitors to SpaceX:

? Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va., is in the cargo-only business, but it is closest to launch. It has a NASA contract for $1.9 billion for eight cargo flights to the space station once its rockets succeed. The early versions of its Antares rocket and Cygnus spaceship are already built, but the company is waiting for its launch pad to be finished at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. A stay-on-the-ground test is aimed for late July, a launch test in the fall and trial run to the space station around November, said spokesman Barron Beneski.

? Alliant Techsystems, headquartered in Arlington, Va., isn't funded by NASA's commercial space program, but has developed the Liberty rocket and passenger spacecraft system. Most of the rocketry and capsule systems have been tested. A key structural test of the rocket's second stage is scheduled for early July, with the first unmanned test flight in 2014. Tests with a private crew aboard would be in 2015 and it would be ready to ferry NASA material and astronauts in 2016, according to Kent Rominger, a former astronaut and Liberty's program manager.

? Boeing Co. of Chicago has nearly $113 million in NASA commercial crew funding and just finished its second parachute drop test in the Nevada desert. It has completed 46 of 52 milestones needed before flights, spokeswoman Susan Wells said. A landing airbag test is targeted for the fall. The Boeing space capsule, called a CST-100, will carry astronauts and cargo with three test launches aimed for 2015 and 2016, the last one with a crew on board.

? The Sierra Nevada Corp. of Sparks, Nev., with nearly $106 million from NASA, is building a mini-shuttle crew vehicle called Dream Chaser with a first flight targeted for 2016 or possibly 2017. The company this year finished landing gear tests and has a full-scale ship for flight testing attached to a helicopter this fall in California.

? The most secretive of the companies, Blue Origin of Kent, Wash., is run by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and has received $22 million from NASA. Its crew and cargo vehicle, called New Shepard, would also take tourists to suborbit. Its shell passed wind tunnel tests and its engines are now being test fired at NASA's Stennis Space Center.



NASA commercial program:


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Associated Press

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Are Business Cards Obsolete? | Business Direct Marketing Blog

It seems that most business today is conducted digitally. In fact, small businesses are emphasizing online marketing at a rapidly increasing rate. However, despite all the benefits that technology solutions provide to emerging companies, there still is no substitute for doing business face-to-face. And for many service professionals, including those in HVAC, business cards are instrumental in promoting their companies.

Business cards are an excellent choice for service-based companies for several reasons. Their small size is conducive for easy distribution on work sites. They can include all kinds of contact information. Perhaps most importantly, they serve as a concrete reminder of the service they offer to their customers. Likewise, the customers have a handy resource they can use for future reference.

Oftentimes business cards are the first printed material someone receives from your company. As with any collateral, a unique business card will be more memorable than a standard, white one. Your business cards should match your brand, using consistent colors and logos. ?Some tips for making your business card stand out from the rest:

  • Layout.?Try a portrait layout instead of the standard landscape layout.
  • Two-sided.?Business cards have two sides, and there?s no reason why one side has to be blank. Include additional information about your company?s services, mission or a special offer on the reverse.
  • Folded. Making your business card a folded piece provides a blank slate on the interior for notes. ?A folded card will also stand out by standing up on a prospect?s desk.
  • Materials.?Papers can be plain or textured, glossy or matte. Or use materials other than paper, such as metal and magnets, to really make your card unique.

In terms of content, there are many ways that you can individualize your business cards. Contact information, such as your company?s physical address and website, is a necessity. Including?social media?icons is a great way to?cross-promote?your company. Adding a headshot lends them an extra personalized touch. However, be cautious with the amount of information you include; too much may require a tiny font and appear cluttered.

Even with the move to digital communications, business cards are here to stay. Making your business cards unique and informative will ensure that they are kept ? instead of being placed in the trash.?Promote yourself and a clear message and your business cards may just become one of the most effective marketing pieces in your?toolbox.

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Mars rover catches its own shadow

NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell / ASU

NASA's Opportunity rover catches its own late-afternoon shadow in a view looking eastward across Endeavour Crater on Mars. Endeavour measures 14 miles across, encompassing a crater with about as much area as the city of Seattle. The colors in this picture have been tweaked to exaggerate surface differences.

By Alan Boyle

NASA's Opportunity rover can't really take a full-frontal picture of itself on Mars, but catching its own shadow on camera is the next best thing. And if you can get a breathtaking view of Endeavour Crater in the background, so much the better.

This view combines about a dozen separate images taken by Opportunity's panoramic camera in early March, while the rover was biding its time on Endeavour's western rim. At the time, the solar-powered rover was in stationary, low-energy mode due to the Martian winter. But since the images for this mosaic were collected, Opportunity has resumed its drive and is currently investigating a patch of windblown Martian dust nearby.

Eventually, Opportunity will head for a spot known as Cape Tribulation to look for special types of clay minerals known as phyllosilicates. If such minerals are found, studying the deposits could provide fresh insights into the role that water played in Mars' ancient past.

The picture reflects the scene at 4:30 to 5 p.m. on a Martian afternoon, with the colors enhanced to exaggerate differences in surface composition. That's why the far reaches of Endeavour Crater's basin have a bluish tinge. In natural color, the vista would have a more uniform reddish tone.

And while we're on the subject of color, check out the knobby protuberance at lower left. That's the rover's sundial. The device isn't used so much to tell the time as to calibrate the panoramic camera's color balance. Patches of color and circles of grayscale help the rover operators back on Earth figure out how to match the colors to what the eye would see. Unfortunately, the color-calibrating "Marsdial" isn't as helpful as it might be, because it's covered with reddish dust?? like the rest of the solar panels in the foreground.

To find out what the Marsdial looks like when it's cleaned up, and to get a better sense of how it's used, check out this explanation from Cornell University's Athena team.

NASA sent Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, to opposite sides of Mars in January 2004, with the expectation that their missions would last for 90 days. Both rovers were crazy overachievers, and although Spirit gave up the ghost a year or two ago, Opportunity is still going strong. Soon it will no longer be alone: In August, NASA's Curiosity rover is due to be dropped onto the Martian surface for at least a couple of years of work on the Red Planet.

More about Mars:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the?Cosmic Log?community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?or adding?Cosmic Log's Google+ page?to your circle. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for other worlds.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Organizers: Don't mess with the Olympic brand

LONDON (AP) ? One day, the small espresso shop near the site of the London Games was the "Olympic" cafe. The next day, it was the "Lympic."

So where did the "O'' go?

The manager won't say. But it's more than likely the small business became another casualty in the battle against guerrilla marketers ? advertisers who try to associate their products with an event without paying to be sponsors.

Protecting the Olympic brand is always a big job, and never more so than this year. Olympic organizers say the increasing sophistication of guerrilla marketers and the rise of social media are putting the five rings under assault in ways barely envisioned a decade ago.

That means action against anyone who infringes the Olympic brand or sponsors' deals ? no matter how small.

"There's no question that the rings are instantly recognizable ? it's what makes it attractive," said Stephen Greyser, an emeritus professor at Harvard Business School.

He compared the efforts by non-sponsors to athletes trying to find loopholes in the rules against performance-enhancing drugs.

"It becomes an industry," he said.

The International Olympic Committee and London organizers raised more than $2.4 billion from the sale of marketing rights in the four years through the 2008 games in Beijing, providing more than 44 percent of their funding during the period.

The rings are among the world's most recognized symbols. Companies like McDonald's, Coca-Cola and Samsung, which pay as much as $100 million each to be official sponsors during each Olympic cycle, expect organizers to protect their rights.

They expect organizers to protect their rights. If others can use the rings and the name "Olympic," why should the big companies pay so much money?

"Without our sponsors, the games simply wouldn't happen," London organizers said in a statement. "They provide funding, products, services and expertise to help us stage the games and with that have purchased exclusivity in their sector."

British lawmakers did their part, passing a law ? described as draconian by critics ? that gives organizers the power to bar companies from using Olympic trademarks and even certain combinations of words ? such as "London 2012" ? that may infringe on the rights of sponsors.

"Where there are serious or deliberate attempts to ambush the Games ... we will take swift and firm action," London organizers added.

But if the crackdown on guerrilla marketers goes too far, it could anger those attending the games or going about their business in London. Organizers will find it hard to tell people they can't wear their Nike T-shirt into Olympic Stadium because adidas is the sportswear partner.

"It's fine to clamp down on the threat, but where it impacts the individual, it's going to be very difficult for (London organizers) to get it right," said Hugh Tebay, a partner at Sipara, a British law firm that specializes in trademark and branding. "If public reaction is too strong, they'll have to backtrack."

Such worries played out during another big international event, the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. The Bavaria brewing company outfitted some 30 Dutch women in mini-dresses in its eye-popping trademark orange for the Netherlands' opening game against Denmark. When the ringleaders were caught and authorities in Johannesburg threatened jail, Bavaria agreed to refrain from future marketing ambushes until 2022.

Four years earlier at the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the brewery gave fans orange lederhosen. Guards confiscated the Alpine-inspired pants, forcing hundreds of fans to watch a match in their underwear.

Then there are the infamous cases, such as in 1992, when non-sponsor Nike held news conferences with members of the U.S. basketball team. Michael Jordan, who had an endorsement deal with Nike, accepted his gold medal while covering up the logo of the team's official sponsor, Reebok.

Some companies are already flying close to the sun in London.

The British company Virgin, whose interests include airlines, broadband service and holiday travel, has an ad featuring Jamaican gold medal winner Usain Bolt sporting a silver goatee identical to that of company founder Richard Branson. The campaign pushes Virgin's "super fast" broadband service, skirting the rights of BT, the games' official broadband provider.

Why do otherwise upstanding companies press to see just how far they can push the rules? It's because marketers lie awake at night hoping to link their brand to athletes overcoming all odds to win before a global audience.

The Summer Olympics are valuable because they occur so infrequently ? once every four years ? and the competition includes virtually every country on the planet. Although soccer's World Cup is similar in terms of national fervor, it goes on for longer, diluting its appeal, and it is less popular in that market of markets, the United States, Greyser said.

Unlike a typical sporting event, which attracts mostly men, the Olympics draws in both men and women.

And then there's social media. While Olympic officials previously only had to worry about ads and billboards, now they must also police Facebook, Twitter and blogs. And not just by companies, but by fans and athletes.

Athletes have all sorts of personal endorsement deals, creating more headaches for Olympics organizers. During the games, athletes will be barred from tweeting about sponsors. If they prefer Pepsi to Coke, they had better not say so, at least not in their Twitter feed, according to IOC rules.

It's not clear what would really happen if an athlete as famous as Bolt were to violate those rules. Organizers say they will take a pragmatic approach and that most cases will be dealt with "in an amicable way."

Still, it's a little sad to go by 61 West Ham Lane and see the maroon sign with the "O'' rubbed out.

"We really did put the pressure on," said regulator Steve Miller, who heads a body to standardize local regulations. The group has since stepped away from the branding business.

Cafe workers say the "O'' vanished after they became tired of talking to reporters. But even Miller confessed to being somewhat startled, having wandered by one day to see it missing.

"I thought it had fallen off," he said.

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