Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shelly's Health and Fitness Corner: Supplementing With More Than ...

This week I want to take the time and touch bases on using supplements and do we really need them. Most Americans diets lack vital nutrients that they need on a daily bases to help maintain homeostasis. People who are on diets, not sleeping or always rushed and on the go need extra micronutrients. For example, when we look at dieting, calories are being restricted. This means the individual is not getting enough vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, legumes are being restricted or replaced by less nutritious foods such as 100-calorie cookies, chips or other snack food items. These foods lack in vitamins and minerals that your body needs. And for those who do eat a fair amount of fruits and veggies, they still may not be getting the amounts their bodies need. In fact, some fresh fruits and veggies that we buy in the stores lack in nutrition. Why? Because when they are shipped or have traveled over many miles they begin to loose nutritional value by a processes known as oxidation. In addition, these foods are grown in polluted soil or soil that has been over used by mass production. Also our plant sources of food are being nourished by an environment where the air is polluted. In turn, this poses a threat to our health. For instance, when plants are grown in parts where the air quality is poor, the plant absorbs these toxins, which now become a part of the food we eat. The outcome is more Americans are suffering from nutritional deficiencies and illnesses. It's best to buy local and organic produce when possible to get the most nutrition.

There is no doubt in my mind that stress dominates our daily lives resulting in a greater need for B vitamins, zinc, iron and copper. These micronutrients play a role in our bodies assisting with metabolizing energy and more. The demands on our bodies become so great and yet we don?t give it the nourishment it needs to work at peak performance. Our bodies have a way of letting us know when trouble is present. This can vary from inflammation, lack of sleep, illness etc?In my opinion, everyone should be supplementing. The question is, with what? A multiple vitamin should be apart of everyone?s nutritional program and it essential that it?s food based. Food based is a form that the body can recognize and utilize best. Most supplements found in some mass-market stores such as Costco or Sam?s may contain synthetic ingredients that the body cannot fully utilize and can cause nausea. Vitamins should be taken with food particularly fat-soluble vitamins E, D, A and K. I highly recommend Rainbow Light, not because I work for a broker who represents their product but because I?ve used their products myself and feel the difference. Rainbow Light has been around for many years and I remember when I use to work for Clark?s Nutritional Centers I was impressed by the quality and their need to meet the consumer?s demands based on their health needs. They also have a strong conviction of doing what?s right for the planet and giving back to those in need. Rainbow Light has program called Vitamin Angel's and they donate 1 bottle of prenatal vitamins to third world countries for every 10 bottles sold. Rainbow Light has specific multivitamins, minerals, dietary supplements and more. To learn more about their supplement line you can visit their website at . You can also purchase their products through your local health food store. I recommend Clark?s Nutritional Centers because the staff is trained and very knowledgeable. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

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