Monday, March 5, 2012

Celebrate National Nutrition Month with a fun, healthy new lifestyle ...

You are about to discover that ?nutrition? does not have to be boring. ?In fact, with all of the research being done in this vital area of good health, there has never been a more exciting time to trade in your old eating habits for a healthy and delicious new lifestyle.

March is National Nutrition Month, and as with all ?national? monthly focuses, the goal is to create more awareness on topics and issues that effect our overall wellbeing as a nation. ?With the most eaten vegetable in America being the ?potato?- in the form of french fries no less, having a month dedicated to proper nutrition is an important move to promote ways we all can improve our food choices.

So what is considered proper nutrition anyway? ?To really do this ?healthy living? thing right, healthy eating habits go hand in hand with the benefits and enjoyment you will receive when living an overall healthy lifestyle. ?Exclusive to, below are my Top 7 Keys to Living HEALTHY Today:


Healthy Eating doesn?t have to be boring.? Infuse fun into your meals by including more whole foods in their most natural form.? Eliminate processed and packaged foods that can contain extra salt, fat, and calories.? Experiment with fresh herbs and spices that add flavor and health benefits in a natural and delicious manner.

Exercise Daily.? Try a fun new sport.? Take a walk, hike or bike, as the clich? goes ?just do it? everyday for better health.? Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day can have a positive effect on one?s health and wellbeing.

Attitude Adjustment ? By improve your outlook on life you will naturally be a happier person overall.?? There are also proven health benefits associated with ?laughter.?? Take in a good comedy, chat it up with your friends, and when it?s practical and possible, try not to take yourself and the sometimes not so pleasant things life dishes out so seriously.

Lifestyle Changes ? It has been proven that when it comes to proper nutrition and healthy living, small changes reap big rewards.? By starting small and work up to larger commitments you will have more success in making lifestyle changes that will improve your overall healthy and wellbeing.

Time Management.? One of the best things you can do to insure you and your family eat healthier is to plan ahead.? Accomplish this by planning and shopping for your healthy meals for the week, and prepping your weekly veggies, protein sources, and snacks.? This way, you will never run out of healthy options to turn to when hunger strikes.? Timing when you eat to be every 3- 4 hours can also keep your blood sugar levels stable, and eliminate the urge to eat everything in sight when you have gone too long without eating.

Heart Health? Watch your sodium intake, which when too high, can effect your blood pressure. ?Your heart also needs exercise every day to keep it running at peak performance. Limiting your consumption of fatty meats and sugary treats will also aid in heart health.? If you do eat red meat, try to limit it to about once a month.? Adding more wild caught fresh fish is also advisable for an overall healthier life. ??Drinking red wine in moderation and/or consuming red grape products has been shown to have heart health benefits.

You Time. Carve out some time everyday to relax, meditate, or just do whatever it is that makes you feel good.? Find time every day to practice relaxation techniques to de-stress.? Stress has been known to be an underlying cause of many diseases and even certain cancers.? You owe it to yourself to take care of you.? After all, if you don?t take good care of yourself?who will?

Aprilanne Hurley SFN, Nutrition Examiner

About the Author:

San Francisco Nutrition Examiner Aprilanne Hurley SFN is a Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Author of The Party Girl Diet, and Health Expert for California Living TV, the Bay Area?s original lifestyle show featuring California?s trends in food, travel, and healthy living.

One-line Bio ~ Serving up the latest health and fitness research?with a twist!

Aprilanne Hurley has recently appeared live on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX Networks to discuss The Party Girl Diet?s revolutionary new diet & lifestyle that lets you ?Lose Weight While You are Having the Time of Your Life!? Working as a producer and host in the television industry for over 10 years, Hurley is a trailblazer in delivering entertaining ?healthy living? content primetime ? to millions of television viewing households.

San Francisco Nutrition Examiner Aprilanne Hurley is a registered Natural Foods Chef with The First Lady?s?Chef?s Moves to Schools Program, an initiative under The First Lady?s LetsMove! Campaign. ?Hurley has created an interactive, action based learning curriculum to teach the ?Health Benefits of Cooking with Fresh, Local Ingredients.? ?You can read more about Hurley?s Nutrition Programs including her work with at-risk mothers and children on the Island of Oahu on



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